Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 234: Did you say Queen?

[Reign over shadows] : Summon heartless shade: ‘Grand Animist Ihuarah’ to do your bidding. Grand Animist Ihuarah’s level is equal to yours and they may be resurrected for 99% of your maximum mana after they have been dead for at least seven days.

Grand Animist Ihuarah counts as every type of undead.

All non-sentient shades under your level will obey your orders as long as Grand Animist Ihuarah is under your command.

You may exchange position with Grand Animist Ihuarah for 100 000 + (Distance in meters*10) mana, 10 seconds cooldown.

The system just calls the hero by name in the skill? It’s not going to summon a shadow hero but this person specifically? I didn’t know that was even possible. Also, ‘heartless’? Maybe I’m imagining things, but let’s see. There’s some additional stuff this time with the shades and the teleport. Interesting but not incredible.

Should I summon them now?

I should do that with Alith here I think.

Sofia stood up and deployed her wings, as she was about to jump off of her mountaintop bone platform, she froze. Her eyes glazed over as she stood motionless.

Sofia’s mind was hazy, all she saw was an endless sea of turbid, roiling gray, like an ocean of dense fog. She heard the faint sobs of a woman, echoing from all around. In the distance, Sofia thought she could see the faint outline of the woman’s back, she was dressed in all white, like a bright light in the unending horizon of drab clouds.

The image of the woman shook and morphed, it became a huge and intricate ritual circle drawn in white blood. Sofia only saw it for an instant but it was like carved into her retina, every line, every detail, she could still see them perfectly.

Sofia woke up from her trance, she had to sit down.

I would like to correct myself, I am not imagining things. There is no way this was not Sorrow.

I thought only Oracles received divine visions… This ritual… Is it the ritual for this skill’s summoning? Do I need that?

Uncertain, she tried to activate the skill. Nothing happened, her mana wasn’t responding at all.

Yeah, alright, I get it now. This is another gift, then? A special curated summon by Sorrow Herself?

“Alith is definitely going to want to be there.”

In a remote location of the craggy plains north-east of Hooasow, Sofia and Alith stood in front of the completed ritual circle drawn in blood.

“And Sorrow taught you this whole thing in a ten second vision? Here I thought I had a good memory…”

“There was definitely something She did to help me remember it because I couldn’t learn that in a year if I tried.”

“Yeah, no shit, that’s at least fifty thousand runes all around this thing. Who could even design that?”

“A God?”

“Yeah, well. Yeah. That or the lich guy maybe. Think this new one will be from my world too?”

“Most heroes are from your world or the beastmen one, but who knows. There’s been standout summons from rare worlds, supposedly that’s how most races appeared around the world in the first place.”

“Only one way to find out, your play, Sof. Any clue what an animist is, by the way?”

“No idea. You’ve seen the skill description too, I don’t know more.”

“Go then, let’s get this new hero in the team. Hopefully they’re more talkative than mister big bones over here.”

“I just hope they can come with me in trials unlike a certain someone.”

“What can I say? I never had a choice. I kinda like challenging myself so it’s nice to do them by myself anyway. Especially when you do all the leveling, at least like this I feel like I earned my power at least a bit you know. Well, you’re going to summon ‘em or not?”

“Yes, yes. Here we go.”

Sofia pumped mana into the ritual as she activated the skill. Her mana was drawn out of her body until she only had one percent left.

Ow, that… Getting emptied that fast doesn’t feel so good…

In the middle of the ritual circle, a black liquid appeared and started bubbling as if it was boiling. Slowly, a pitch black thing started rising out of the liquid, which seemed to be the feathered top of a head.

A bird beastman? An avian?

No, is that a hat?

Oh, it’s some kind of hat with feathers on it.

It was hard to discern much, because the thing was completely of an almost uniform black that made it look nearly flat. Like a black silhouette. Slowly the complete form of the person rose from the liquid, from the general shape of the silhouette, which was strangely hazy even when Sofia tried to focus on it, it looked like a man. A relatively tall, lanky man, covered in large jewels, bracelets, baubles and trinkets of all sizes and shapes, all just as black and unreadable as him. The other standout feature was the large round hole in his chest, but at this point that’s exactly what I was expecting.

He looks human, I think, maybe. Hard to tell, he looks like a shadow, really.

The person had been immobile through the whole process, slightly hunched forward, arms hanging. Sofia was walking around him, the change in perspective allowing to understand more about the shadowy person’s silhouette.

The shadow suddenly awakened. They looked around frantically, before taking an audible deep breath before erupting in a strong voice, raising his arms to the sky.



The man saw the two women and the huge skeleton surrounding him silently, his attitude changed in an instant after his cry of joy. Turning toward Sofia, he kneeled. Or at least that’s how she interpreted the movement of the black thing in front of her.

“My Queen! I, Ihuarah of Sorrows, shall serve your holy lineage for eternity,” he solemnly declared, gesticulating with his arms and ending up with a clenched fist to support his point.

“I-, sorry to disappoint you but I am no Queen…”

“No, no, you are,” he kindly explained, stating the facts, “You wear a crown, therefore you are.”


“Hey that’s a sudden promotion but I wouldn’t say no to becoming a Queen too you know,” Alith joked to save Sofia from an uncomfortable silence. Ihuarah straightened up and turned toward her.

“Amalgam, you lack both the essence and the crown, how can you hope to become Queen? Your dispositions are different. I feel not the presumption of a Queen in you. No, a Witch you are, your body smells of a thousand brews. It too is a most coveted position, one of talent and restless work,” the shadow’s voice swayed like waves as he spoke, Sofia found listening to him strangely relaxing.

Amalgam? Also he could tell that much about her from smell alone? Did I summon a dog?!

“Then what does the position of a Queen imply?” Sofia asked.

“Reign over ones such as I, of course. A shadow I have become. Your shadow, if you will it.”

“That is why I summoned you, yes… Though I did not expect it to be that solemn… Alith here is technically someone I summoned too, but she’s free to do whatever. So are you, if you want.”

“I shall follow you like your shadow, then, my Queen. That is my will. Should you want something done, order and I shall do. So does the witch, am I correct?”

“Can you call me by my name? Also you’re not wrong I guess, even if I don’t follow her that closely.”

“As you wish, Alith, you may call me Ihuarah. What may your holy name be, my Queen?”

“Sofia. And can you also call me by name. It is likely going to become an issue if you keep calling me a Queen.”

“Hmm. Troublesome. I wish not to cause you such displeasure. If it is your wish then I will do so. You may call this humble servant however you want.”

“Ihuarah it is then.”

“Welcome to the team.”

“Ah!” The shadow exclaimed. “Paintings! This is the fruit of this system contraption in my soul. I see. It says I should pick three, my Q- lady Sofia. Shall I?”

Oh, blessing time.

“Yes, these will be random blessings, you can choose the one that fits your abilities the best. We do a lot of fighting strong opponents so something which helps for that is good. But you can take whatever you want.”

“A blessing, so easily obtained? You are truly deserving of the essence. Grandiose. Let us see what the great merciful mother has offered to make me a servant worthy of your will.”

Ihuarah grabbed the air in front of him three times, seemingly picking the three closest cards right in front of him.

“I assume… Yes, of course such an advanced magic would allow such a basic thing, I am ashamed for thinking it might not. Here are the options. Please choose one for me, I know my abilities best, however I will be assisting you, not myself.”

[The baptized hero has relegated his blessing choice privilege to the summoner.]

[Please select a blessing for the hero : Ihuarah]

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