Leon took out the knife from his stomach and looked at his red-blooded hand.

He threw the knife on the ground and let out a screeching noise from his mouth while looking up to the sky.

His wound stopped bleeding, and it started regenerating.

Leon looked around and spotted a cell tower at some distance. He rushed to the cell tower and climbed it like a monkey. Then, He looked around him after reaching its top and searched for Layla. Yet, all he saw were farmlands.

Upon looking further, he noticed a light in the middle of nowhere and jumped from the cell tower.

Meanwhile, the thugs parked their bikes in the middle of an outlying farm where no one could see or hear anything.

The thugs stared at each other and then looked at Layla. Two thugs were covering Layla's mouth, and one was grabbing her hands, although Layla didn't stop resisting.

"What are you waiting for?!" the sturdy man asked. "Get her down and strip her!"

"No!" Layla tried to resist, but she was no match for the thugs.

The thugs tossed Layla on the ground and ripped her hoodie.

"Wha…" The thugs were left speechless after seeing Layla's body.

"Boss, just look at her body. It's full of scars," one thug uttered.

"You are right. It's so ugly," another thug stated.

"Who cares about that? A girl is a girl. We are just going to use her to our heart contents and then dump her in some sewer," the other thug commented.

"That's right. As long as she has a nice face and good body figure, who cares about those scars?" the sturdy man remarked.

"Let me go!" Layla screamed.

"Heh!" The sturdy man grabbed Layla's face and said, "Scream all you want because no one is going to come and help you."

"Leon will… come…." Layla managed to stutter out her words.

"That kid! Hah!" the sturdy man scoffed and continued, "I killed that brat. No one is going to save you."

Layla's face turned pale after hearing that.

"I stabbed a knife in his stomach two times. Even if he is alive, he will bleed to death soon," he added.

Layla lost hope in living. She only managed to survive so far because of Leon. She didn't lose hope because Leon was always there for her. Without Leon, she had no reason to live.

The man groped Layla's breasts and said with a smirk on his face: "Now be a good girl and let us take care of you."


They heard a rustling sound from a distance, as though someone was running around the crops of the farm.

All the thugs glanced around, but they couldn't see anything or anyone.

"What could it be, boss?" a thug asked.

"Ignore it. Maybe it's just a lost wild dog or something," the other thug replied.

Another thug turned on his flashlight and said, "I will go have a look."

He wandered into the farm with nothing but a flashlight illuminating his path. While the other thugs focused on Layla.

"Aaaa!" a loud scream rang within the farm.

The thugs glanced around, but all they could see was the flashlight on the ground between the crops.

"Where did he go?"

"Hey! Stop kidding around and come back. Don't you want to taste this girl?" a thug uttered.


Suddenly, someone came out from the crops and pulled a thug into the darkness.


"What's going on?" the sturdy man wondered.

He stood up and took out his gun that was loosely hanging from inside his pants. He ordered the other thugs to keep watch in all directions while he looked around him with nervousness.


One more thug was dragged into the crops.

"Nooo!" Another thug was pulled into the darkness.

Now only two thugs remained. The sturdy man who was standing next to Layla, and another thug who was flashing his light in all the directions.

Another rustle sounded from his right, and he focused the flashlight on it. He traced the movements of the crops, but it was too fast and erratic.

"Boss, I think I located whatever it is," the thug informed the sturdy man.

The sturdy man pointed his gun in the direction where the thug was aiming the light and said, "Go have a look. I will back you up."

"But boss…"

The sturdy man kicked the thug in the back and said, "Just go!"

The thug gulped down in fear and walked into the crops with his legs trembling. He flashed the light and saw a pair of eyes shining in the dark, boring into him.

"Boss!" "Boss!" he yelled and tried to run back to the sturdy man. However, a claw extended from the bushes and latched onto his leg, dragging him inside. He died screaming.


The sturdy man began to fire his gun in random directions and moved all over the place.

"Who the hell is doing all this?!" he yelled.

The man ran and got on his bike. He turned it on and began to drive away. However, due to panic and fear, he went in the wrong direction.

Suddenly, the body of one of the thugs came flying at the man and threw him off the motorbike. The man bounced and rolled on the ground and saw the head of one of his gang members.

He tried to get up, but his leg broke due to impact. However, he couldn't feel any pain. All he could feel was terror.

The adrenaline rush wasn't helping him.

"Who the hell is this?!" The man asked and fired some more shots.

"Come out!"

Leon came out of the crops with his hands and face smeared in blood.

"You—! How are you alive?" the sturdy man yelled in panic. Then, he looked at Leon's stomach and saw there was no wound, only two holes in the hoodie. He tried to fire the gun, but it was out of ammo after he shot it randomly.

"Tch!" He threw the gun and said, "I don't know how you managed to take those guys out, but I am nothing like them."

He remembered how Leon's punch didn't hurt him and scoffed, thinking he was panicking for nothing.

"I am strong, and I will—"

Leon punched the man, and his hand pierced him through the chest and came out from the other side, with Leon grabbing the man's heart in his hand.

He crushed the man's heart in his hand and kicked the man in the distance. Then, he walked back to Layla.

"L...eon?" Layla called out to Leon after seeing him.

Leon looked at Layla with his glowing eyes and stood there without saying anything.

"Le...eon?" she called out to Leon again.

Leon moved his hand towards Layla and helped her get up.

"Are… you okay?" Leon asked in a husky voice.

Layla nodded with tears in her eyes and hugged Leon tightly with her naked body.

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