Sofia dived down to avoid the attack. The blade of light barely missed her.

That’s a Templar’s [Light severance], she identified the attack. Looking back, she saw the person chasing her. He wore white full plate armor and had four bird-like wings of white feathers sprouting from his back.

[Fighter - Lv. 200+]

Not fourth filter. I can still deal with this for a while.

Health : 5422 / 5655

Stamina : 1399 / 1655

Mana : 32408 / 55000

Sofia kept flying away, but the Templar's four wings helped him move faster, and he was about to unleash another attack. Sofia knew she had to act fast. As she activated her [Spine of the Black Sun] and turned to face her opponent, the Templar charged at her, raising his greatsword overhead.

Another severance.

She had to keep moving, but circling around him to avoid the attack made her flight path predictable.

Back at the temple, Pareth got his first kill.

‘You have murdered [Rob - Templar lv. 121]’

The flying Templar’s blade came down, but Sofia instantly stopped, causing the magic attack to miss her, hitting the spot she would have been in had she kept flying forward. Her mana riding wings allowed her to make reactive start-stop motions, but it was hard on her body. Doing this at high speeds was dangerous.

The Templar was now very close, and he clearly did not want a ranged fight. Both fighters made their next move: the Templar's [Light severance] was chained into a skill-boosted throw of his sword, which Sofia dodged while summoning a large bubble of blood and switching to fleeing again.

The Templar swerved to the side to dodge the blood but still hit the bubble with his left side. Fast wings but not quite as reactive. The Templar’s sword had drawn an arc in the sky and came back toward Sofia, she tried the same trick with a clean stop, however the sword corrected its path to aim straight for her heart.

Unable to dodge she hit the sword with her own as it neared, resulting in a solar burst emerging from the spine. Her strength wasn’t enough to stop the blade, but she managed to alter its course, and it penetrated her armor and got stuck between her ribs, right under her heart.

Sofia expected worse, but it was a physical projectile, so the compounded defense from [Saint’s touch], [Armor of bones] and [Sanctity] was enough to stop her from being completely impaled.

Health : 5096 / 5655

Only 300 damage. However, the pain wasn't the worst part. The Templar was fast approaching, and she had to act fast. As her mithril dagger appeared in her left hand, the Templar's sword started pushing its way deeper into the wound by itself.

Sofia slashed down and severed the greatsword's tip just as the Templar got closer and recalled his sword to his hand. Sofia summoned more blood in front of and above the Templar, who was preparing another slash, and dove down into the thick jungle canopy.

This time the Templar was soaked in blood, but he raised his sword, and it shone as brightly as one of the Spine's solar bursts.

Sofia disappeared under the leaves just as the Templar launched his sword at her. The shining blade spun through the air like a throwing axe, cleaving through everything in its path, including the large jungle trees and Sofia's left arm and wing. With a cry of pain, Sofia fell towards the ground, while the sword wedged itself in the earth.

Health : 4060 / 5655

[Heal Undead]

Sofia’s wing regrew as she fell, but the Templar was not done yet. He was charging at her, his weapon about to free itself from the ground and rush back to his hands. Even without its tip, the sword was imbued with a large quantity of mana, Sofia knew that it could potentially impale her on the way.

An unrelated couple of messages appeared, Pareth was doing his work.

‘You have murdered [James Sejie - Templar lv. 153]’

‘You gained a level!’

Her left wing was too damaged to stop her fall, so she canceled the healing. As she neared the ground, she let go of her Spine and dispelled it. Just as she was about to touch the ground, the mana of the sword moved, and it was coming at her again. Meanwhile, the Templar was only a few meters away, both of his armored fists enveloped in roaring golden flames.

In her remaining hand, Sofia gathered electricity as she cast [Angel’s bolt].

“Die!” the Templar roared.

That was her cue. Now!

Pareth appeared in front of Sofia, barring the way of Templar’s fists. His attacks landed on the skeleton’s [Armor of light].

Pareth’s health fell as the fiery punches hit.

