Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 242 - Chapter 242: Chapter 234: Mysterious Person

Chapter 242: Chapter 234: Mysterious Person

Translator: 549690339

A hint of speculation flashed through He Song’s mind, his eyes narrowed and a sense of exploration rose in his heart.

What could be more fascinating than spirit stones, which can be obtained just by opening one’s mouth?

For this, Sun Yu even gave up the readily available spirit stones.

There must be more significant gains waiting for him.

Otherwise, such abnormal behavior would not have occurred.

As for the possibility that Sun Yu is genuinely honest and unyielding, letting wealth and prestige pass him by without care for spirit stones, not like other cultivators constantly seeking ways to acquire them.

He Song had considered this hypothesis.

However, as a cultivator, and one who had also started from the bottom, He Song believed that there must be very few cultivators like that; most of them wouldn’t even reach the Qi-refining late stage.

Under such circumstances, He Song would rather believe that Sun Yu has ulterior motives than that he regards spirit stones as mere dirt.

Therefore, when Sun Yu left the VIP room, He Song extended his divine sense to see what Sun Yu was thinking.

Inside the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion.

He Song sat in the VIP room.

Sun Yu took one step at a time heading towards the warehouse.


Sun Yu’s figure appeared inside the warehouse.

At this moment, a thin piece of paper appeared in Sun Yu’s hand.

“Today, a seventh-tier Qi Refining loose cultivator suddenly appeared in the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion, offering tens of thousands of spirit rice.”

“It’s remarkably similar to the mysterious person who previously appeared in the Thick Earth Sect and traveled around selling spirit rice.”

“The Thick Earth Sect was searching for that mysterious person for a while, and now, after so many years, the mysterious person has finally reappeared.”

“Our sect is adjacent to the Thick Earth Sect, so I suspect that this person may not be the mysterious person but may be deeply connected to them.”

“I hereby inform the Supervisor.”

“Sun Yu.”

As mana flowed, a line of text appeared on the paper in Sun Yu’s hand.

Then, with a surge of spirit power, the paper in Sun Yu’s hand turned into a sound-transmitting paper crane, flying into the sky.

At this moment, Sun Yu leisurely began taking the spirit stones from the warehouse.

He Song required over ten thousand spirit stones for the transaction.

Since he had already notified his Upper Leader, he naturally couldn’t go directly to He Song with the spirit stones for the transaction.

What if the Upper Leader’s instructions arrived after He Song had left? What would happen then?

Therefore, he needed to stay in the warehouse for a longer time.

If He Song asked later, Sun Yu could use the large amount of spirit stones and the need for multiple people to confirm the amount as an excuse.

By that time, though, maybe spirit stones won’t even be needed anymore. Such thoughts flashed through Sun Yu’s mind, and a smile appeared on his face.

If they were to catch the mysterious person this time, the rewards landing on him would naturally not be few.

The Golden Snake Immortal Mansion had a Foundation Establishment Master sitting in the town; even if there were some commotions, how could a seventh-tier Qi Refining loose cultivator escape?

Even if He Song wasn’t the mysterious person,

with so many spirit rice on his person, there might be secrets hidden within him.

Thus, even if Sun Yu guessed wrong, he would not cause significant trouble.

While Sun Yu stalled in the warehouse,

He Song sat in the VIP room, deep in thought with a frown on his face.

His divine sense could vaguely sense the surrounding objects and what the people around him were doing, but not the text on the paper.

He was sure that Sun Yu had already sent a message, but he didn’t know what the message contained.

After pondering for a moment, He Song decided that with his current strength, he didn’t need to fear a late-stage Qi Refining Immortal Pavilion Steward.

Therefore, he remained silent and continued to wait.


Sun Yu, who was in the warehouse, received a reply.

“Proceed with the transaction as usual; I have made arrangements.”

“Liu Ping.”

Seeing the short line of text on the paper, Sun Yu’s expression changed slightly, but he didn’t stay in the warehouse any longer.

Instead, after taking the spirit stones, he immediately rushed towards the VIP room where He Song was.

He had been away for quite some time.

If he didn’t return now, it might raise He Song’s suspicions.

Since the Upper Leader had given orders, Sun Yu naturally wouldn’t disobey.

With ten thousand and nine hundred spirit stones, Sun Yu quickly returned to the VIP room.

After exchanging money and goods,

He Song slowly left the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion under Sun Yu’s watchful gaze.

As soon as He Song’s figure disappeared from Sun Yu’s sight, Sun Yu withdrew his gaze and no longer followed He Song’s movements.


He Song, who had already left the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion, had a thoughtful expression on his face.

Using his divine sense, he had seen everything Sun Yu did in the warehouse.

He also knew that Sun Yu must have communicated with others in the warehouse.

As for what they had discussed,

He Song did not know, but he could guess the general idea.

It was nothing more than the arrival of a big fat sheep or something like that.

But now, he had already left the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion.

Sun Yu still remained in the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion, not following him.

