Seoul Object Story

Chapter 98: Pudding Factory - Aftermath (1)

3rd Person POV:


Late at night, the security room at the Sehee Research Institute was bustling with people.

Usually at this hour, only a few drowsy employees would be sitting at their stations trying to stay awake. But tonight, unusually, there were many employees with bright, sparkling eyes.

Of course, this wasn't because they were working hard, as one would expect at the Sehee Research Institute.

The employees were holding popcorn and focusing on the CCTV screens with the same feeling as watching an entertaining TV program.

On the CCTV screens, a Golden Reaper could be seen hopping around carrying pudding.

The Research Institute employees were watching with the same feeling as viewing videos of cats or dogs.

"The Golden Reaper is so cute. I want to take one home."

"Me too."

Late at night, a Golden Reaper was waddling down a dark hallway with even the lights turned off.

The Golden Reaper was trying its best to sneak around cautiously, looking in all directions. But in reality, it was impossible for a Golden Reaper to hide on such a dark night.

Because Golden Reaper emitted a gentle glow, just like Gray Reaper!

The hallway without a single light source was wavering with the faint glow emanating from the Golden Reaper.

The Golden Reaper's seemingly smooth and enjoyable journey suddenly hit a major obstacle.

The path was blocked!

In front of the startled Golden Reaper stood a huge steel wall, barring its way.

The Golden Reaper, which had been waddling along unhindered, suddenly stopped in its tracks when the path disappeared. It stood still, looking around in bewilderment.

"It seems it didn't know that some sections get blocked off by barriers after midnight."

"Well, Golden Reapers usually fall asleep as soon as evening comes, so it probably didn't know about it."

The Golden Reaper wandered back and forth around the closed door, as if searching for a gap it could pass through. But of course, there were no such gaps in the standard Object barriers.

If it had been a Gray Reaper, it would have torn through the barrier long ago and then casually continued on its way with the pudding. But the Golden Reaper didn't seem to have any such intentions.

"Should we open it for it?"

"Hey, if we get caught doing that, we'll get more than just a pay cut, you know?"

"But I feel so bad for it."

Not knowing any other way, the Golden Reaper kept lingering near the barrier.

It tapped on the steel door, tried climbing up the barrier wall.

After failing every possible attempt, the Golden Reaper hugged the pudding and plopped down sadly on the floor.

The high-performance CCTV installed by Deputy Director Seo-ah captured the Golden Reaper's dejected expression perfectly.

"Ah, screw it. Let's just open it!"

Unable to watch the sad Golden Reaper any longer, one of the security room employees recklessly operated the controls to raise the barrier.


With a loud noise, the barrier wall slowly began to rise.


The Golden Reaper was worrying as it looked at the pudding.


It needs to be eaten quickly while it's delicious.

But the path leading to its beloved human was blocked by a huge steel wall.

A steel wall it could easily break through.

However, Golden Reapers cannot break human belongings, as that would sadden the humans. So all the Golden Reaper could do was sit crouched on the floor and wait.

But then, a miracle occurred.


With a loud noise, the steel wall began slowly rising upwards.

The Golden Reaper instantly wiped away its sad expression and dashed towards the rising steel wall.

It would reach its beloved human in no time now!


Sehee POV:


Director's Office, Sehee Research Institute.

It was past the time when most people had gone home, but I remained in the director's office clutching a book like a student.

Ah, I'm going to die like this.

This isn't some exam you can pass by studying for just 3 months

I heard people in this industry find it relatively easy, but why is it so difficult?

Wasn't I also in this industry?

Inwardly cursing those 'Daily Objects' that led to the creation of these laws, I flipped through the pages again.

Then, I heard an adorable 'knock knock' sound at the office's door.

A knock that was completely different from Seo-ah's scary knock - an adorable sound.

When I opened the door slightly, I saw a Golden Reaper holding out pudding like offering a pizza.

I placed the Golden Reaper on my palm and accepted the pudding.

This is the pudding everyone said was delicious.

I had been thinking of trying it, but was too busy to even consider eating it.

"You brought me pudding? Thank you."

I brought the Golden Reaper close to my face and gently stroked it, but Golden Reaper looked depressed and stroked under my eyes.

Ah, could it be my dark circles?

Could it be worried because I look tired?

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll just eat the pudding and rest today."

I opened the pudding and scooped some with a spoon to give the Golden Reaper a bite.

