Chapter 96

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 96

The man stepped into the elevator.

The elevator, powered by magic, silently carried him up to the fiftieth floor, the top floor of the City Hall.

Rumor had it that it was created by combining magic with science, but he didn’t know the exact principles behind it, nor did he care.

All of Neo Seoul’s facilities operated in this manner.

Through the appropriate harmony of magic and science, they maximized efficiency.

It was an inevitable choice in an era of scarce resources.

With most of the land turned into desert, obtaining concrete or even stone was not easy.

Most of the materials that now constituted Neo Seoul were remnants of Seoul destroyed a hundred years ago.

Buildings were constructed using old materials, reinforced by Awakeneds like enchanters, and various amenities were created by Awakeneds who used magic.

Thus, the City Hall became the nucleus of Neo Seoul.

The elevator swiftly transported the man to the fiftieth floor of the City Hall.

Upon reaching the fiftieth floor, the man took off his tightly pressed hat. As he did, the face of a man in his mid-forties became visible.

His expressionless, icy face and unfocused eyes gave him a unique aura and appearance that one could never forget.

The man cautiously knocked on the door and said.

“Sir, it’s Lee Zeong-ho.”

“Come in.”

A moment later, accompanied by a dignified voice from inside, the door opened.

As Lee Zeong-ho entered, a spacious room appeared before him.

Large windows offering a clear view of Neo Seoul, a large desk in the center, and bookshelves lining the walls filled with books were notable.

However, what caught his attention the most was the man standing in front of the windows.

A middle-aged man, seemingly lost in thought as he looked down at Neo Seoul.

Behind the man in a suit, a relaxed atmosphere could be felt.

Lee Zeong-ho bowed his head respectfully and said.

“I have completed the mission.”

“Good job.”

The middle-aged man turned around.

Then, the distinctive features of the middle-aged man’s face became apparent.

Sharp features, blue eyes, neatly combed hair, and a stylish beard on his chin, all left an impressive impression.

The man’s name was Jin Geum-ho.

The mayor of Neo Seoul.

Jin Geum-ho asked.

“Was it difficult?”

“The conditions happened to align perfectly, so it wasn’t too difficult.”

“Good to hear.”

“Here are the wings of the Queen Ghost Dragonfly and the Rainbow Pendant.”

Lee Zeong-ho took out the two items from his spatial storage and handed them to Jin Geum-ho.

Jin Geum-ho glanced at the Rainbow Pendant without much interest and focused only on the wings of the Queen Ghost Dragonfly.

The wings of the Queen Ghost Dragonfly floated in mid-air, defying gravity, like dandelion seeds.

“Seeing as it defies gravity, I’m sure it’s authentic.”

A faint smile appeared on Jin Geum-ho’s lips.

“I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you.”

“You’ve never disappointed me once. That’s why I can trust you with anything.”

“Thank you.”

“Was there any trouble?”

“Although the secondary raid team arrived faster than expected, even if we had encountered it, there wouldn’t have been any problems.”

“I see.”

Jin Geum-ho nodded.

He knew that Lee Zeong-ho’s confidence was never excessive.

Jin Geum-ho had a special enforcement unit called the Numbers.

They were killing machines who laid down their lives only for Jin Geum-ho’s orders.

Lee Zeong-ho was one of them.

He was a Martial Arts Awakened, particularly skilled in swordsmanship.

His rank was A.

For most Awakeneds, that would have been more than satisfactory.

But he was different.

He desperately wanted to become S-rank.

But he couldn’t achieve S-rank through conventional means.

So, he blinded himself.

It was to obtain a skill called Mind’s Eye.

He believed that the combination of Mind’s Eye and swordsmanship would lead him to a higher rank.

But he still hadn’t reached S-rank.

Stuck somewhere between A and S-rank.

To reach a definite S-rank, there needed to be another catalyst. However, Lee Zeong-ho wasn’t sure what that might be.

Jin Geum-ho said.

“You’ve worked hard, so take a good rest.”

“No, please give me a new mission if there is one.”

“There won’t be anything for you to do for a while.”

“Understood. Please call me anytime if needed.”

“Will do.”

As Lee Zeong-ho left, Jin Geum-ho was left alone.

Looking out over Neo Seoul, Jin Geum-ho murmured to himself.

“Retribution, it seems, this is how it begins.”


“Haah! Haah!”

“Damn it!”

When Zeon returned to the boss room of the Hell Moles, the first thing he saw was the Awakeneds sprawled on the ground.

Both the Inazuma raid team and Jack’s raid team were lying on the ground, catching their breath heavily.

While Zeon was dealing with the Ghost Dragonflies, they had attacked the Hell Mole boss and eventually managed to defeat it.

However, the price they paid was by no means light.

Both the Inazuma raid team and Jack’s raid team suffered casualties. But compared to the Awakeneds from the slums, they were better off.

Most of the Awakeneds from the slums were either dead or heavily injured.

Still, the survivors’ faces were not dark. After all, they had defeated the Hell Mole boss.

The survivors would receive compensation for the deceased.

That was the privilege enjoyed by the survivors of the raid teams.

Kouji, who was catching his breath heavily, spotted Zeon.

“Where were you? I didn’t see you.”

“I retreated for a moment as my mana was depleted.”

Kouji frowned at Zeon’s response.

Zeon’s contribution was significant in capturing the Hell Mole boss.

If he hadn’t unleashed the Fire Rain, they would still be dealing with Ghost Dragonfly larvae.

It was understandable that all his mana was depleted after unleashing a skill powerful enough to incinerate the endless swarms of Ghost Dragonfly larvae.

