Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 322 - Chapter 322: Chapter 314: The Great Array’s Unusual Change

Chapter 322: Chapter 314: The Great Array’s Unusual Change

Translator: 549690339

Perhaps, once He Song was called back to the Thick Earth Sect’s mountain door, he could still ask Master Xuan He for help and take fewer detours.

After sending congratulatory messages to Wei Fan and Master Xuan He for their successful entrance into the Late Foundation Establishment Stage, He Song quickly put this matter behind him.

Comprehending the Golden Elixir Array in front of him was what He Song needed to do most at the moment.


As time passed, He Song began to notice that this Golden Elixir Array seemed to have an increasing frequency of minor disorders occurring.

He had discovered this situation as early as three years ago.

At that time, He Song had contemplated the reasons for the disorders occurring in the array and had made plans according to the three possible causes he had guessed.

But now, after three years of continuous observation, He Song finally came to a conclusion.

Over these three years, the disordered occurrences in the Golden Elixir Array in front of He Song became more and more frequent.

The first disorder occurred a year and a half after the previous one, and the array’s disorder appeared again.

That time, He Song still couldn’t find the reason.

However, as time went by, when the disorder appeared again half a year ago, He Song understood what was going on.

The first disorder happened three years ago.

The second disorder happened a year and a half ago.

The third disorder happened half a year ago.

So, the time interval between the disorders was gradually shortening.

From the initial year and a half to the current one year.

Afterward, who knew how short it would become?

Upon realizing this, He Song gained a deeper understanding of the Golden Elixir Array before him.


Perhaps there wasn’t a Golden Elixir Master in seclusive cultivation inside the

Golden Elixir Array, as He Song had originally thought.

He Song, of course, considered the reasons why.

If it were He Song, would he allow the Array protecting his cave mansion to disperse due to a lack of spirit stones while he was cultivating in seclusion inside a cave mansion and array?

Let alone a Golden Elixir Master, even He Song, who was currently only a

Foundation Establishment Master, would never lack the necessary spirit stones to maintain the Array.

He Song didn’t know how many spirit stones it would take to maintain the Golden Elixir Array for a year.

However, entry-level Array Skills during the Qi Refining stage could easily supply the consumption of the Array.

Foundation Establishment Arrays could also easily supply the consumption of the Array when in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

A Golden Elixir Array – could a Golden Elixir Master really not afford it?

He Song couldn’t believe it.

Providing the spirit stones for the Array should not be a big deal for a Golden Elixir Master.

Under such circumstances, how could the Array that protected the cave mansion possibly disperse due to a lack of spirit stones?

If it were He Song, he would make sure to leave enough spirit stones to maintain the Array’s operation for a long time before entering seclusion.

In this case.

He Song’s guess that there wasn’t a Golden Elixir Master in seclusive cultivation within the Golden Elixir Array naturally became plausible.

After guessing that there was no Golden Elixir Master in seclusive cultivation in the Golden Elixir Array, He Song’s uneasy heart finally settled down.

He had been thinking before.

If there was a Golden Elixir Master in seclusion within the Golden Elixir Array, he would most likely only be able to learn the Array Skills and then leave right away.

Trying to take anything from within the Golden Elixir Array was most likely a futile attempt.

In front of a Golden Elixir Master, his “”Purple Sky Meditation Formulas’”‘ were still only Foundation Establishment secret skills, capable only of concealing himself and preventing his detection by divine sense.

If a Golden Elixir Master casually swept their divine sense, there wouldn’t be much of a problem hiding from it using this secret skill.

But if a Golden Elixir Master carefully investigated with their divine sense, the Foundation Establishment secret skill, the “Purple Sky Meditation Formulas”, could still be exposed.

After all, although the “Purple Sky Meditation Formulas” had excellent concealment effects, they were only Foundation Establishment secret skills.

When facing a Golden Elixir Master, if the master were to seriously investigate, a tiny flaw might still be discovered.

However, if it were just a casual glance, it would most likely be overlooked and not easily found.

Under such circumstances, if He Song tried to take anything within the Golden Elixir Array and sneak into the area covered by the Array, he might not even be able to run away if discovered.

At present, being several miles away from the Array, the chances of being discovered were slim to none.

After all, people in seclusion generally wouldn’t probe their divine sense outside of the Array to check the outside world’s situation.

He Song used the “Purple Sky Meditation Formulas” to come here and gain insight into Array Skills because of this.

Not having to worry about being discovered several miles away from the Array was the reason He Song dared to come here and comprehend Array Skills.

But if he were to enter the Array, the chances of him being discovered would instantly increase.

