Of course there is no specialization alteration, since I got one so recently…

I have one free slot for each, let’s have a look at the Actives first.

Available Active Skills :

  • [Dispel ]: Dispels
  • [Prophecy of ] : Gain divine enlightenment for a short time to
  • [ command] : soul that none can resist.
  • [Restore ] : Infuse the target with mana to
  • [ death] : with negative health.

“That’s a lot of strong words.”

The first thing I see is [Dispel death]. What else? [Prophecy of death command] or just [Prophecy of death] are both possible choices. [Restore death] is a no, can’t risk getting a duplicate skill with [Heal undead]. Is [Restore command] a decent combination?

I should be methodical.

First of all, combining all three front parts doesn’t really work no matter how I arrange them…

[Dispel Prophecy of ] sounds like a terribly over-specialized combination, not good. But if taken the other way around, [Prophecy of Dispel ] could be some kind of long lasting buff. Which might be a strong trump card with [Prophecy of Dispel death]. Kind of a ‘revive once’ kind of effect like the pendant I used during the trial?

[Prophecy of Restore death] might work the other way around, like a delayed effect killing curse? Or yet another skill to heal undead. Not taking the risk so this one is out. While [Restore Prophecy of ] sounds like I’d first need to find a broken prophecy to restore, and even then it still needs an end word that would only make it even more oddly specific and unusable…

And [Dispel ] with [Restore ] makes me feel like they cancel each other out, which is not a good start.

That’s all for the front combinations, the back ones are only [ death command] and [ command death]. Neither really fits well with the front parts I have, these two words are much better on their own. Well, except for [Prophecy of death command].

I could see [Restore command] being something that gives me back control over my undead if they get stolen… But they all share the effects of [Blessing of the Deep] so it’s not like they’re weak to mind control or anything like this in the first place. And I already said no to [Restore death].

[Prophecy of command] and [Prophecy of death]... I don’t know, all combinations with [Prophecy of ] could end up being so many different things…

And then there’s [Dispel death] and [Dispel command]. Both could be decent, though once again [Blessing of the Deep] might overlap with [Dispel command].

What am I left with?

[Prophecy of Dispel death]

[Prophecy of death command]

[Prophecy of command]

[Prophecy of death]

[Dispel death]

That’s not as many good ones as I thought. How do I choose now? First of all cut the ones I cannot imagine good effects for.

Which means I’m left with [Prophecy of Dispel death],[Prophecy of death]and[Dispel death].

I don’t think I need more attacking power anymore. So[Prophecy of death] can go as well. I guess my first instinct was right on the nose, with [Dispel death]. The only question now is whether I stick the Prophecy on it or not.

I think I should. Because I can see at least two ways [Dispel death] could be a failed skill. If what it does is unsummon undead, then it would be completely useless. And if it’s an actual resurrection skill, I have to assume I would only be able to use it on someone that literally just died, and not on myself since I would already be dead.Not bad by any means but also not what I need to kill a god.

Alright, [Prophecy of Dispel death]. This could still go wrong and be an utter waste of incredibly good keywords… But I need to trust my scribe. Never let me down until now.

“But first, I’ll also take a look at the passives…”

Available Passive Skills :

  • [Blessed hands ] : Shape mana directly through the hands
  • [ with suffering] : all those who touch it except the necromancer with long lasting [Agony].
  • [Shadow ] : ERROR
  • [ marrow] : ERROR
  • [Runic ] : You are one with the runes of
  • [ body] : vital points anymore.
  • [Divine ] : Every time you cast a skill, grant
  • [ dominion] : in a spherical area around you.

“Woah, yeah. Alright!”

Sofia couldn’t help but get up from her chair in surprise as she read through the list.

“I can feel it already! An incredible skill is coming!”

If she were being honest, all the new keywords were perfect. Clean, strong, leaving little to the imagination. The best part was evidently the [Divine ] keyword. She couldn’t imagine any way that a combination made with this could end up as anything but overpowered, not after she had had a taste of the [Angel’s ] keyword.

Thinking about it, what is my strongest skill? Should the title go to Pareth or to the angel bolt? What about Alith? She’s one of my skills too…

Well, anyway, now I have a strong contender for first place with [Divine ].

Ok, master scribe, don’t panic, but what about [Blessed hands Divine Shadow Runic body]?

[Divine Blessed Hands Runic dominion] ?

[Runic marrow body] ?

[Divine Shadow dominion] ?!

[Runic dominion with suffering] ?

“Aaaaaaaaah! SO MANY OPTIONS!”

Sofia almost suffered from a panic attack from thinking about all her options, there was too much, and not only could she make a good skill, she could also already plan for multiple ones. She had to think about whether she could afford to drop [Pristine essence] to take two skills now, or wait until she got more slots. Or just make a single huge skill, or maybe even take nothing at all and wait for more.

She spent hours overthinking everything, even starting to do something she hadn’t done again a single time ever since she had joined the orphanage: nervously biting her nails.

She was stuck in her own head, so much so that by the time she took notice of the world around her again, the soldier skeleton had long disappeared in mist, and Pareth had finished carving out the main cave section into a clean rectangular room.

Succumbing to mental fatigue, she took out the large bed from the castle that had been taking up space in her ring forever, set it up in a corner, and fell right asleep.

Sofia woke up quite refreshed. The cave was rather damp, something she would have to fix somehow if she wanted to leave books and wooden furniture here. Even her sheets were moist from the humidity. At least her robes had a function to prevent getting wet so she was still mostly dry.

The night had somewhat cleared her mind, but she still needed some more time to think, she went over her options once again as she stored the stone debris from the previous day’s room carving job and flew out to dump them somewhere far away.

Needing the Graveyard skeletons to phase her in and out of her new base was inconvenient but it was also hard to have a stealthier entrance than having no entrance. And considering how she was on the border between two warring powers, discretion was essential.

She came back to the cave after going to catch a wild bird by herself for breakfast. Wait, how do I roast this? I don’t really have to worry about air in here because there are still some small holes, but what about cooking?

She had Pareth use his [Shapeless weapon of light] to make a long hollow lance and carve out small air vents near the floor, just to be safe.

But I guess I need to give up on the roasting for now, even if I make air vents and get some kind of stove, the smoke would make it painfully clear that someone is there…

Well too bad for the bird… Or not. I’ll fly away for a bit and cook it in the wild, Izuka style.

Sofia was developing a taste for roasted bird, she ate the whole thing. Well rested and well fed, she looked at her available passives once more.

It has to be [Divine body] and [Shadow dominion]. Sometimes, less is more. The only thing is, I could also sneak in [Runic] in either of them.

Either that or the other way around with [Shadow body] and [Divine dominion].

OR! [Divine Shadow body] and [Runic dominion].

But I’m still thinking about [Blessed hands with suffering dominion]...

So many possibilities…

How can I even decide? I’d ask for help if anyone had the knowledge to help me. There’s only Mr scribe and I’ve seen what happens when he tries to talk…

Ah, whatever, I’ll take [Prophecy of Dispel death] first and see where I go from there.

You have acquired the Active skill : ‘Prophecy of ’

You have acquired the Active skill : ‘Dispel ’

You have acquired the Active skill : ‘ death’

Now to wait for the scribe to deal with th-

It’s already done?

The skill had instantly changed name in her status, unlike the other times she took triple word skills which the scribe took some time to process.

[False Immortality]

Oh this smells good.

Very good!

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