Seven Sins System Chapter 237. Evidences

I cleared my throat, eager to refocus our attention on the matter at hand. "Alright, let's get back to the mission," I began, my tone filled with a sense of determination. I used my telekinesis abilities, channeling my invisible power to retrieve the summoning board from its resting place. With a flick of my index finger, the board levitated and floated before us, its ancient symbols and markings glistening in the dim light.

"This right here," I continued, pointing at the intricate carvings etched onto the surface of the board, " It writes about the ancient one and it refers to me," I glanced at my father, hoping for some guidance or insight, but his face remained inscrutable, his expression unreadable.

"Well, you already mentioned it before. Is there anything else?" he said simply.

I put down the board and opened my palm, a surge of dark aura swirled around me, materializing into a large oval mirror. This was my Transfer skill at work. In this realm, it allowed me to create a portal-like mirror, similar to a modern TV screen.

The mirror flickered to life, displaying a scene that was both eerie and captivating. It showed the intense battle I had fought with Gem. As the mirror captured the transformation, Gem's form contorted and twisted into a nightmarish manifestation of demonic power.

Pointing at the mirror, I explained the connection between the underground cult and the dark crystals. "This right here," I began, my voice laced with a mix of concern and determination, "is evidence of an underground cult operating within the mortal realm. They possess the ability to create these dark crystals, which hold potent demonic energy. When infused into a mortal, they grant extraordinary strength and can even transform them into full-fledged demons."

I scanned their faces, hoping to gauge their reactions. Ivy's eyes widened with a mix of astonishment and intrigue. As for my father, his expression remained unreadable, his thoughts hidden behind a veil of stoicism.

"It's no wonder the angels accused us," Ivy chimed in, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and anger. "These cultists have been masquerading as demons and wreaking havoc in the mortal realm, tarnishing our reputation in the process."

I nodded, grateful for Ivy's astute observation. "Precisely," I affirmed. "Their actions have painted demons in a negative light, conveniently shifting the blame onto us. We need to expose this cult and put an end to their nefarious activities," she said as if we were pure beings.

"Have any of you encountered anything like this before?" I asked, my gaze sweeping across them.

They shook their heads in response to my inquiry. My attention shifted to my dad, who had remained silent until now. His questioning gaze was fixed on the dark mirror before him, an unspoken curiosity evident in his eyes.

"Dad?" I prompted, my voice laced with a mix of anticipation and hope. "What's on your mind?"

He pointed a finger at the dark mirror, his words brimming with intrigue. "That dark crystal," he began, his voice steady and measured, "it contains frozen demonic power, doesn't it? Can you sense its origin? Where is it coming from?"

I took a moment to consider his question, my mind racing to decipher the clues embedded within the dark crystal's frozen depths. "Yes," I responded, my voice tinged with a thoughtful tone. "The dark crystal harnesses the essence of demonic energy, captured and contained within its icy prison. As for its origin, I believe it emanates from smaller, lesser demons."

I paused, allowing my words to sink in before continuing my analysis. "It seems that the cult has managed to summon these smaller demons and exploit their powers. However, their ability to capture larger, more formidable demons seems to be limited, resulting in these powerful entities vanishing on their own after wreaking havoc in the mortal realm."

Though my explanation was based on speculation and lacked concrete proof, it was the most logical deduction I could offer at the moment. The dynamics were complex, and uncovering the cult's precise methods required further investigation.

"Have you investigated this cult?" My dad's question pierced the air, prompting me to shake my head in response.

"No, I haven't had the chance to investigate the cult extensively," I admitted, a tinge of frustration creeping into my voice. "The information I've managed to gather so far is just a mere glimpse of their existence. To make progress, I've lured them out by presenting myself as a target. It's a waiting game, but it's also why I need to regain my power swiftly."

Julia interjected with a question that sparked everyone's curiosity. "If the cult targets demons, does that mean they also pose a threat to angels?" Her voice held a blend of intrigue and concern, exposing her genuine desire to understand the complexities of our world.

All eyes turned toward her, including mine, as we absorbed the weight of her words. There was a brief pause, filled with a mix of contemplation and uncertainty.

Julia, sensing the attention she had garnered, quickly averted her gaze, her posture betraying a sense of apprehension. "I'm sorry," she stammered, her voice laced with fear. "I didn't mean to stir up any trouble. It's just... the thought crossed my mind."

I let out a reassuring chuckle, hoping to ease any lingering tension. "It's fine. Your input and questions are valuable to us. We're all in this together, and any help is welcome," I reiterated.

Julia's expression relaxed, her fear gradually subsiding as she took solace in our support. Encouraged by her presence, I delved deeper into her inquiry. "Regarding your question about angels, it's quite possible that they face a similar threat," I speculated, my voice tinged with curiosity. "Just as dark crystals derive their power from demons, there might be a counterpart in the form of white crystals harnessed by angels. It's a plausible scenario, given the opposing nature of our realms."

Lily voiced her assumption, her eyebrow raised in contemplation. "So, if I understand correctly, this problem stems from actions taken by mortals?" she questioned, her tone reflecting both skepticism and curiosity.

I nodded in affirmation, my gaze shifting to Lily. "That's right," I confirmed. "They have tampered with our summoning formations and somehow managed to breach our defenses. Not only that, but they've also succeeded in altering my summoning formation," I explained, frustration seeping into my voice.

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