Doesn’t he fear losing track of me?

Or, could it be…

That someone else is already stalking me?

Various thoughts flashed through He Song’s mind, but after some consideration, he shook his head and laughed bitterly.

“If I really want to leave, who can stop me?”

“If they didn’t make a move inside the Immortal Pavilion, there’s no need to make a move later.”

Given He Song’s cautious nature,

how could he possibly give anyone the opportunity to surround him after the transaction went smoothly?

Previously, when Sun Yu was communicating with someone in the warehouse, He Song thought about leaving directly.

But then it occurred to him that it would be too much of a hassle.

Trading at other Immortal Pavilions could also cause such a scene to occur.

Who can guarantee that the stewards of the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion in other Immortal Pavilions won’t covet the spirit stones on He Song?

If that’s the case, it’s better to wait until the transaction is over and leave later.

In the Cultivation World,

unless attacked by an Evil Cultivator, the interior of Immortal Pavilions is generally safe.

If it’s not a Foundation Establishment Master taking action, no one could quickly take down a seventh-tier Qi Refining practitioner like the one He Song currently showed.

Under such circumstances, if someone were to force their way into the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion,

and, the result being that they couldn’t get rid of He Song right away, He Song only needs to shout out loud that he was selling spirit rice in the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion and ended up being besieged. This incident would spread instantly to the surrounding area.

By then, the loose cultivators from the Golden Sword Sect would probably flee in fear and never dare to sell anything within the sphere of influence of the Golden Sword Sect again.

Given these consequences, the small Golden Snake Immortal Mansion wouldn’t be willing or dare to bear the consequences.

Therefore, He Song continued to wait for Sun Yu to return to trade with him. Otherwise, He Song might have already left the place when Sun Yu was contacting someone.

How could he possibly wait until now?

But now, since the transaction is already completed, how could the cautious He Song possibly continue to stay here?

Smiling to himself,

He Song turned his head and went straight to the inn within the Golden Snake Immortal Mansion.

He spent ten spirit stones to rent a room in the inn for ten days, and his figure disappeared into the room. Inside the room,

He Song took off his black robe and burned it.

Then, using his mana, he cleansed himself to make sure there were no tracking marks on him.

Afterward, he changed his appearance and put on another black robe.

Finally, he changed his cultivation level from the seventh-tier Qi Refining to the ninth-tier Qi Refining.

Only after doing all of this, did He Song’s figure vanish into the ground and quickly leave the inn.

He revealed himself in a secluded corner within the Immortal Pavilion.

“I’ve changed my appearance and even my cultivation aura; there shouldn’t be anyone targeting me anymore.”

“I’ve heard that the Golden Snake served here is delicious. There’s no danger now, so I might as well give it a try.”

Coming out of the secluded corner, He Song’s figure quickly appeared inside a restaurant within the Golden Snake Immortal Mansion.

He went to a second-floor window seat.

After casually ordering some special dishes from the Golden Snake Immortal


He Song extended his divine sense without alarming anyone, enveloping many people around him within his divine sense.

Anyone within the range of He Song’s divine sense would have their words and actions sensed by him.

This was a precaution He Song took to prevent anyone from tracking him down, even with his changed appearance and cultivation aura.

With his divine sense covering the area, he could detect anything off right away and leave in time.

Once the dishes were served,

He Song quickly began to enjoy his meal.


just as He enjoyed his meal while sensing the actions of the cultivators around him, the whispered conversation of two people caught his attention.

In the street below the restaurant,

two cultivators wearing Law Enforcement Team uniforms walked side by side, their gazes occasionally sweeping the area, revealing gleams of spiritual light in their eyes.

At this moment, the shorter cultivator cursed under his breath.

“Damn it, where did that guy run off to? All the Law Enforcement Teams in the entire Immortal Pavilion were dispatched to different locations to surround that person, but we still let him escape.”

“That bunch of people watching the inn are useless. They let someone slip away.”

As the shorter cultivator’s voice reached him, the taller cultivator beside him nodded in agreement.

“Indeed, they’re useless. So many people failed to keep an eye on one person. It was only when the innkeeper’s assistant checked the room that we found out he had escaped.”

“If they had kept a closer watch, we wouldn’t have been sent on patrol duty.”

“But, do you know who that person is? Even the Supervisor ordered us to catch him personally.”

Hearing the two people’s voices, He Song immediately thought of Sun Yu’s actions in the warehouse.

Back then, Sun Yu was contacting someone in the warehouse.

Although He Song didn’t know who,

Sun Yu didn’t chase after him later on.

That is to say, someone else must have been targeting him already.

Now, listening to the conversation between the two people, it seemed that the person stalking him was the Supervisor they mentioned?

The Supervisor of the Immortal Pavilion?

The image of Fang Yu, who he had appointed as Supervisor at the Herbs Immortal Workshop, flashed through He Song’s mind.

Recalling Fang Yu’s behavior of not even daring to look at him before, He Song felt a hint of disdain in his heart..

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