Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 328 - Chapter 328: Chapter 320: Golden Elixir Cave Mansion

Chapter 328: Chapter 320: Golden Elixir Cave Mansion

Translator: 549690339

For example, the two Golden Armor Guards that are still guarding the cave mansion in the mountain valley at this moment!

Feeling that the Golden Elixir Array was already serving him.

A sense of exhilaration surged in He Song’s heart.

It is a Golden Elixir Array, after all!

Once activated, probably no one within the Foundation Establishment Realm could withstand it.

With this Array Skill, where can’t he go?

But it’s a pity.

He is still somewhat inexperienced in his study of this Golden Elixir Array, and has not been able to fully master it.

However, with the existing Array Disk and Array Banners, it’s not difficult for He Song to lay out the Array.

Therefore, although He Song has not fully mastered this Great Array, he now has the ability to lay it out.

After laying out the Array, He Song’s gaze shifted to the two Golden Armor Guards in the valley.

The next moment.

He Song directly controlled the Array to envelop the entire valley.

And instantly manipulated the Array’s power to suppress the two Golden Armor Guards in the valley.

Inside the valley.

The sudden emergence of the enormous Array power was also suppressing the two Golden Armor Guards at this moment.

Suppression from the Golden Elixir Array almost immediately enveloped the area where the two Golden Armor Guards were.

Under He Song’s gaze.

Before the two Golden Armor Guards could even activate, they were thoroughly suppressed and could only stand stupidly on the spot, unable to move.

After finishing all this, a smile flashed across He Song’s face and vanished.

However, before he could do anything else, the familiar Array disorder sensation came again.

The Golden Elixir Array laid by He Song was now showing a slight disorder, almost causing the Array to dissipate.

Upon noticing this, He Song’s expression changed slightly.

He then immediately took out a large number of spirit stones from his storage bag and threw them into the Array continuously.

With a constant infusion of spirit stones, the originally slightly disordered Golden Elixir Array began to stabilize.

Only when the Golden Elixir Array laid by He Song completely stabilized.

He Song finally let out a sigh of relief and stopped the act of adding spirit stones into the Array.

But soon enough.

As He Song’s gaze swept over, he found that the spirit stones in the Golden Elixir Array were being consumed rapidly.

The thousands of spirit stones that He Song had just put in were visibly decreasing at a fast pace.

It seemed that once these spirit stones were reduced to a certain extent, the Golden Elixir Array would once again become disordered and eventually dissipate.

Seeing the scene before him.

He Song’s expression changed slightly, but after some thought, he immediately took out a large number of spirit stones from his storage bag and threw them in.

Only after nearly 20,000 spirit stones were stored in the Array, did He Song stop his hand and look back into the Array.

Inside the Array, after He Song had put in nearly 20,000 spirit stones, the consumption rate of the spirit stones inside the Array remained unchanged.

The spirit stones in the Array continued to decrease, still maintaining their original consumption rate.

The Array still consumed spirit stones at an extremely fast rate.

It’s just that the spirit stones stored in the Array had increased from the original thousands to nearly 20,000.

As a result, it could last a bit longer.

Facing such a scene, He Song frowned but quickly responded.

The power of the Golden Elixir Array is formidable and unmatched by Foundation Establishment Arrays.

The higher consumption is normal.

Without the consumption of so many spirit stones, how could the power of the Golden Elixir Array be so great?

Moreover, after laying out the Golden Elixir Array, he immediately suppressed the two Golden Armor Guards in the valley.

Given the combat power of the two Golden Armor Guards at the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, the Array’s suppression must have consumed quite a lot.

With such circumstances, the rapid depletion of spirit stones now has an explanation.

Perhaps, once He Song no longer suppresses the two Golden Armor Guards, the consumption rate of the spirit stones will be much reduced.

And it wouldn’t be like now, visibly consuming spirit stones at a rapid pace.

With this thought flashing through his mind, He Song looked at the two Golden Armor Guards, with a glint in his eyes.

These two Golden Armor Guards.

Not only had they severely injured his three spirit puppets, but they were also continuously consuming large amounts of his spirit stones even after being suppressed.

Indeed, these two Golden Armor Guards were not so easy to deal with.

However, the two Golden Armor Guards have now been suppressed.

Their cave mansion behind them has been exposed to He Song’s eyes.

Now, it’s time to send the spirit puppets to harvest all the spirit medicine and spirit rice in the valley and hand them over to him.

Then, send out the spirit puppets to explore the cave mansion.

As for the spirit stones in the Array that were being consumed at a visible rate.

He could only pretend not to notice it temporarily.

Anyway, he still had hundreds of thousands of spirit stones on him, and it wouldn’t matter if he spent more, as it was definitely far less than what he would gain.

A cave mansion of a Golden Elixir Master.

How much could be inside?

He Song wasn’t sure, but it must be a lot.

He released Xianyun from his storage bag and directly manipulated it to go into the valley, harvesting all the remaining spirit medicine and spirit rice.

