Seven Sins System

Chapter 240: The Devil King's Manipulation

Seven Sins System Chapter 240. The Devil King's Manipulation

Dad maintained his focused gaze on me, his eyes unwavering. "You will find out the truth soon enough, Azrael," he reiterated, his voice resonating with an unyielding determination. "And this... will remain a secret between you and me," he declared, his words laced with a sense of grave responsibility.

Lily couldn't contain her frustration and voiced her complaint. "So, you mean you won't tell us?" she exclaimed, her tone tinged with a mix of disappointment and confusion.

Without missing a beat, Dad snapped his fingers, and a surge of his formidable demonic power rippled through the room. In an instant, a peculiar stillness settled over everyone present. Their expressions turned vacant, their eyes devoid of awareness. It was as if time itself had frozen, except for me and my father. This was his mastery over high-level manipulation, the ability to manipulate memories and halt the flow of time. I had witnessed him employ this power countless times in battles against our enemies, but seeing it used on our allies and family made me dumbfounded.

I locked eyes with my father, struggling to comprehend his actions. "Dad," I whispered, a mixture of disbelief and concern coloring my voice. It was as if a chasm had opened up between us, and I couldn't fathom his reasoning behind such secrecy.

My mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. His eyes bore into mine, brimming with bitterness and hidden sorrow. "I can't let them know, Azrael. No one should know," he emphasized, his words carrying the weight of his conviction. The gravity of the situation was palpable, and I could sense the depths of his desperation. "I have to do this to protect you and this realm. I have no other choice," he explained, his voice laced with a mixture of pain and resolve.

I couldn't ignore the intense curiosity gnawing at me, consuming my thoughts. The questions burned within me, demanding answers. "Why, Dad? What did I do? What are you hiding from me?" I pressed, my voice firm and determined. I needed to understand the truth, to unravel the secrets he held close.

He sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping under the weight of his burdens. The lines on his face etched deeper, reflecting the struggles he bore. "Just remember, Azrael," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Whatever happens in that trial, you must return. No matter what obstacles you face, you have to rise again." His words carried a solemnity that echoed in the air. "But when that time comes, when you discover the truth, I want you to forgive me. It's a request born out of necessity, because, my son, I truly have no other choice," he concluded, his voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and regret.

"What did you do...?" I muttered, the words slipping from my lips in a hushed breath. The weight of his request settled heavily upon me, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within my chest. My heart pounded in my ears, its rhythm a testament to the gravity of the situation. This was different. This was significant. It was the first time he had ever asked for my forgiveness, and I knew deep down that whatever he was hiding held immense importance.

Dad's eyes met mine, his gaze filled with a bittersweet mix of regret and longing. A wistful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "You will find out soon enough, Azrael," he replied, his voice soft and laden with unspoken truths. It was a statement that left me hanging, teetering on the precipice of anticipation and uncertainty. The thought of unraveling the mysteries that shrouded my existence sent shivers down my spine.

His words echoed in my mind as I absorbed their weight. "Just remember what I said," he urged, his voice tinged with an uncharacteristic vulnerability. It was a request that bore a sense of urgency, a plea for understanding. "Keep this a secret from the others. As I said before, no one should know about this except you and me," he confessed, his tone laden with a mixture of caution and protectiveness.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I grappled with the weight of his words. The temptation to pry, to unearth the truth that lay dormant within me, gnawed at my insides. But I knew that patience was necessary, that the answers I sought would reveal themselves in due time. I nodded solemnly, my resolve firm despite the curiosity that threatened to consume me. "Fine," I acquiesced, my voice laced with a mixture of acceptance and trepidation.

After the room returned to its normal state and the effects of Dad's manipulation wore off, everyone seemed strangely at ease, their previous curiosity replaced with a casual nonchalance. It was as if the weight of the conversation had dissipated, and they were content to let the topic slide.

Lily mustered up the courage to speak. "Uh... Um," she stuttered, struggling to recall her initial train of thought. "So, what's your plan to face Puriel?" Her voice carried a casual air, but I could sense the underlying confusion that lingered within her. Despite not fully understanding the gravity of the situation, she couldn't resist seeking answers.

With a shrug, I responded in a similarly nonchalant manner, masking the turmoil that churned within me. "We'll see about that later," I replied, feigning a sense of calm that I didn't truly feel.

"So, back to the underground cult," Dad interjected, diverting the conversation's course. It was a blatant attempt to redirect the focus away from the unsettling display of his memory manipulation. Though I couldn't fathom the connection between the cult and our discussion, it was clear that he wanted to steer the narrative in a different direction.

I nodded in response, trying to maintain a semblance of composure despite the swirling thoughts in my mind. "Yeah, I'll do my best to investigate them once I return to the mortal realm," I affirmed. The weight of the upcoming trials loomed large in my thoughts, overshadowing any other concerns. It was as if the trials were an impending storm, and I was bracing myself for the impact.

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