Before today, True Monarch Profound Wind had imagined countless times how he and his arch-enemy, True Monarch Tian Zhu, would fight to the death and how it would all play out. He had sworn many times in his heart that even if it cost him his life, he would drag True Monarch Tian Zhu along with him to death.

When True Monarch Tian Zhu forcibly shattered the physical bodies of the Qi Family brothers, he had to endure the attacks of True Monarch Profound Wind and the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit. As the Primordial Spirit of the Qi Family brothers escaped, True Monarch Profound Wind was supposed to desperately move in, firmly entangling True Monarch Tian Zhu to create an opportunity for the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit. However, when the critical moment arrived, he hesitated.

As a mid-stage cultivator with a Primordial Spirit aged just over 1500 years, he still had a long lifespan, with at least several hundred more years to live. He was somewhat reluctant to throw away his life just like that. For a moment, he found it difficult to make the decision to bring both himself and the enemy down in a double loss situation.

True Monarch Tian Zhu seized the opportunity during True Monarch Profound Wind's hesitation. With the Dao path cut off, True Monarch Tian Zhu had nothing to worry about. After all, he didn't have many days left to live anyway, so he might as well take his enemy down with him.

In True Monarch Tian Zhu's eyes, True Monarch Profound Wind was the main culprit who had caused him to end up in such a sorry state. Even if it meant putting his life on the line, he would not let True Monarch Profound Wind off lightly. True Monarch Tian Zhu ignored his own limits, desperately squeezing out every bit of potential from within, and mobilized the power of the Grand Dao.

At this moment, it seemed like the heavens were also on his side. The suppression on the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit by the surrounding world increased, leaving the severely injured spirit almost breathless.

True Monarch Tian Zhu used a strategy of trading injuries, and he fiercely clashed with True Monarch Profound Wind, both of them being injured by the power of the Grand Dao and falling heavily to the ground.

Finally, True Monarch Profound Wind retreated. He lacked the same determination as True Monarch Tian Zhu and did not treat his own life as insignificant. True Monarch Profound Wind broke free from True Monarch Tian Zhu's grasp and escaped the battlefield without looking back, flying towards the Deadly Sea of Sand.

Qi Nanfei Daoist Master, who had been paying attention to the situation of the ancestral master while his Qi Family brothers' physical bodies were shattered and their Primordial Spirit fled, hardly hesitated and was about to turn and run. In his haste to escape, he left himself open and received a heavy blow from Yang Xueyi Daoist Master.

Ignoring everything, he fled with his injured body.

Yang Xueyi, who was originally prepared to pursue, remembered Meng Zhang's instructions and stopped, observing the situation from where he stood.

Although True Monarch Mountain Peak had already viewed True Monarch Tian Zhu highly, he absolutely couldn't have imagined that, under such dire circumstances and with an absolute disadvantage, True Monarch Tian Zhu would actually turn the tables.

In True Monarch Mountain Peak's plan, True Monarch Tian Zhu would pay a heavy price and temporarily repel the Qi Family brothers and True Monarch Profound Wind. Then, in his intact state, True Monarch Mountain Peak could profit from the situation and wait to see which side would offer a greater price to buy him over.

Of course, deep down, he leaned more towards True Monarch Profound Wind. The best outcome would be to extract all the benefits from True Monarch Tian Zhu and then deal with the old guy.

Even though True Monarch Tian Zhu had just displayed his might, True Monarch Mountain Peak knew that he definitely wasn't as lively and vigorous as he appeared on the surface. He must have been injured. However, the long-standing influence of True Monarch Tian Zhu still made True Monarch Mountain Peak somewhat hesitant.

Seeing the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit struggling to pounce, True Monarch Tian Zhu summoned his remaining strength and once again used the power of the world to temporarily suppress it.

True Monarch Tian Zhu's figure flashed, crossing a distance of dozens of miles, and appeared not far from True Monarch Mountain Peak.

True Monarch Tian Zhu's proactive attack made True Monarch Mountain Peak lose the last bit of resistance. He abandoned his opponent and tried to quickly flee.

Focusing solely on escaping, True Monarch Mountain Peak had to forcibly take a hit from True Monarch Tian Zhu before spitting out blood and fleeing in panic.

Jin Li Daoist Master and the others witnessed True Monarch Tian Zhu's bravery, defeating all enemies in one fell swoop, and their spirits were invigorated.

Jin Li Daoist Master breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that she didn't waver at the critical moment and stood firmly on True Monarch Tian Zhu's side.

However, she immediately remembered her moment of hesitation and hoped that True Monarch Tian Zhu hadn't noticed her lack of resolve.

True Monarch Tian Zhu's figure flashed again, appearing not far from the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit, and once again suppressed the creature that had just escaped the predicament.

Jin Li Daoist Master put away the Yellow Sand Ten Thousand Li Chart, and Meng Zhang and the others flew up into the air, preparing to go over and pay their respects to True Monarch Tian Zhu.

"Don't come over here, just stay where you are and listen to me. I don't have much time left, so let's make this brief." True Monarch Tian Zhu's words, transmitted through dozens of miles, still clearly reached everyone's ears.

True Monarch Tian Zhu's words changed the expressions of everyone. What did he mean by not having much time left?