Then I took a bite too.

I had been struggling to study, but seeing the Golden Reaper giggling happily gave me energy.

For some unfounded reason, I started feeling confident that I could pass the certification exam.

Well, can't be helped.

Today I'll eat pudding and sleep, and work hard again tomorrow!

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Reaper (MC) POV:


Lying on the factory floor, watching the pudding bubbles floating in the sky.

"Oh no, this is a big problem."

Yerin was just rolling around, watching the pudding foam spreading far in all directions.

Is this really something to worry about?

You could just think of it as the entire nation getting free pudding.

Anyway, today was too tiring.

Fighting the Lophiomous subspecies in hand-to-hand combat, wasting flame.

Hastily deploying the Golden Reaper garden, wasting flame.

Unnecessarily crushing the Lophiomous subspecies with spatial manipulation to deal with it, wasting flame.

I wasted too much flame, so I'm exhausted.

It was all my own fault for dragging things out and causing the waste.

*tut tut*

The Golden Reaper poked my cheek, which was sprawled on the ground from exhaustion.

It poked my cheek as it held out the pudding, as if it wanted me to eat it.

Eating the pudding offered by the Golden Reaper while watching the puddings float in the sky was quite pleasant in its own way.

I guess pudding will be coming to Sehee Research Institute now?

Although it was tiring, thinking about the delicious pudding I'll get to eat made me happy.


This time, I handled two objects.

The murderous bear robot and the Lophiomous subspecies.

But I didn't gain any abilities.

It seemed to be because they were both physical-type Objects.

No matter how muscular they were, destroying them didn't make me gain any muscles.

This Lophiomous subspecies in particular had really impressive muscles, so I had hoped to gain some strength-related ability for once.

Since I lack strength, I can't even open bottles, so Yerin has to open them for me. It's inconvenient.

If there's no one around to help, I have no choice but to blast off the cap by overlapping space.


I was huddled together with the Golden Reapers, eating pudding, when Yerin came over and called us over.

"Alright, let's head back to the Research Institute now!"

Since I just looked at her without moving, Yerin strode over, slipped her hands under my hands, and scooped me up.

Carried like a cat and placed in the vehicle.

And we were off in an instant.

Watching the pudding factory grow distant, I thought...

'Ah, there was some residual slime that could have been accidentally left behind for the Golden Reapers', but I forgot about it because I was so tired.

I felt a bit regretful.


3rd Person POV:


James looked out the hotel window at the rising morning sun and thought.

It had been a long day.

After the Gray Reaper left the factory, there were so many things James had to take care of.

After the Gray Reaper left, James called the Object Handling Team to search for any Objects that might be hiding inside the factory.

He sent the unconscious interpreter to the hospital and dispersed the people gathered in front of the factory.

Now, to prepare for any problems that may arise from the foam pudding leak incident, he had to meet with a lawyer, publish some newspaper articles by meeting reporters he knew well, and so on.

It had been a long day, but the day wasn't over yet.

As he was catching his breath in the hotel room, his smart watch rang with a call.

The caller was a 'friend' living in China.

A man leading anachronistic ninjas.

"It's been a while since your call. What's going on that you're calling suddenly?"


"There was a problem. As expected, we were ambushed under the guise of an accident shortly after setting up a factory in Korea. If it wasn't for your request, I would never have built a factory in Korea."


"The Gray Reaper? I met it, though I didn't want to meet it this soon. Well, it does seem to be related to Artifact Zero."


"I'm not sure about this incident. The timing is coincidental, but Korea has so many accidents like this that I can't make a judgment."


"Yeah, alright. Let's meet next time, friend."

James hung up and lay down on the bed.

His expression seemed troubled for some reason.


Yerin POV:



After leaving the pudding factory, Reaper finally arrived at the isolation room at Sehee Research Institute.

In my arms was the soft, warm, sleeping Reaper.

Holding Reaper in my arms, I slowly leaned down and lay on the bed together.

Reaper must have been really tired today, falling asleep in the car without even eating snacks.

Ever since fighting Lophiomus, the flame in its chest had dimmed a bit and it looked sleepy.

Cradled in my arms, Reaper had its mouth tightly shut, with a slight smile, as if dreaming.

Now that I was in the isolation room, I could definitely feel the difference.

Reaper had turned white.

It had turned slightly white after touching that book, but I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

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