Feng Shao sacrificed the Evil-Suppressing Qixuan Seal and smashed it violently. There was only a loud bang, and the mountain wall turned into countless gravels, rolling down.

With just one blow, a hole more than one meter deep was smashed out of the mountain wall.

Lin Xiaoran’s eyes lit up, and she exclaimed happily, “With just a few more times, the cave can be opened!”

Next, the two performed the series of actions repeatedly, continuously heating and cooling the mountain wall. After repeating it seven times, as pieces of gravel rolled down, a gust of stale air rushed over.

“We got through!” Lin Xiaoran exclaimed.

Feng Shao took Lin Xiaoran’s little hand and said, “Let’s go in!”

The two held hands and walked deep into the cave.

This cave has been sealed for a few thousand years, and the air inside is foul. If ordinary people went in, they would probably suffocate to death. As cultivators, even Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran felt a little uncomfortable even though they did not receive much influence.

After walking for a few thousand meters, the two of them suddenly felt that their eyes suddenly opened up. An extremely wide cave appeared in front of them. In the cave, there was a dark red light that faintly shone.

The two walked into the cave cautiously. But when they saw the object emitting dark red light, their hearts beat wildly, and they drew out their long swords one after another, as if facing a formidable enemy.

They saw an extremely huge skeleton sitting cross-legged in the cave!

Although the skeleton was sitting cross-legged on the ground, it was already six or seven meters high. If it stood up, it is estimated that it would be at least thirteen to fourteen meters. In addition, three arms grew out on each side of the skeleton’s body, and each arm held a huge weapon.

Although this creature has been dead for many years, Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran can still clearly feel the faint coercion emanating from the skeleton. It made people feel a sense of fear and a faint sense of submission.

Lin Xiaoran subconsciously swallowed, and asked Feng Shao in a fearful tone, “Brother Shao, this… what is this thing?”

Feng Shao also felt a little dry in his throat. He replied with a slightly hoarse voice, “If my predictions are correct, this big guy should be from the Shura clan that triggered the ancient war hundreds of thousands of years ago.”

Lin Xiaoran gasped, “The Shura clan really existed? I thought it was just a legend!”

Feng Shao said solemnly, “The Shura clan did exist, but they were kicked out of this world hundreds of thousands of years ago, so after that ancient war, there was no trace of the Shura clan anymore.”

The reason why Feng Shao knew this was because of the memory he got from Palace Master Xihe.

The Shura clan is not a native race of this world but came from other worlds. This clan is keen on attacking, wantonly provoking wars in the heavens and worlds, almost invincible.

However, when they attacked this side of the world, the Shura clan was hit bloodily.

At that time, the suppression of Heavenly Dao toward cultivators was not as heavy as it is now, and cultivators from the True Immortal realm and above abounded.

That era was a real era of high-level daoists, devils, and demons. Almost everyone practiced cultivation.

A random cultivator from that time can be considered a big boss of a region in the current era.

When the Shura clan, who are warlike, bumped into that era of cultivating immortals, one can imagine the result.

As soon as the two sides met, a fierce battle broke out. This war lasted for a thousand years, and the flames of war burned all over the world. Under the life-and-death struggle of countless strong men, the Shura clan was completely driven out of this world.

The battlefield of the final decisive battle is the current era’s Ten Thousand Swords Valley.

In the Ten Thousand Swords Valley, no one knew how many True Immortals and Shuras fell, and no one knew how many divine armaments were left behind.

Affected by resentment and death, the divine armaments left in the Ten Thousand Swords Valley will spontaneously attack anyone who dares to set foot in the Ten Thousand Swords Valley.

In order to prevent the spread of resentments, the True Immortals in ancient times sealed the Ten Thousand Swords Valley. However, it was only to prevent the resentments from leaking out, they did not prevent the cultivators from entering and leaving.

For ten thousand years, countless cultivators stepped into the Ten Thousand Swords Valley, wanting to seek ancient opportunities, but in the end, they died tragically, becoming one of the countless undead.

A race that can fight head-to-head with the ancient True Immortals shows its strength. And at this moment, what Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran stood in front of was a member of that powerful race.

Although it’s just a skeleton.

Lin Xiaoran asked tremblingly, “Brother Shao, it should be completely dead, right? It won’t be revived, right?”

Feng Shao remained silent.

Lin Xiaoran looked at Feng Shao in surprise, but Feng Shao’s eyes were fixed on the looming red light on the skeleton, and his expression was very ugly.

Lin Xiaoran suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, after a while, Lin Xiao Ran heard Feng Shao whisper, “Damn Blood Devil Patriarch, his idiotic blood sacrifice formation may really revive this guy!”


Author’s Note: Ten forbidden areas are:

Bifang Plain

Sea of Resentful Spirits

Cave of The Demon King

Nether Abyss

Qiankun Palace

Ten Thousand Swords Valley

Sansheng Pagoda

Blessed Land of Thunder

Phaseless Realm

Flame Heaven

Except Flame Heaven, the rest have been mentioned, I wonder if you remember it?

In addition, although Buddha Forest is a forbidden area of ​​Longhua Temple, it does not belong to the top ten forbidden areas.

TN: Huh? I did forget Blessed Land of Thunder, but Phaseless Realm?? Did I translate it differently before?

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