The situation Feng Shao is now facing is complicated, and through the letters he has received, one can get a glimpse of his difficulties.

Most of these are worship letters, and they come from second-rate or third-rate families and sects within a thousand miles around Yunjian Pavilion.

They knew they were not worthy of making friends with Yunjian Pavilion, so they wanted to form a connection with Yunjian Pavilion through Yunjian Pavilion’s son-in-law.

Even if they could pick up some leftovers from Yunjian Pavilion, it would be enough to feed their whole family.

Most of the remaining posts are invitations, from first-class and super-first-class forces and families. Those who sent these invitations were divided into two parts.

First, the purpose of their invitations is to try and test Feng Shao’s ability, character, and behavior.

They will decide how to communicate and get along with Feng Shao based on the results of their test.

Feng Shao can choose to be gentle, or he can choose to be tough.

This requires providing the right medicine.

Some people eat soft but not hard, but some people eat hard but not soft. If he gives a little kindness to some people, they will repay him with all their strength; but to some people, if he gives them a little kindness, they will only ask for a mile after taking an inch.

To deal with such people, it is very important to grasp the right scale and right standards.

Neither too soft nor too hard.

If he is too soft, he will be considered weak and be bullied, and if he is too hard, he will push the other party into hostility.

All of them are both potential allies and potential enemies.

Whether it is an ally or an enemy depends entirely on how Feng Shao acts.

As for the other kind of people, the purpose of their invitations is to provoke.

These people all have a common characteristic, that is, they have coveted Lin Xiaoran for a long time, and some even regard Lin Xiaoran as a taboo.

They can’t tolerate others picking this delicate flower that is ready to bloom, and they can’t accept that it is an unknown person who had the chance to pick this flower.

So they want to provoke Feng Shao, make Feng Shao afraid, make Feng Shao dare not be the son-in-law of Yunjian Pavilion.

If Feng Shao is sensible and can cancel the marriage by himself, that’s fine, and they don’t mind letting Feng Shao go. But if Feng Shao doesn’t know right from wrong and insists on marrying Lin Xiaoran, then they have to find another way to make Feng Shao disappear.

Some blessings can only be enjoyed by certain people. If people with poor fate insist on enjoying the blessings that do not belong to them, they will lose their lives.

For this kind of people, of course, the best way is to slap them back, making them dizzy and afraid to speak. If possible, it would be best to slap them away together with the forces behind them, so that the problem can be solved once and for all.

However, this method is not possible for Feng Shao. The reason is also very simple, that is, lack of strength.

In the case of insufficient strength, rashly fighting back will only provide the other party with an excuse to attack you. Moreover, some people’s provocations are quite childish, and there is still the potential to win over such people.

Not only that, but for Feng Shao who wants to create his own force, making too many enemies is not a wise choice.

He is no longer a child, and he is not the kind of brat who would beat back regardless of provocations.

Doing such a thing is not called individuality, nor is it called toughness, it is called stupidity.

Feng Shao himself is not a son of fortune, and there is no halo capable of decreasing people’s IQ on him, so he can’t go around acting like he has brain damage like those Dragon King, God of War, son-in-law, reborn, system host, and mountain descending genius doctor.

He has to respond to these provocations more smartly and intelligently.

It’s mental work, but it’s also physical work.

After sorting it out, Feng Shao secretly thought about how to deal with these letters.

Those second-rate and third-rate families and sects who want to connect with Yunjian Pavilion through Feng Shao can be dealt with later.

For this kind of people, he can make friends with them as long as they have enough benefits. As long as he has enough money, most cooperation can be achieved.

However, Feng Shao thought of what he had to do and felt that another choice might be more suitable.

That is to tie these families to his own chariot so that they can be used by him. Taken individually, these families are nothing, but if they can be twisted into a rope, they are a force that cannot be ignored. As for how to make them willing to follow him wholeheartedly, Feng Shao also had some clues in his mind.

As for those tentative and provocative invitations, Feng Shao conducted another sorting. In the end, he selected one of these invitations.

This invitation is from Guan Shuo, the holy son of Taixuan Sacred Land.

The reason why he chose this invitation is because Feng Shao had some friendship with Guan Shuo.

The two once coincidentally explored a secret realm together, and during the exploration process caused conflicts because of competing for a heavenly and earthly treasure.

Later, under the mediation of others, the two shook hands and made peace.

But Feng Shao knew that Guan Shuo was forced to compromise because of face.

In fact, Guan Shuo has always been very dissatisfied with him!

He remembered that Guan Shuo said at the time, “Brother Feng has a wide range of friends, which is admirable. If you have spare time, I look forward to Brother Feng coming to Taixuan Sacred Land to discuss with you next time. I will make a thorough sweep in order to fulfill the responsibility of the landlord.”

Regardless of Guan Shuo’s polite words, the translated meaning is: I am not convinced, come to Taixuan Sacred Land if you have the ability, and let’s compete with each other again!

Feng Shao has no objection, but he was secretly amused.

Guan Shuo’s character is actually quite good, at least he has a good reputation.

The conflict between the two was nothing more than a conflict in the process of competing for heavenly and earthly treasures.

And the reason why Guan Shuo still wanted to compete with Feng Shao was not because he was hostile to Feng Shao, but because he felt that he had lost face and wanted to get it back.

This time, Guan Shuo sent an invitation, and Feng Shao immediately understood that this kid was using the current situation as an excuse!

In that case, it’s time to visit this old friend first and pull this guy into his chariot!

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