Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 114: Astelia, the born Oracle

Name : Astelia Glacier

Age :14

Class : [Moonlit Oracle] ♢

Level : 199

Health : 199 000 / 199 000

Stamina : 19 / 19

Mana : 58 553 / 199 000

Active Skills (7 / 7)

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Wherever the Moon Shines] - Level 43

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Celestial Pull] - Level 199

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Repulsion] - Level 199

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Weight of the Moon] - Level 12

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Orbital blades] - Level 74

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Lunar Realm] - Level 100

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Godly Incarnation] - Level 1 ♢

Passive Skills (6 / 6)

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Greater physical absorption] - Level 3

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Immovable object] ♢

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Mana convergence] ♢

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Self gravitation] - Level 100

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Greater regeneration] ♢

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Moon Benediction] - Level 199

Classless Skills (5 / 5)

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Menial Chores] - Level 78

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Singing] - Level 52

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Identify] - Level 2

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Fast reading] - Level 100

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Mana manipulation] ♢

Racial Skills (1)

⠀⠀⠀⠀[Blood Curse] ♢

[Mark of The Moon]

Woah. Where do we even start?

“Saintomancer?” Astelia read out loud, tilting her head to the side, “Saint and Necromancer, right? But why not ‘Necrosaint’ then?”

“I got both classes at the same time, but I got the message for Saint first…”

“So that’s how it happened! Was there a special message?”

“Errors about being unable to have two classes, then this happened. What about you, Moonlit Oracle?”

“I was born with it,” Astelia answered casually, swinging her legs beneath the table.

“Wait, that can happen?!”

“Not for other classes but Saints and Oracles can be chosen anytime. It comes with some advantages and inconveniences.”

“Like being stuck with it and having no choice… Yeah I know that quite well…”

“It’s not too bad, for a regular Oracle, their Gods have a tight grip on their actions. But because I didn’t get the choice to accept or reject the class, the system restricts the ways Moon can interact with me.”

“So Oracles can decline usually? Wish I could have had that choice too…” Even if the class in itself worked out in the end… Sofia didn’t think that what happened at the orphanage was her fault, but it was a reality that it wouldn’t have happened had she not been chosen as a Saintess. Not that I could have avoided it. Scripture had been waiting for me to get the necromancer class from the start…

“Yes, the system has a whole contract thing in place with the Gods… Ehrm, it’s complicated but since you still get identified as a Saint you should also have some protection and privileges. Though saints aren’t allowed a say in the matter, Gods can barely really interact with them.”

“Hmm, what’s up with your stats by the way, is that an Oracle thing too?”

“No, not at all, this is the effect of [Moon Benediction], other oracles have statistics that look more like yours usually. They are not stuck with the stamina of a level 3…” Astelia answered, swaying her hand to throw a log into the fireplace.

“That’s why you don’t move much and leveled up [Menial chores]? You must really value lowered stamina costs right?” Sofia asked rhetorically.

“That’s right. I get tired at the smallest things, at least all the space skills and the other stats make up for it. Our classless skills are a bit similar, have you figured out [Mana manipulation] yet?”

“I’m not even sure how it helps exactly, if you could enlighten me…”

“Of course!” the girl jumped out of her chair, “Essentially, every skill you use creates mana circles outside and inside your body. Like when I do this,” putting a foot against the wall, she started walking on it, as if it had become her own floor, she jumped to demonstrate that she would ‘fall back down’ to the wall, then walked back down. “This is [Self gravitation], by the way, it has been stuck at level 100 for a while. Sometimes skills like that cannot evolve for whatever reason, I assume your armor skill is the same. What you want to do is to either learn to use it as is without the system, then forget the skill to free a slot, or tinker with it yourself. [Mana manipulation] helps with the second option. ”

“So it’s a way to alter skills?”

“Yes, you don’t need this skill to do it but it will greatly speed up the process. As for how exactly you do that… I’m also still trying to get the hang of it, but Agran was adamant this was a necessary thing for me.” the vampire said, sitting back on her chair, slightly out of breath. “Also the system only allows us to modify skills that are stuck like that, and locked skills are out of the question.”

