Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 1243: Forget the dangers in the country, scattered exploration, Chongming...

Even Jun Xiaoyao thought this conjecture was a bit absurd.

However, his three-generation primordial spirit's perception of soul power was far stronger than other primordial spirits.

Jun Xiaoyao felt that the entire forgotten country seemed to have a kind of will, watching them.

"It deserves to be one of the seven incredible things in Xianyu." Jun Xiaoyao sighed secretly.

Every one is unbelievable, very weird, so people can't guess it.

The Tianjiao of the Nine Immortals, and their companions, have all entered the forgotten kingdom.

After the initial exploration, they were all separated by a certain distance.

No friction or war broke out.

After all, they had just entered, and they didn't even know the situation.

Moreover, the opportunity has not yet appeared, and it has not yet come for tit-for-tat.

Di Haotian was the first to move, leading his group and heading directly in a certain direction.

When Jun Xiaoyao saw this scene, his eyes were deep.

Looking at the appearance of Emperor Haotian, he was in his chest, as if he knew the forgotten country well.

This made Jun Xiaoyao more sure that Di Haotian was a rebirth.

In other words, he has the ability to predict everything.

But Jun Xiaoyao also confirmed at the same time that Di Haotian really couldn't predict his actions.

Otherwise, Di Haotian should have known for a long time that he had already sneaked in because he had fished in troubled waters.

Di Haotian didn't know, it proved that in his memory, he didn't have the experience of sneaking into the forgotten kingdom.

"In this case, it will be much more convenient. It feels uncomfortable to be spied and predicted," Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

"Okay, let's set off too, the entire forgotten country has a wide range and cannot be explored in a short while." Ling Yuan said.

The Tianjiao of the Nine Great Immortals keeps a distance from each other and advances slowly.

Where they are is a vast plain.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, some dense black spots appeared in front of him.

The eyes of the Tianjiao of the Nine Great Immortals were all suspicious, and at the same time vigilant.

Staying a little closer, they found out.

Those black spots are all shadows.

Those figures wear clothes from different eras.

There are some from the ancient times and some from the ancient times.

There are also more distant ones.

"These are the creatures who entered the forgotten country before?" There was a surprised question from Xianting Tianjiao.

"It's not right, I feel something is wrong with their state!"

Yan Xiao frowned as Tianjiao, the leader of Zhu Rongxiantong.

He has flame-like hair and eyebrows, and his eyes are like flowing lava.

These creatures felt numb like walking dead, as if they had lost their own minds.

It's as if the soul has been hooked away.

This is so weird, so many immortal princes are all chilling.

This is just entering the forgotten country, are you about to encounter this kind of weird thing?


Those walking-dead-like figures seemed to have noticed the arrival of the Nine Immortals and Tianjiao.

All eyes suddenly turned around!

In their pupils, there is only numbness and silence.

call out! call out! call out!

Those figures suddenly rushed towards the Tianjiao of the Nine Great Immortals.

Among them, there are even some Xuanzun, who are strong gods!

This is not something that ordinary Tianjiao can resist.


Tianjiao is drinking.

The nine immortals ruled Tianjiao, as well as the companions, hurriedly scattered and fled.

This place is suddenly chaotic.

You Tianjiao was directly caught by those numb figures.

Those figures opened their mouths and sucked, and they sucked out the primordial spirit of Tianjiao!

"Soul, soul, where is my soul!"

After absorbing the soul power of this Tianjiao, the numb figure roared up to the sky and continued to search for the next prey.

"Run away!"

"Ah... don't kill me!"


The place exploded, and there was chaos.

Among those figures, there is after all Xuanzun, a god-level existence.

It can be said that except for the elites in the Nine Great Immortals.

Basically no one can stop them with a few tricks.

Di Haotian's face was light and breezy, as if he was not used to it.

A walking dead at the rank of Xuanzun rushed towards him.

Di Haotian hasn't moved yet.

The eldest son of Yanyun Eighteenth Cavalry next to him, namely the bright warrior Yuhui, and the dark night Wang Ti Yumo, joined forces and blocked the Xuanzun's move.

"Withdraw first..."

Di Haotian flicked his sleeves, leading his group, and flew away in one direction.

The other immortals did the same, and they began to separate.

"Go away!"

The Xing Meteorite of Xing Tian Xian Tong, the breath of the whole body erupted, the power of fighting broke out, and a walking corpse of the heavenly rank was blasted back.

He also retreated with his gang.

But not everyone is so lucky.

For example, the Shennong Xiantong Yaojunzi and his party suffered heavy losses.

Only the leading medicine gentleman and a few others managed to escape.

Ling Yuan was also evacuating.

"Don't worry, Young Emperor, Qin will definitely protect your safety."

Qin Yuanqing raised his hand and blasted a walking corpse back.

Ling Yuan ignored it at all.

On the contrary, Jun Xiaoyao was very calm and didn't even make a move.

Others are willing to be coolies, and he is still happy.

"Huh, I really am an idler."

Seeing that Jun Xiaoyao had never taken any action, Qin Yuanqing snorted coldly.

Ling Yuan and his party finally broke through and left the plain.

"Huh, I scared me to death..."

Lu Fugui wiped the sweat off his face.

As a descendant of the forging family, his combat effectiveness is definitely not high.

Of course, the only advantage is that he has a lot of magical weapons, which can guarantee his safety.

"Finally came out, why did the creatures who entered the forgotten kingdom become like that?" Ling Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone present was a little puzzled.

But the forgotten country is mysterious and weird, and it's normal if you don't understand it.

"Well, the next journey will only be more dangerous, everyone should be more careful."

Ling Yuan is the captain of this team.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Jun Xiaoyao.

In fact, in terms of qualification and strength, Jun Xiaoyao is the captain who deserves it.

But he is very low-key and not interested.

Although it has entered the forgotten kingdom.

But Jun Xiaoyao didn't need to reveal his identity immediately.

If exposed early, it may cause others to be alert.

Next, Ling Yuan, Jun Xiaoyao and others began to gradually deepen.

There was a golden glow in the sky ahead.

It was a divine bird with a golden glow, with a hint of auspiciousness.

"That is... Chongming Divine Bird, almost extinct outside!"

Lu Fugui's small eyes gleamed.

The sacred feather of the Chongming sacred bird is the treasure of forging armor.

But this kind of bird is almost extinct in the outside world, and it is impossible to find their **** feathers.

"Don't cause trouble, that Chongming divine bird is not something ordinary people can handle, at least you can't handle it." Qin Yuanqing said coldly. UU reading

"Hey, your kid..." Lu Fugui stared.

There was something wrong with the two of them.

And on the next journey, they also saw the Primordial Alien Species such as the Red Eyed Jade Tiger, the Nine-winged Yinglong, and the Cry Soul Beast.

They also try to avoid it.

Of course, on the way, they also harvested many ancient and rare holy medicines.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't do much, and he didn't care about these opportunities.

I don't know how long I walked, but suddenly, there seemed to be a misty light flowing in front of him.

"what is that?"

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