[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 155

Zeon asked.

“Why should I go?”

“Because Master Xiao Lun commands it.”

“And I should comply just because he commands? I’m not his pet.”

“Do you dare defy Master Xiao Lun’s orders?”

Pan Cheong-cheon’s expression turned fierce.

Zeon, looking genuinely puzzled, replied.

“I have no relationship with him. Why should I follow his orders?”

“Master Xiao Lun is the ruler of the South District.”

“Maybe you forgot, but I live in the slums, not the South District.”

“So you refuse to go?”

“Give me a reason to go… that makes sense.”

“You misunderstand something.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m not asking. I’m commanding.”

“It seems you’re the one who’s mistaken. I have no reason to follow your command.”

Zeon’s cold response made Pan Cheong-cheon’s expression harden.

“So you’re saying you won’t go?”

“That’s right.”

“You’ll regret this.”

“We’ll see who regrets it.”

“Remember those words…”


Before Zeon could react, a thunderous sound erupted. Pan Cheong-cheon had struck.

Zeon was sent flying backward by the unexpected blow.

Pan Cheong-cheon quickly followed up, his hand glowing red.

It was his main skill, Bamboo Leaf Hand.

A skill that combined ancient Chinese martial arts with his unique abilities.

He converted mana into aura and gave it the hardness of steel.

It was powerful enough to kill large monsters.


Pan Cheong-cheon struck again with Bamboo Leaf Hand.

Zeon, hit hard, was sent flying again.

As Zeon lay sprawled on the ground, Pan Cheong-cheon spoke.

“I’ve never liked you from the start. I know your type. Stubborn, thinking you’re the best in the world. Seem docile on the outside but a venomous snake inside. You probably killed Tajik too.”

He was convinced Zeon had killed Tajik.

Though he didn’t get along well with Tajik, he didn’t underestimate his abilities.

Tajik was as capable as he was arrogant.

His sudden madness and death by a Sandworm had to be someone’s doing.

Pan Cheong-cheon believed Zeon was the culprit.


He struck Zeon with Bamboo Leaf Hand again.

Zeon was once more thrown to the ground.

Pan Cheong-cheon walked over to where Zeon had fallen.

“I’ll break your limbs and drag you like a dog. Then Master Xiao Lun will reconsider his stance on you.”

Xiao Lun had ordered Zeon to be brought to him at all costs.

He valued Zeon’s awakened abilities highly.

But Pan Cheong-cheon thought differently.

Though Zeon’s abilities were impressive, he didn’t think they warranted bringing him into the South District.

He had followed Xiao Lun’s orders, but Zeon’s defiance changed things.

He could claim Zeon’s resistance justified his harsh actions.

“Resist all you want, you brat!”

Pan Cheong-cheon aimed another Bamboo Leaf Hand at Zeon’s knee.

He intended to cripple him.


A thunderous sound echoed.


Both the one who struck and the one who groaned were Pan Cheong-cheon.

He clutched his hand and staggered back.

Zeon’s fist had met his Bamboo Leaf Hand, equipped with the Inferno Gauntlet.

Pan Cheong-cheon’s hand was swollen.

Even with his skill, he had taken significant damage.

Meanwhile, Zeon stood up unscathed.

Zeon dusted off his pants and muttered.

“So, ambush is the South District’s style?”

“Ambush is a tactic. Only fools fall for it.”

Pan Cheong-cheon shook his swollen hand.

His hand quickly returned to normal.

Pan Cheong-cheon was a B-rank Martial Arts Awakened.

He had inherited martial arts from his ancestors.

His physical abilities were beyond ordinary Awakeneds.

Though officially B-rank, he could exhibit A-rank destructive power.

His recovery rate was also extraordinary.

To an uninformed observer, he might seem like a troll with his rapid healing, though it consumed a lot of mana.



Just as Pan Cheong-cheon started to speak, he was struck by a powerful blow.

Zeon had launched a sudden attack.

Pan Cheong-cheon was flung like a bowling pin.

Zeon followed swiftly.

Closing the distance in an instant, Zeon swung his fist.

“Argh! How dare you.”

Despite the suddenness, Pan Cheong-cheon, a martial arts master, managed to block Zeon’s attack.


With a resounding impact, both staggered but quickly resumed their fierce combat.

Pan Cheong-cheon was taken aback.

‘What the…? He’s not a martial artist, so why is he so fast? Did he learn martial arts too?’

Zeon’s movements far exceeded his expectations.

He didn’t even use his known sand abilities. He fought Pan Cheong-cheon equally with just his physical prowess.


Zeon approached low and swung his fist upward.

Pan Cheong-cheon blocked with Bamboo Leaf Hand and countered with a powerful kick.