At that point, He Song might have to face an enraged Golden Elixir Master.

He Song would never gamble with his own life.

As an everlasting being.

He Song was almost completely different from other cultivators.

He could wait for opportunities through the passage of time.

Wait for opportunities to come into being, fall into the mundane world, disappear from the sight of other cultivators, wait for…

However, He Song would definitely not be willing to use his own life as a stake to compete for opportunities.

Of course, He Song would not step into the Golden Elixir Array even half a step when he was unsure if there was a Golden Elixir Master inside it.

Using his hiding techniques to stay several miles away from the Golden Elixir Array and quietly comprehend it was already the biggest risk He Song could take.

At this distance, under the concealment of the “Purple Sky Meditation Formulas,” even if a Golden Elixir Master used his divine sense to scan the area, he would not be able to discover He Song. Naturally, He Song’s safety would also be guaranteed.


Now there was a turn of events.

The Golden Elixir Array in front of him was on the verge of dissipating due to the lack of spirit stones.

In this case.

As long as the Golden Elixir Array in front of him dissipated over time, He Song would naturally seize the opportunity and take all the benefits inside.

Of course, the moment the Golden Elixir Array dissipated, He Song would also set up a Smoke Array on the spot to cover up the news of the opportunity emerging.

Only in this way could He Song take all the opportunities in his hands and maximize his interests.

Moreover, he would not have to worry about others competing for the opportunity with him.

In this way, what He Song could harvest would be far more than just a simple Golden Elixir Array.

Everything protected behind the Golden Elixir Array would become He Song’s possessions.

The entire wealth of a Golden Elixir Master.

How rich would that be?

He Song even wondered if there would be Golden Congealing Elixir Pills and Golden Elixir secrets inside.

If there were.

His journey on the Golden Core Path would be extremely smooth!

When he truly stepped into the Golden Core Realm, the rapid increase in his strength and status would be instantly reflected on He Song.

He scanned the still stable and operating Golden Elixir Array in front of him.

He Song exhaled and chose to continue comprehending the Golden Elixir Array.

The Golden Elixir Array should dissipate in a few years.

However, He Song had no way of knowing exactly when that would be.

In the Golden Elixir Array, there was a spirit-gathering effect.

Although the spirit-gathering effect of this array may not be as good as the specialized Spirit-Gathering Array due to its multifunctionality, it should not be too bad considering the foundation of the Golden Elixir Array.

In this case, the spirit stones consumed by the operation of the Golden Elixir Array would be much less than that of ordinary Array Skills.

The spirit Qi gathered by the spirit-gathering effect could also be absorbed by the array and transformed into its own operating power.

In this way, the number of spirit stones needed for the operation of the Golden Elixir Array would naturally decrease significantly.

At the same time, the duration it could operate would also be greatly nrnlnnøpd

However, since this array has already shown signs of gradual disorder, it is likely that there are not many spirit stones stored inside.

Under such circumstances, it is not unreasonable for He Song to conclude that the array would dissipate within a few years.

While continuing to comprehend the Golden Elixir Array in front of him, He Song was also waiting for its spirit stones to be exhausted and dissipate after the spirit Qi was depleted.

However, just as He Song was immersed in comprehending the Golden Elixir Array.

In the outside world.

The war between the Righteous Alliance and the Demonic Alliance gradually escalated.

In a stalemate situation, the major sects began to recall some of the elite sect members who were seeking opportunities in the outside world.

Master Qingyue, who had communicated with He Song before, was recalled like this.

However, her previous location was closer to the Thick Earth Sect, so she returned faster.

Other sect elites who were farther away from the Thick Earth Sect were also constantly heading back to the sect’s gate.

Moreover, it was not just the Thick Earth Sect.

Both the entire Righteous Alliance and the entire Demonic Alliance were constantly recalling sect elites, investing more power into the war.

The scale of this war also began to expand gradually.

Both sides invested more and more forces.

It is worth mentioning.

He Song received the news.

Those reckless men from the Golden Sword Sect, after finally starting a war with the Demonic Alliance, were particularly resentful towards Demon Cultivators.

One of them, an old man with a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, who had lost his beloved disciple a few years ago, led his people to kill deep into the territory of the Demonic Alliance at the beginning of the war.

And in the territory of the Demonic Alliance, he set off a bloodbath.

According to the old man, this was a tribute to his poor disciple.

However, only then did a Golden Elixir Master step in and the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection old man finally retreated.

But he did not rest for too long.

Soon, the old man with Foundation Establishment Great Perfection led a team again, leading the Golden Sword Sect disciples, and charged towards the territory of the Seven Star Sect..

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