“That’s pretty nice, I was starting to get worried about my armor skill being too weak. Your turn to ask a question then.”

“Hmm… There are plenty of things I’m curious about… Since I told you about my blessing, can you tell me about yours?”

Is that fine? She seems trustworthy enough…

“Would that not be putting you in danger?”

“It should be fine as long as I don’t say or write anything myself. I’ve already read the names in other places, it’s scary to know the risk they hide but I cannot help my curiosity…”

“Sure then, just read the description.”

After that Sofia tried her best to give more details about the Deep, freaking out Astelia whenever she used the word ‘Deep’ or the Lords’ names and titles. The little girl was truly fascinated by the subject. For a moment, Sofia felt like she was back at the orphanage, reading stories to the younger kids. Except the kid this time was stronger than her. “And that’s about all I can share. There should be a fourth Lord but I haven’t really heard of them yet.”

“This is crazy… You know Sofia… You weren’t the first person I heard say that name, you know the one. The first time I heard it, it was an adventurer coming back from a ruin to show us his discoveries. He read the name from an item’s description.”

“What happened to him?”

“He vanished. I blinked and he wasn’t there anymore. Our anti-teleportation barrier didn’t pick up anything. What’s worse is I can’t even remember his face or who he was anymore. It disappeared from my memory and everybody else’s. All I can remember is his voice.”

Sofia shivered as she imagined the scene. Maybe I should stop using their names too lightly… Just in case… “Do you still have the items?” she asked.

“No, they disappeared with him, but I remember the main one, it was the broken top-half of a huge blue stone slab, supposedly covered in an old language. I’m a bit sad I did not get a close look at it, but maybe that’s for the better. Well, that was a lot, your turn.”

“Okay, tell me more about Gods then, I kind of have a grudge against a certain one. What are they exactly, is it even something that you know?”

“You are speaking to an Oracle! If I do not know then who would? This is quite the subject… But considering what you just shared I cannot really just give you a vague explanation. However, this is what I’ve learned in ten years of living as the bridge to one of Them, and from the education the Queen forced on me… So I’ll try to keep it short, interrupt me if you do not understand something.”

Sofia nodded in approval, and the girl chugged down a full glass of silvery water before starting her explanation.

“First I will tell you about Gods and Recessed in general, and then I’ll say what I know about Scripture. It’s the one, right? Unless it’s Sorrow? I also want to ask you about that skill.”

“It is Scripture, yes. And I would rather not say too much about Sorrow if that is fine with you.” I don’t want anyone else to try doing an apostle ritual during a trial. Better not to give her bad ideas, even if she’s very knowledgeable for her age. She’s still a kid.

“Sure, but I’ll also have the right to skip a question. Then let’s talk about Gods. I must preface beforehand that everything I say from now on is mostly unproven theories.” Adjusting her position to sit more comfortably on her chair, Astelia was back to her cold business persona as she explained.

“Gods are beings that exist on the highest plane of existence, right above ours. To explain planes, quickly, imagine the world as a sandwich, the top bread is the Gods’ plane, the bottom bread is the plane of the Recessed, which are kind of inverted Gods. And in between, the main ingredients, stuck to the Gods realm is the physical realm where our bodies are, stuck to the Reccessed realm is the Spirit realm where our souls are. Last but not least, in the middle, holding everything together, the sauce of the sandwich is mana.”

“Mana is a plane too?”

“Yes and no. You cannot ‘go to the mana plane’ like you could the others. It’s not a real plane and more just the reality mana occupies if you will. Mana is exactly halfway between physical and spiritual so it exists where it is.”

An in between…The midenicite tablets! That’s what they were! The one with a hand on fire was between the one with a farmer and the one with a ghost. And it has two and half a dot on top when the other ones all have a full count. That would mean beyond the realm of the recessed is the empty plane where Zangdar is… And the last one is the Deep. All stacked on each other.

I hate to say it but her sandwich analogy is pretty on point.

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