Since they were already suppressed by the Golden Elixir Array, the two Golden Armor Guards reacted but were helpless against the approaching Xianyun.

Under the suppression of the Golden Elixir Array, even if the two Golden Armor Guards had a combat power comparable to Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

They still couldn’t create any trouble.

However, the Golden Elixir Array consumed more and more spirit stones, which made He Song frown.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Xianyun to finish harvesting all the spirit medicine and spirit rice in the valley and bring it all back to He Song.

After all the spirit rice and spirit medicine in the storage bag were collected into He Song’s own storage bag.

He Song handed the storage bag to Xianyun again and continued to manipulate Xianyun to move towards the cave mansion behind the two Golden Armor Guards.

Xianyun quickly entered the cave mansion under He Song’s control.

As the guardians of the cave mansion.

The resistance of the two Golden Armor Guards suddenly increased.

The reaction outside was that the consumption of spirit stones in the Golden Elixir Array became even greater.

However, He Song didn’t pay much attention to this and just continued to manipulate Xianyun to enter the cave mansion while his divine sense also probed ahead.

He Song’s cultivation was now at the Late Foundation Establishment Stage, and his divine sense scanning range was around eighteen miles.

This was due to He Song having taken many Spirit Guardian Elixirs before, as well as his soul being stronger than other cultivators, so his divine sense scanning range was much stronger than others.

Ordinary Early Foundation Establishment Cultivators have a divine sense scanning range of about two miles.

Ordinary Mid-stage Foundation Establishment Cultivators have a divine sense scanning range of about five miles.

Ordinary Late Foundation Establishment Cultivators have a divine sense scanning range of about ten miles.

As for He Song, his divine sense scanning range was around three miles during the Early Foundation Establishment Stage.

During the Mid-stage Foundation Establishment, it was even more than seven miles.

Later, after taking many Spirit Guardian Elixirs, his divine sense scanning range increased dramatically from over seven miles to over nine miles.

Now that He Song’s cultivation had reached the Late Foundation Establishment Stage, his divine sense scanning range had become about eighteen miles.

This divine sense intensity was already very close to that of a cultivator at Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

The stronger the divine sense, the higher He Song’s divine sense intensity would naturally be.

Now, He Song could probe eighteen miles with his divine sense, and as soon as his divine sense was released, it immediately enveloped the entire valley.

With the Golden Elixir Array that he had set up in place.

And his own life safety was guaranteed.

He Song would naturally not give up the divine sense scanning method, which could provide a large amount of information instantly.

Of course, the most important reason was.

After manipulating Xianyun to enter the cave mansion, He Song couldn’t use his eyesight to judge where to direct Xianyun anymore.

Inevitably, in a situation where it was impossible for him to risk entering the cave mansion.

He Song could only release his divine sense and use it to explore his surroundings and control Xianyun to search for treasures within the cave mansion.

At this moment, He Song was in the protection of the Golden Elixir Array, Seven Kills Heaven Fire Array, Sea-Stablizing and Spirit-Orienting Array, and Smoke Array, and his safety level was extremely high.

However, if he left these Array Skills, with his Late Foundation Establishment Stage cultivation, he might encounter a crisis that could cost him his life within this Golden Elixir Cave Mansion.

After all, there were countless dangers lurking within the Golden Elixir Cave Mansion.

If the Golden Elixir Master who left this cave mansion was not kind-hearted, He Song might never return once he entered.

In such a situation, without knowing whether the cave mansion was safe or not, He Song could only send out the spirit puppet to explore while ensuring his own safety.

Scanning the entire valley with his divine sense was a decision He Song made only after feeling that he was safe within the protection of so many Array Skills and that nothing would harm him.

Moreover, He Song’s divine sense strength was much stronger than that of ordinary cultivators, and he had taken many Spirit Nourishing Pills, making him comparable to a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator.

A cultivator with a divine sense strength comparable to Foundation Establishment Great Perfection probing with his divine sense should not suffer a heavy blow or even be slain within the cave mansion of a Golden Elixir Master, right?

Even if there were some hidden dangers left in the Golden Elixir Master’s cave mansion.

Facing He Song, with a divine sense strength comparable to Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, it should not pose a fatal threat.

And it was precisely because of this thought that He Song released his divine sense, enveloping the entire valley.

He was also on guard all the time, ready to withdraw his divine sense if any attacks targeted it.

With this in mind.

After He Song’s divine sense enveloped the entire valley, he immediately started controlling Xianyun, which had already entered the cave mansion, to continue moving forward.

Under He Song’s divine sense scan, the cave mansion, located at the deepest part of the valley, was revealed in its entirety.

It was a huge cave-like cave mansion.

All its buildings were almost inside the mountain.

In the mountain body and within the cave mansion, He Song’s divine sense discovered various items, rooms, and many miscellaneous objects. However, a thick layer of dust had settled on these things..

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