Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 134: Door in the [Poker Face]

Sofia straightened her back and crossed her arms under her chest. She ordered the skeleton Paladins to stay down unless she was attacked, but Pareth and the High-Priest got up after her, turning to face the nobles behind on each side.

Sofia said nothing as she looked at the emperor and he looked at her, she decided to trust Karin’s advice. Emperor Xeros opened his mouth once again, his tone was cold, asserting dominance. A heavy golden scepter appeared in his right hand.

“None can lie in the Emperor’s presence,” he declared, striking the ground with the scepter. A mana wave washed through the chamber. Area skill. No lies? This isn’t my first time. Go on, ask your questions. And be ready to pay for the answers.

I will ask several questions. My skill will kill you if you lie. You may choose not to answer, in which case you will be thrown out of the Empire never to return. Do you accept these terms?”

Will kill me? I don’t even have the rune on but I doubt it. If it’s a single powerful hit that will be countered by the void physique if it’s an [Instant death] by my blessing. I should be mostly safe but let’s play along.

‘[Poker Face] reached level 30’

Here we go again…

“Depending on the question, I may require to be paid an equal value for the answer,” Sofia answered in a similar tone.

“That is acceptable.” Xeros turned to the short supporter that had been immobile until then. “Chancellor.”

The man nodded and took a step forward. A scroll appeared in his hands, he glanced at it and read, “Saintess Sofia, your abilities are unlike those of the Saints preceding you. Are you really the Saintess of Scripture, God of Skyreach’s Church?”

I am, right? For the system at least.

As disgusting as it is… “I am,” she answered, still only looking at the Emperor.

‘[Poker Face] reached level 31’

Sofia was secretly monitoring the nobles’ reaction through Pareth. A few of the higher-level ones seemed shocked, looking at the ceiling then at Sofia, then at the ceiling again. I guess whatever is meant to kill me if I lie would come from above. Do they think I lied to the first question?

Xeros nodded to his chancellor, who followed with his next question, “Do you harbor any nefarious intentions towards the Empire or its citizens?”

“I do not.”

“Are you an ally to Skyreach, its Royals, or its Church?”

Almost the same question. Are they trying to cover for loopholes in questions like this?

“I am not.”

“Do you follow the wishes of Scripture?”

‘[Poker Face] reached level 32’

Is this a joke?

“No.” I am not amused.

“What are your intentions in coming to the Empire?”

“I wanted to visit the Guildmaster.”

“What are, in detail, your relations with Vasperia and its ambassadors?”

Hmmm? You’re asking for a lot, Chancellor.

“This is private information. I ask that His Majesty answer this same question first as payment, if I am expected to give an answer.”

Assuming he cannot lie under his own spell…

This seemed to surprise the nobles of the assembly, but the Emperor barely raised an eyebrow. His following answer was a cold list of facts. “The Empire is neutral but cautious toward Vasperia. We do not have any close ties with their leaders or ambassadors. They are permitted to conduct trade. Their existence near the Empire makes them a potential threat worthy of monitoring.”

The Chancellor waited for the Emperor to finish, then addressed Sofia, “Payment has been provided. Next time you will be liable to answer first.”

I can’t be sure he’s not lying but some of the crowd behind are nodding along… Alright then.

“I consider myself neutral toward Vasperia as a nation. I have met two Ambassadors, to which I sold blood. One of them I only met for business and the other is a close friend. As such, I view in a negative light any hostility against the Vampire race and Vasperia.”

The Chancellor and the Emperor exchanged looks, and eventually, the chancellor folded his scroll and stepped back.

Is that the end of his script? That was all to make sure I wasn’t an enemy. Very thorough… I could learn from them before I explode buildings… Are we done?

The Emperor changed posture, his scepter disappearing, he leaned his jaw on a closed fist and narrowed his eyes as he looked over every skeleton in detail. “How is it that you can perform this strange divine necromancy? Are you the one controlling them all?” he asked, curious.

‘[Poker Face] reached level 33’

Hmm, don’t want to answer this. I’ll give him a way out with a half-answer disguised as a request. But it could be dangerous if I leave it at that… Unless…

“I am indeed the one controlling them all. The answer to your other question will cost you… A valuable secret about the System, the Deep, or the Gods, that you are confident only yourself knows about.” Sofia confidently answered, emphasizing ‘The Deep’, at which point a few nobles and the Emperor himself reeled back. Xeros, however, seemed to remember something or come to a conclusion that helped him regain his composure on his throne soon after.

“I cannot agree to such a trade. If you can say out loud that the price you asked is of similar value to your potential answer, you are permitted not to answer.”

Kind of a flawed reasoning, I could value my answer more than it is worth and that would still count as true for his skill. Well. Mentioning the Deep worked out. And now he will know not to ask more questions he cannot pay for. “My answer and the price I requested are of similar value in my eyes.”

‘[Poker Face] reached level 34’

Sometimes it levels up when I talk and sometimes when I try not to react…

Her answer seemed to only arouse the curiosity in the Emperor’s eyes. He nodded and went on to another question.

“This big armored skeleton is Identified as a Hero. Does he occupy one of your Hero slots and have a blessing?”

‘[Poker Face] reached level 35’

That’s almost the same question as the last. But I don’t need to give away any detail beyond saying yes. Thank the lords for [Poker Face] helping me not inadvertently reveal my answers early… Let’s see if he’ll accept the price this time.

“The price I require for this answer is the complete skeleton of a dead Hero who possessed a magic class.”

This prompted a wave of indignant gasps and whispers from the nobles. Xeros briefly pondered on it. “It will be brought to you after the audience.”

This deal seemed to anger someone in the audience who couldn’t refrain a furious “What?!” from escaping his mouth.

[Mage - Lv. 99]

The Chancellor did not take this interruption lightly, he gave orders to the immobile knights that had been lining the walls like statues until then, “Escort Baron Shinso out this instant.”

The Baron Shinso in question seemed to have realized his mistake and did not protest as two heavily armored knights unceremoniously threw him out of the throne room. The remaining nobles were silent as graves. Sofia took the opportunity to answer.

“This is Pareth. He is indeed the Hero occupying my first slot and has a Hero’s blessing. He has his own class and skills, everything you could expect from any other hero. But he is a skeleton.”

“Is that so? Does he possess free will?”

“He does.”

“Interesting. This will be everything for the formal audience,” Xeros declared, canceling his supposed ‘lie punishment’ skill. But he wasn’t done talking, “Saintess Sofia. Will you join the Empire? We offer you a high-ranking position in the guild or the army and the title of viscountess along with the land befitting it.”

Just like that? Being strong has some benefits it seems. But…

“Thank you for the offer, Your Majesty. But I will have to decline. I have personal matters to take care of before I can think of settling down anywhere.” What am I even going to do with a nobility title? I need to get stronger, not take care of some random big plot of land. Can’t afford to be tied to the Empire like this. Why would I want to work for anyone at this point anyway? I am not lacking in ways to make money.

Xeros took the answer in stride, “Surely you would at least accept citizenship?”

‘[Poker Face] reached level 36’

Wait, that's exactly the kind of pattern a swindler would use… I’m not opposed to this in principle. Maybe.

“What does that mean for me?”

“You will be able to purchase land and property in the Empire and to redeem war contributions such as killed members of Skyreach’s Church. But you will need to help defend the Empire if it is in danger and will also be subject to the Empire’s law.”

“My answer will depend on the details of the law.”

“Good,” the emperor smiled and stood up from his throne, “I declare today’s session officially over.”

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