With a thunderous explosion, Zeon’s body staggered but quickly recovered, his hand wrapping around Pan Cheong-cheon’s leg.


Pan Cheong-cheon’s eyes wavered.

He saw Zeon’s eyes, which held no hesitation.

Zeon twisted Pan Cheong-cheon’s leg without mercy.

[Translator – Peptobismol]


A sickening crunch echoed as Pan Cheong-cheon’s knee joint shattered.


Pan Cheong-cheon screamed, stumbling back.

No matter how monstrous his recovery was, he couldn’t escape the limits of being human.

Healing a major joint like the knee took time.

But Zeon had no intention of giving him that time.

Zeon’s fist collided with Pan Cheong-cheon’s chest.



Pan Cheong-cheon coughed up blood, flying backward.

In a split second, Zeon leaped into the air.

High above, Zeon descended like a meteor towards Pan Cheong-cheon.


With an explosive impact, Pan Cheong-cheon’s head snapped back.

Zeon’s knee had struck his face.

A normal person would have either died or lost consciousness from such a blow.

But Pan Cheong-cheon wasn’t an ordinary Awakened.

In that brief moment, he had summoned his mana to shield himself.

It was a skill called Aura Shield.

Thanks to this, Pan Cheong-cheon avoided a fatal injury.

His face contorted with a mix of astonishment and rage.

Being overpowered by a non-Martial Arts Awakened like Zeon was a blow to his pride.

“Unforgivable. You bastard!”


He drew upon all his mana, enveloping himself in a crimson aura.

Despite his damaged leg, he charged with incredible speed.

The good leg’s push-off provided immense propulsion.

With his body cloaked in red aura, he looked like a comet.

Zeon extended his hand into the air.

Instantly, sand from the roofs and ground gravitated towards him.


Sand particles swirled around Zeon, forming a thick veil.

‘So, he really controls sand. But sand can’t stop me.’

Pan Cheong-cheon channeled all his power into this attack.

The skill, known as Meteor Strike, was his ultimate move.

No mere sand could withstand its force.


Pan Cheong-cheon hurled himself at Zeon with full force.

But before he could connect, the swirling sand around Zeon shot out.

It was Zeon’s unique skill, that condensed sand with high pressure and shot them out.

Sand Blaster.


The Sand Blaster struck Pan Cheong-cheon.

Though powerful, it wasn’t enough to significantly harm him, thanks to his Aura Shield.

Pan Cheong-cheon trusted his shield and pressed on.

However, he failed to anticipate one thing.

Zeon’s Sand Blaster wasn’t just one stream.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of Sand Blasters fired in rapid succession.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Each impact slowed Pan Cheong-cheon’s charge.

One hit, then another, until the twentieth blast landed.



Pan Cheong-cheon finally collapsed, unable to withstand any more.

The red aura that once enveloped him had long dissipated.

Zeon delivered a final blow.

This time, an overwhelming force struck Pan Cheong-cheon.

It was Zeon’s Sand Missile.


With a deafening explosion, Pan Cheong-cheon was sent flying, crashing to the ground.

His body was in tatters.

Limbs twisted grotesquely, chest soaked in blood.

Only his formidable physique as a Martial Arts Awakened saved his life; otherwise, he would have perished.

“Cough! Urgh!”

Pan Cheong-cheon spat blood.

His already blood-soaked neck and chest darkened further.

He struggled to rise.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t muster the strength.

Ultimately, Pan Cheong-cheon gave up and lay sprawled.

“Damn it! Using sand… how cheap.”

“Using sand is my ability. Only fools fall for it.”

Zeon returned Pan Cheong-cheon’s earlier insult.

Pan Cheong-cheon had no retort.

Zeon addressed him.

“Tell Xiao Lun this clearly: if he wants to see me, he should come in person.”

“Feeling high and mighty after taking me down? You are nothing compared to Master Xiao Lun.”

“So, let him come. Or invite me politely. Trying to kidnap me is just rude.”


“Anyway, I’ve made my stance clear. Next time you try something like this, it’s war.”

“War? Do you really think you can take on the entire South District? No matter how strong you are, you can’t beat us all.”

“What if I cooperate with the City Hall? Or ally with the North District? Or maybe the West District… Think you can handle that?”


Pan Cheong-cheon fell silent.

He realized the potential catastrophe if Zeon’s abilities combined with other districts’ powers.

Having fought Zeon, he understood how formidable Zeon’s abilities were.

He had to prevent such an alliance at all costs.

“I’m… sorry.”

“What did you say?”

“Today’s events weren’t Master Xiao Lun’s orders. It was my decision. Don’t think it represents the South District’s intentions.”

Pan Cheong-cheon swallowed his pride and apologized.

His shoulders trembled with humiliation.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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