“Are you not going to prepare?” Cinthia asked, incredulous, as Sofia suggested that they go find Saria so they could all have lunch together.

“Prepare what? I don’t need any preparations, I’m always ready to fight. I don’t have to worry about foul-play since we have a level 500 referee. So I’ll just beat this guy up and take the money, no need to make a big deal out of it.”

“Why’d he be so hostile towards you in particular though? He made it sound like a personal issue,” Alith asked.

“Erian, the student who was absent today, has the same family name. It was on his data that he’s the eldest son of some Duke, though, so this guy is probably like his uncle I suppose? Could be his great-grandfather too for all we know, he looked quite old for someone our level. As for what his problem with me is exactly, no idea.”

“I mean, Erredis looks younger than him but that doesn’t mean much… I guess at a certain point people just chose if they want to look old or young? But the real question is : does this Erian kid dislike you or something? Think he has a reason to complain about you?”

“Maybe their family just don’t like other races other than the Exidians? The way he looked at me was a bit scary,” Cinthia added.

“I have no idea what his issue is but I don’t think Erian wanted this to happen. He’s a bit stuck up sometimes, but he’s still polite and a hard-worker. I think he’s not indifferent to my looks either. Honestly if he knew this was going to happen I’d be faster to believe that he didn’t come today out of embarrassment rather than because he was the instigator and somehow disappointed in my teaching.”

“Eh, who knows with the nobles. Could be anything, maybe he just doesn’t like the way you dress, nothing’s off the table. Let’s just get Saria and Asty for the meal.”

“Not Zerei?” Sofia asked.

“Nah, she’s busy preparing for an open class or something like that I think, it’s better not to bother her.”

The trio left the classroom.

“Oh right, Alith, you’ve had Alchemy classes with Eternam already, right? How is it?”

“Old man bird guy? He knows a lot, it’s been really interesting, especially how he mixes the…”

Sofia and Pareth made their way to the same underground arena she had fought the crystal monster in. In the large corridor leading to the closed double doors of the Arena, there was no one else.

Everyone said it was very noisy with all the duels but this is quieter than a forgotten tomb. Is there no one inside either? I thought Saria said she would bring some people to cheer me on.

Extending her mana senses further through the walls, Sofia stopped. Holy… The seats are packed, is there another event going on? The strange void near the other side has to be that Tartaros guy. He felt like that during the opening ceremony too.

That’s at least a thousand spectators in the seats and no one is fighting in the arena.

There’s no way they’re here to watch me, right?

What if they are? They actually are, aren’t they?

Not good. Hmm. I actually need a second to think this through…

I can’t lose health so demon form and [One with Suffering] are useless, so are the [False immortality] runes… Bolts are fine, but only the piercing ones, I won’t lose health with the new armor. I need to humiliate the guy for Hatred to be happy with the quest, just not losing health isn’t enough.

Should I go in there with no armor? Depending on this guy’s skills this could work out well…

Oh, I’ve got a good idea, this should work, right?

Sofia walked back until she found one of the many public restrooms of the academy, and quickly got changed into what the dwarven clothier had sold to her as ‘a lady-like long robe with a lot of beautiful lace and frills, perfect for tea parties with the nobility and other such distinguished occasions’.

Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

I can’t believe this Dwarf really made me buy a corset, this stuff is suffocating.

Does look good though.

Sofia double checked all her stuff, making sure to wear all the golden pieces of the saint set as well as her crown. Letting her hair flow behind her back, she grabbed her scepter out of her storage. The last step was to remodel her wings so that they looked less undead, and more like beautiful bird wings.

White feathers look good. They’re rigid and made of bone, but that’ll do the trick.

And we’re all set.

As a last detail, Sofia summoned her pet crow out of the book, she felt more confident with it on her shoulder. She walked all the way back to the arena’s doors, it was still just as silent, yet the atmosphere seemed a bit tense. Maybe I’m just imagining things.

Let’s just hope they’re really waiting for me, or this might be embarrassing.

Sofia opened the doors.

Voices finally reached her, shocked murmurs, excited whispers.

“She’s here! The crazy teacher.”

“The hand stealer!”

As she had felt, the rows of seats were full, and opposite her, waiting in the arena, was a stoic and fully armored Ferdinand ProudWall. Sofia took a few more steps inside the arena, and Pareth closed the door behind her.

A quick glance at the seats was enough to spot a lot of people among the numerous students. Of course Saria was there with everyone else who had followed from sect, but in a place seemingly reserved for teachers, quite a few of them were present, among them she recognized Eternam, the twins, Jennifer, and even the hobgoblin one.

The headmaster and Beryl were nowhere to be seen, but In the small booth for the referee, Saint Tartaros stood tall, an inconspicuous Exidian lady sitting behind him in the shadow.

Last but not least, Sofia spotted all five of her students. Erian was sitting with a bunch of richly dressed Exidians, far from the rest of the class. He was looking down, so Sofia couldn’t catch his expression. Him expected, everyone was staring at Sofia with bated breath.

Well I’ll be damned, that’s a lot of pressure. I’m not used to so many people watching me fight…

Or watching me at all.

Ehrm, alright… “Good day, everyone, are you ready for today’s class?”

There were a few cheers from the student’s direction, Shaily and Alith were probably the loudest, besides that, there was not much of a reaction.

Well, that’s a start.

“You are late, teacher Vakaria,” Ferdinand retorted from the other end of the arena.

I’m not, but sure… All mithril, longsword and shield. He might actually survive a few hits.

“On this day, I shall prove to everyone gathered here that a nameless barbaric sod of your stature is unfit to teach at Brighthall!”

The tension thickened in the arena, there were hushed gasps from the crowd, expressions of confusion, and sometimes of approval, everyone was waiting for Sofia’s defense.

“Bold of your to doubt Headmaster Beligenus’ good judgment,” she struck back.

The reactions were mixed, some in the audience whispering, a few clapping in support, and others murmuring in surprise.

The Marquess’ already existing frown deepened, anger flashed through his face for an instant, swiftly replaced by the same superior look of disdain he had shown her earlier that day. He proceeded to completely ignore Sofia’s comeback, “Are you planning to duel in that ridiculous getup? Your shoddy crown is an affront to the Empire! I will not show any mercy in the face of such disrespect!”

From the seats came a few scoffs, a couple of disapproving murmurs, and even a handful of approving nods from the nobles sitting around Erian.

“Are you ready to fight or are you here to blabber on?” Sofia casually answered without a care.

The man’s expression contorted, he closed the visor of his mithril armor’s helmet, and readied his sword.

It was Tartaros who spoke next from up above, “Teacher Vakaria, present the tokens.”

Sofia untied the token pouch from her waist and held it up. Tartaros didn’t have to lift a finger, the pouch freed itself from Sofia’s hand and flew to the Saint of Strength’s side. “I will ensure the fairness of this duel and the safety of the public. Teacher Vakaria’s wager is of four-hundred and fifty strength token, Student Marquess Proudwall’s wager is of forty-five hundred gold. The duel will end if one of the contestants forfeits or when their health reaches five percent of their current total,” the unwavering voice of Tartaros announced, “Do both sides agree to these terms?”

As Tartaros declared the terms of the duel, the audience's anticipation grew palpable. Students exchanged excited whispers, and the teachers intently observed the two duelists.

“I do,” they both answered at the same time.

The silence in the arena thickened.

“Strength be your witness. You may Duel!”

Right as Pareth’s [Sanctified grounds] activated, bathing the entire arena in a soft holy light, Sofia had the first move. Before the Marquess could do anything, a system window appeared above her head, for everyone to see.

[Health : 119 850 / 119 850]

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