Without waiting for the crowd to react, True Monarch Tian Zhu continued speaking.

"Before I breathe my last breath and my foundation is completely destroyed, my vitality has already faded away, and I'm barely holding on. This last breath won't last much longer; it will dissipate completely soon.

Before I depart from this world, there are a few things I must tell you all, so listen carefully.

Jin Li, you have called me Uncle Master for so many years, but I regret that as your Uncle Master, I haven't taken good care of you during these years. If your master knows from the netherworld, he would probably complain about me."

Without waiting for Jin Li Daoist Master to respond, True Monarch Tian Zhu continued speaking on his own.

"The Qi Family brothers' physical bodies were destroyed this time, and only their Primordial Spirits escaped. They won't dare to come back here until they obtain new physical bodies."

"Yue Feng, the traitor, will most likely return to Jiuqu League seeking protection from the higher-ups."

"As for Xuan Feng, that kid has lost all courage and probably won't dare to come back voluntarily."

"After I'm gone, with my remaining influence, I can deter them for at least a few decades. But if I continue to remain hidden, they will eventually become suspicious. In a maximum of a hundred years, they will try to test the waters."

"Among you, if there is no new Primordial Spirit True Monarch born, you will likely be unable to evade their investigation. With their vengeful personalities, they will surely direct their anger towards you. Once they confirm my demise, they will act swiftly."

"After I'm gone, you all need to carefully consider your future plans."

True Monarch Tian Zhu's words cast a shadow over the hearts of everyone present.

After True Monarch Tian Zhu's death, how should they face True Monarch Mountain Peak and True Monarch Profound Wind? Even after going through so many twists and turns, at this point, even if they try to seek refuge with someone else, they may not be accepted.

True Monarch Tian Zhu's passing would bring complete freedom to Jin Li Daoist Master, allowing her to come and go as she pleases. But Meng Zhang, as a Gold Core Daoist Master, has a whole family under him. What should he do?

Taiyi Sect alone has thousands of disciples, not to mention the vast Endless Sea of Sand outside the sect. There are tens of thousands of ordinary mortals in the territory. How could so many people secretly leave the Endless Sea of Sand? And where could they find a safe place to settle?

Among the Gold Core Daoist Masters present, Jin Li Daoist Master was the one True Monarch Tian Zhu truly valued. He didn't know Meng Zhang well, and his impression of him was not that great. The two Gold Core Daoist Masters from Flying Swan Sect, in his eyes, had already exhausted their potential, not to mention reaching the Primordial Spirit realm; even the Gold Core late stage was beyond their reach.

Only Jin Li Daoist Master, who was an old acquaintance, possessed a complete Gold Core cultivation base, excellent aptitude, roots, and comprehension ability. If she could receive his guidance, she had a great chance of breaking through to the Primordial Spirit realm.

Perhaps, it's true that people become more benevolent when facing death. True Monarch Tian Zhu rarely showed kindness, but now he generously shared his knowledge and guidance.

After communicating with Jin Li Daoist Master through Divine Sense, he casually threw several storage magic tools to her, entrusting her with the matters after his passing.

Having spent many years under True Monarch Tian Zhu's tutelage, Jin Li Daoist Master was still relatively well understood by him. Although she had just betrayed True Monarch Mountain Peak, in a helpless situation, he had no choice but to trust her.

After making appropriate arrangements with Jin Li Daoist Master, True Monarch Tian Zhu continued speaking.

"Before I die, I won't leave any harm to this world. When I go, I'll take the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit with me."

"When the time comes, you all must leave this place immediately and get as far away as possible. In the short term, don't approach the area within a radius of several hundred miles from here."

True Monarch Tian Zhu's originally full voice became weaker and weaker, and the weakness in his voice could no longer be hidden.

The Fifth Rank Earth Spirit, who had been temporarily trapped by him using the power of the world, struggled desperately and had already broken free from the suppression, ready to break away at any moment.

"Hurry, I can't hold on any longer, I must act now."

Before his words finished, True Monarch Tian Zhu turned into a streak of light, leaving behind a long trail, and lunged at the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit.

The dazzling light surrounded the massive body of the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit, almost encircling it completely, and then it completely merged into the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit's body.

Meng Zhang and the others didn't dare to be negligent, nor did they ignore True Monarch Tian Zhu's warning. They exerted all their strength, flying far away, and tried their best to distance themselves from this place.

Just as they flew dozens of miles away, they felt violent gusts of wind behind them, making it almost impossible to maintain balance in the air.

Ignoring the fierce winds, they continued to fly at high speed.

After flying more than a hundred miles away, thunderous roars erupted from behind them. The unprecedented noise made their ears numb, and they soon lost their hearing.

They didn't dare to slow down and continued to escape with all their might.

A sun seemed to rise behind them. Even with their backs turned, they could feel the dazzling light.

They didn't dare to look back but saw only a vast expanse of white in front of them, almost blinding their eyes.

They flew more than two thousand miles before stopping to catch their breath and daring to look back.

The dazzling light had disappeared, but the hurricane was getting more intense.

In the distance, it seemed as if the heavens and the earth were collapsing, with black holes appearing in the sky and countless cracks.

[Sry for the late updates guys, everything has been a bit hectic... + Enjoy the extra long chapters!]

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