Under the endless illumination of the Sun and Moon Divine Light, Ye Feifan's entire body turned to ashes, including the soul, completely annihilated. As Ye Feifan disappeared from this world, a faint power projected into the sky, forming a blood-red vertical pupil. However, as soon as Meng Zhang glanced at it, the vertical pupil immediately disappeared.

The appearance of the vertical pupil was extremely brief. If it were someone else, they would probably think their eyes were playing tricks on them. Meng Zhang, with his keen perception, naturally noticed this situation. He felt a slight sinking in his heart, realizing that this was not a good sign.

With his experience and insight, Meng Zhang knew that he had attracted the attention of a great power by killing a Demonic Cultivator. Most likely, it was a great power from the demonic path. If the demonic great power hadn't immediately taken action against him, it was probably because they couldn't do so directly.

In such a situation, Meng Zhang couldn't ignore it. Even if he managed to evade it for now, trouble would inevitably find its way to him in the future.

Meng Zhang hesitated for a moment and began to deduce Ye Feifan's background. There must be some secret on Ye Feifan's body; otherwise, his death wouldn't have attracted the attention of a great power from the demonic path. Although Ye Feifan's cultivation base was not as high as Meng Zhang's and he was already dead, Meng Zhang's Grand Evolving Fortune technique should be able to deduce some information.

As soon as Meng Zhang used the Grand Evolving Fortune technique, he felt an unprecedented smoothness, as if he had divine assistance. Surprisingly, he was able to deduce a lot of information effortlessly.

Ye Feifan was an extremely talented Demonic Cultivator. Shortly after he transformed into a Demonic Cultivator, he caught the attention of a powerful demon from the demonic realm during a grand sacrifice and was valued by this demon. Ye Feifan lived up to this attention and made great contributions to the demonic path, rapidly advancing his cultivation. The demon even bestowed him with demonic power to enhance his cultivation base.

If Ye Feifan hadn't died here today, he might have grown into a formidable figure in the demonic path, causing havoc in the Cultivation World and harming living beings. Meng Zhang's killing of Ye Feifan had caused the investment made by that great demon to go to waste, naturally deeply offending the demon.

Due to the successful deduction, Meng Zhang became somewhat complacent and even wanted to deduce the background of that great demon. Just as Meng Zhang was about to act, an inexplicable force immediately made him sober and stopped this obviously suicidal behavior.

"That was close," Meng Zhang wiped away the nonexistent cold sweat on his forehead.

The great demon who valued Ye Feifan couldn't directly attack Meng Zhang through the barriers between worlds, no matter how great their divine abilities were. However, if Meng Zhang actively sought death by using the Grand Evolving Fortune technique to deduce that great demon, he would soon establish a connection with the demon. Afterwards, the great demon would gradually infiltrate Meng Zhang's body with their power.

Over time, Meng Zhang might be tainted by demonic power, slowly demonized, and ultimately fall into the demonic path. The demonic path was indeed dangerous, and the methods of demonic great powers were unpredictable. Meng Zhang had almost fallen into their trap due to his carelessness.

As for the mysterious power that helped Meng Zhang, he had a rough idea of its origin. It was not an ordinary power but the merit power he obtained from killing the Demonic Cultivator Ye Feifan.

Demonic Cultivation originated from the demonic realm and used demonization to harm the foundation of this world as a cultivation method. If not stopped, Demonic Cultivation would eventually demonize everything in the world, turning it into a demonic domain and falling into the demonic realm.

The heavens and earth are impartial, treating all things equally without favoring anyone or being particularly good or bad to anyone. The will of the heavens and earth, known as heavenly will or the Heavenly Lord, governs the rules of the heavens and earth.

Heavenly will is impartial, and the Heavenly Lord is the most just. The heavens naturally nourish all things, but humans have nothing to repay the heavens. As living beings growing in this world, if they make certain contributions to this world, heavenly will may bestow heavenly meritas a reward.

Demonic Cultivation is a tumor in this world, and Meng Zhang's act of killing Demonic Cultivators is considered righteous. Especially in the case of Ye Feifan, who was not an ordinary Demonic Cultivator but someone valued by a great demon from the demonic realm, his actions were crucial to the demon's plans.

If it were someone else, they might still be confused at this moment. But as a master of heavenly calculations like Meng Zhang, he had a certain understanding of how heavenly will operates.

He didn't know the exact connection between Ye Feifan and the great demon from the demonic realm, but he knew that by killing Ye Feifan, he had greatly benefited the heavens and earth, which resulted in the reward bestowed by heavenly will and the slight power of merit he possessed.

That tiny bit of merit power, insignificant as it may be, had just helped him escape a crisis. For a master of heavenly calculations like Meng Zhang, having heavenly merit was advantageous in using his Calculated technique, reducing the backlash it usually brought.

In many ways, Meng Zhang was not a good person, with his hands stained with blood and having done many evil deeds. But in the eyes of the lofty heavenly will, all the grudges and killings in the Cultivation World were meaningless.

No matter how many people you kill or how many bad deeds you do, as long as you benefit the heavens and earth, you may receive heavenly merit. Claims like "killing too much harms the heavens and earth" were pure nonsense.

Meng Zhang understood this logic, and he believed that the high-level cultivators and the Holy Land Sects in the Cultivation World also knew it.

With a flash of realization in his mind, Meng Zhang vaguely grasped the modus operandi of those Holy Land Sects. Ye Feifan had previously used the Blade Chime Sect's treasure to tempt Meng Zhang, but he had been reduced to ashes in the Sun and Moon Divine Light, along with all the clues to the treasure.

With Meng Zhang's current perspective, the treasures of a mere Gold Core sect were no longer that important. It would be good if he could obtain them, but even if he missed out, it wouldn't matter.

In the face of killing Ye Feifan, all these matters were irrelevant.

If it were treasures from a Primordial Spirit sect, he might hesitate for a moment.

Meng Zhang quickly cleaned up the battlefield and left the area.

Meanwhile, at the temporary camp of the Huang Family, Huang Tannian, the patriarch of the Huang Family, secretly left with a group of trusted subordinates and never returned. The cultivators left behind at the camp anxiously awaited the patriarch's return but couldn't contact him using the clan's secret technique. They soon realized that something was amiss.

News of the patriarch's disappearance quickly spread, causing panic among the Huang Family cultivators who were left behind, unsure of what to do.

The temporary camp of the Huang Family was only guarded by Foundation Building cultivators, who were completely unable to suppress the situation. The situation was on the verge of chaos.

At this moment, Meng Zhang and Daoist Master Jin Li, both Gold Core Daoist Masters, arrived at the Huang Family's temporary camp together.

As soon as the two Gold Core Daoist Masters arrived, they forcefully stabilized the situation using strong measures.

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