Seven Sins System

Chapter 244: Misunderstanding

Seven Sins System Chapter 244. Misunderstanding

"Great. Since it's all settled, then---" I waved my hand dismissively, signaling for Asmo to leave my bathroom. I needed some alone time, and his constant presence was beginning to grate on my nerves.

But true to his nature, Asmo wasn't one to back down easily. His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he made his request. "I want my present now," he insisted, his voice dripping with impatience.

I let out an exasperated sigh, feeling the weight of annoyance settling on my shoulders. "Your birthday hasn't even arrived yet," I reminded him, my tone laced with frustration. It seemed that his eagerness to receive a gift had clouded his sense of time and reason.

He gave me a pleading look, his eyes wide and filled with a hint of desperation. "Please. I need this. I want to brag about it to Luci," he begged, mentioning the name of the lord of pride. Luci, the embodiment of vanity and self-importance.

Once again, my gaze met his, and I held it with a stoic expression. I contemplated his request for a few moments, weighing the potential benefits against the inconvenience of indulging his whims. It was a risky gamble, but perhaps giving Asmo his present early would bring a brief respite and a momentary peace of mind during my much-needed bath.

I let out a resigned sigh, conceding to his relentless persistence. "Fine," I relented, my voice laced with a mix of annoyance and resignation. "You can find it on my bedside table."

Asmo's eyes lit up with excitement, his expression shifting from pleading to elation in an instant. "Thanks!" With a flicker of dark energy, he activated his teleportation skill, transforming into a swirling aura of shadows that dissipated into thin air. In the blink of an eye, he vanished from the room, leaving me in solitude once again.

At last, I could relax again, sinking into the warm embrace of the luxurious bath. The water caressed my weary body, easing away the tension and weariness that clung to me.

As I reclined in the soothing water, my mind began to wander. A question nagged at the back of my mind, fueled by curiosity and a desire to understand the extent of my father's manipulations. Did he erase Asmo's memory of our conversation in the mortal realm? It was a puzzle I couldn't quite solve at that moment, and I decided to set it aside for the time being. There would be a time and place to unravel the secrets that lay hidden within my father's machinations.

Lost in my thoughts, I was suddenly jolted back to reality by the sound of a familiar voice echoing through the chamber. "Your Highness, may I come in?" The voice, delicate and melodious, belonged to Ivy.

I snorted indignantly, my annoyance mounting. "Go away, Asmo," I retorted, convinced that he was trying to pull off another one of his mischievous disguises. Asmo always had a knack for playing pranks and assuming different identities. It had become a game between us, a constant battle of wits and illusions. Double prank wasn't a foreign thing for him.

"It's me, Your Highness. I'm not Lord Asmo," Ivy responded, and I felt a flicker of surprise in my gut. The voice that reached my ears was undeniably Ivy's, but a part of me remained skeptical, especially after what happened earlier.

I rolled my eyes in exasperation, glancing toward the source of the voice, the door. "Nice try, Asmo," I scoffed, my tone laced with irritation. "Just take your present and go away from my room," I retorted. The last thing I needed was another one of Asmo's pranks disrupting my rare moment of solitude.

There was a brief pause, and then Ivy's voice spoke again, carrying a trace of hurt in its soft timbre. "Your Highness, it's truly me, Ivy," she pleaded, her words filled with sincerity.

But I didn't answer. Instead, I remained silent, my skepticism keeping me from acknowledging Ivy's plea. The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the steady flow of water from the bath. However, amidst the stillness, a new sound emerged—a soft, muffled sobbing that grew louder with each passing moment.

I narrowed my eyes, my suspicion deepening. I was certain that this was just another one of Asmo's ploys, another attempt to deceive me with his acting skills. He had a habit of creating elaborate illusions, manipulating emotions and situations to his advantage. This wouldn't be the first time he had tried to dupe me, and I was determined not to fall for his tricks again.

With a resigned sigh, I decided to put an end to this charade. I used my teleportation skill and in an instant, materialized in front of the bathroom door. "Stop your act, Asmo—" I began, only to have my words caught in my throat. The sight before me rendered me speechless.

It wasn't Asmo who stood before me, pretending to cry. It was Ivy, her tear-stained face and quivering form betraying the raw emotions she was experiencing. The realization hit me like a wave, washing away my skepticism and replacing it with concern.

Her tears flowed freely, and between choked sobs, she managed to utter, "It's not... an act, Your Highness. Don't you want me anymore? Are you tired of me already?" Her voice quivered, a mix of hurt and pleading intertwining within her words.

Without hesitation, I closed the gap and enveloped her in a tight embrace. My arms encircled her trembling form, offering solace and reassurance.

"It was a mistake, Ivy," I whispered, my voice laced with regret. "I didn't mean it. I thought you were Asmo, playing another one of his pranks, trying to bother me." I pressed my cheek against her hair, inhaling the scent of her, hoping to convey my sincerity through the simple act of holding her.

She clung to me. "It's okay, Your Highness," she stuttered between hiccups. "You just returned. I just wanted to be here for you, to serve you. But sometimes... sometimes it feels like I'm not enough."

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