But there was still an uncomfortable feeling lingering, like food stuck between teeth.

Turning his gaze away forcibly, Kouji said.

“First, recover the Mana Stone from the boss, and then figure out what to do with these prisoners trapped inside.”

As his command was issued, Shuhan, with a dagger in hand, approached menacingly.

With skillful hands, he cut open the Hell Mole boss’s belly and retrieved the Mana Stone.

“This should be enough compensation.”

A peculiar energy emanated from the Mana Stone obtained from the Hell Mole boss.

There was a chance that a skill might come out of it.

Then, its value would skyrocket.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Jack, breaking the stone monuments, shouted.

“Guild Leader!”

He shook him, but Old Man Klexi didn’t seem to come to his senses easily. However, It didn’t seem like there was anything wrong, as his breathing was steady.

Kouji said to Jack.

“Our deal has been successful, so as promised, we’ll take the Mana Stone. Any objections?”


“Then, let’s get out first.”

Upon Kouji’s words, Jack glanced at Zeon.

Jack’s raid team rounded up the rescued individuals, avoiding Zeon’s gaze.

Zeon silently watched them.

A cold smile crept onto his lips.

“Indeed, there’s no one you can trust.”

Jack flinched at his sneer. But he didn’t retort or get angry.

Because he had committed a sin.

Originally, it was the subordinates of Old Man Klexi who discovered this dungeon.

Accidentally stumbling upon the dungeon with the Hell Mole as the owner, Old Man Klexi personally came to conquer it but ended up going missing.

Yoo Se-hee sent rescue teams to save Old Man Klexi, but they all failed.

At that time, Tajik approached.

He offered to support by sending the Inazuma raid team, but the condition was to ensure Zeon’s participation.

Yoo Se-hee had no choice.

Old Man Klexi was her only remaining blood relative.

She wasn’t ready to let him go yet.

Jack’s raid team and the Awakeneds from the slums left the dungeon with Old Man Klexi and others.

Zeon stood still, silently watching the scene.

Kouji asked Zeon,.

“Are you surprised?”

“Not particularly.”

“Looks like you have a stronger heart than you appear.”

“I’ve heard that before.”

“It’s not necessarily a good thing.”

“It’s not a bad thing either.”

“You don’t give up a single word.”

“There’s no need to be swayed.”

“I’ve seen several guys with long tongues like you get their tongues cut off.”

“Really? Scary.”

Zeon shivered exaggeratedly.

Kouji’s gaze turned even more stern.

He remembered Tajik’s advice before coming here.

―Test him. If he’s useful, just roll him in like the Crocodiles.

―What if he doesn’t meet expectations?

―Well… then…

Instead of a definite answer, Tajik smiled faintly.

Kouji knew very well what that smile meant.

Zeon looked around.

Before he knew it, the Inazuma raid team was surrounding him.

Yuri, Byrun, Shuhan, and Komein aimed their weapons at Zeon, but Zeon paid them no mind and looked at Kouji instead.

“Was this Tajik’s will?”

“He’s not someone you can mention lightly.”

“Is he that great of a person?”

“At the very least, he’s not someone you can speak lightly of.”

“I’m getting more curious about him. But you’re not going to tell me that easily, are you?”

“You should focus more on preserving your life than satisfying your curiosity.”

Kouji didn’t hide his enmity towards Zeon.


He drew his katana.

The katana, sharpened to perfection, pointed at Zeon.

“Prove it. Prove whether you’re worth it. That’s the only way to save your life.”

“Well, let me struggle hard then. It’s what I do best.”

Zeon replied with a smile.

His demeanor irritated Kouji.

“Let’s begin!”

“Yes, Captain.”

Yuri, the Wind Mage, swung her fan in response.

Byron rushed forward wielding his axe, while Komein Blinked behind Zeon.

Shuhan stepped back and observed Zeon.

‘I’ll dissect everything about you.’

Yuri’s Wind Blades and Byron’s axe simultaneously aimed for Zeon’s throat. Added to that was Kouji’s katana.

It seemed only a matter of time before Zeon’s breath would be cut off.

But contrary to Shuhan’s expectations, Zeon neither had his breath cut off nor was he pushed into dire straits.


An enormous wall of fire protected his entire body.


“Hot! It’s burning!”

Byron recoiled from the intense heat, and Yuri panicked.

Zeon lightly swung his hand towards them.

Fire Rain.

The skill that had decimated the Ghost Dragonfly larvae once again unfolded.

“Heh! No way.”

At that moment, Kouji stepped forward and swung his katana.


The barrage of fire raining down on the Inazuma raid team was all sliced away by his katana.

There was a red aura emanating from his katana.

He had unleashed his Aura Sword.

Zeon swung his hand again.

Fire Rain once again filled the dungeon.

This time, it was Yuri’s turn.

“Impossible. Tornado Shield!”

The wind turned into a tornado, creating a massive barrier that blocked the fire rain created by Zeon.

The fire trapped in the tornado shield was extinguished in an instant.

Kouji smirked with a sharp smile and said.

“You’re a fire attribute Awakened, right? But as you can see, your skills no longer work on us.”

“It seems so.”

Although he could use stronger skills, Zeon didn’t bother to explain himself.

There was no reason to explain.

‘They’re all gone.’

He sensed that Jack and the other Awakeneds had all left the dungeon.

Now, only the Inazuma raid team and him remained in the dungeon.

The red aura from Kouji’s sword intensified.

“Enough with the games. I’ll take your breath away now.”

“I’m also done playing around. Do you think five-on-five would be more fair?”


At that moment, the sand around Zeon moved.


“Sand Soldier.”

Five soldiers rose from the sand.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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