Health : 66685 / 66685

Health : 59450 / 66685

Health : 52215 / 66685

At the same time, the sword that had freed itself from the ground pierced Sofia from behind, making her spew blood all over Pareth's back. The sword entered her back and came out from the front, piercing through her guts, but lodging itself in Pareth's ethereal armor.

Health : 968 / 5655

Pareth's large arms caught the Templar's fists as he struggled to free himself, locking him in a tight skeletal embrace. His [Chains of the four seals] appeared, locking onto the sword that had impaled Sofia and preventing it from moving any further.

Sofia ordered Pareth to cancel his armor just as the Templar was preparing another skill. His whole body shone, and white feathers started falling from the sky. As Pareth's armor disappeared, Sofia took a step forward, impaling herself on the spikes on Pareth's Spine and allowing the Templar's sword to slice even deeper into her gut. Her right hand shot through Pareth's ribs and straight onto the Templar's chest.

The initial shock of electricity coursing through the armor and blood disrupted his mana flow enough that his skill was forcefully canceled. He was hit by the backlash of his failed skill, interrupting all of his struggles for an instant as he screamed in pain.

Pareth didn’t miss the opportunity, releasing his grip on the enemy with one hand, he tore off the Templar’s helmet, revealing the agonizing face with bloodshot eyes of a bearded middle-aged man. A long dagger of light appeared in Pareth’s hand, and found its way to the man’s nape. The sickening crunch of broken bone was a surefire indication of the severity of that hit. The Templar’s body limped in Pareth’s grasp. Pareth let him go, and as the man fell, Pareth’s dagger morphed into a sword, which impaled the man’s heart through his armor as he hit the ground.

As the light left the Templar’s red and tearful eyes, he struggled to pronounce a last word.


‘You have murdered [Ignatius Everbright - Templar lv. 249]’

‘[Way of the Fool] grants bonus experience’

‘You gained a level!’ * 11

[New Passive Skills are available!]

‘New available skills have been altered by your specialization! (won 76% probability check)’

‘[Spine of the Black Sun] reached level 105’

‘[Heal Undead] reached level 58’

‘[Summon Blood] reached level 80’

‘[Sanctity] reached level 40’

‘[Sanctity] reached level 41’

‘[Sanctity] reached level 42’

‘[Sanctity] reached level 43’

After that, Sofia almost fainted from the blood loss, she had two large sword wounds and a missing arm, while also being stuck on Pareth’s spinal spikes.

Pareth entered the [Armor of Bones] storage space and came straight back out, separating Sofia from him, he grabbed Sofia however he could, disabled the chains holding the sword in place, and pulled it out at once while casting [Greater Heal].

The sensory inputs were too much and Sofia passed out.

She woke up a few minutes later in Pareth’s embrace, the skeleton cradling her was carefully stroking her hair as she laid on his bones.

Sofia looked through her message history. This wasn’t what she had wanted. Hugging the skeleton’s large ribcage, clutching his bones, she broke into tears.

With a single thought, she unsummoned the skeleton paladins that were still in the temple. Unwilling to waste, she stored the Templar’s body and his sword, then searched for her severed arm that still held the mithril dagger. With the cleanup done, she asked Pareth to carry her away, falling asleep in his arms.

It was already night when Sofia woke up for the second time, Pareth was still walking.

“Let’s stop here.”

Sofia jumped off her Hero’s arms and onto the jungle’s damp soil. She weakly fell to the ground, back against a large tree.

Looking grave, lit only by Pareth’s halo, she opened her murder history.

[Murder history : Sofia Aphenoreth]

  • [Armand Anzan Ovohen - Magisterium lv. 164]
  • [Akramaiazerfen - Son of Dread lv. 99]
  • [Jarvaud - Sailor lv. 42]; [Alester - Carpenter lv. 38]; [Eskan - Cannoneer lv. 65] ;[Veyan - Sailor lv. 52]
  • [Zhǎng Lú - Flamebringer lv. 182]
  • [Adrien - Butcher lv. 53]; [Marie - Illusionist lv. 87]; [Blaize - Swordsman lv. 99]; [Pascal - Thief lv. 82]
  • [Brandon - Paladin lv. 93]; [Jane - Paladin lv. 118]; [Mocpac - Paladin lv. 105]’; [Oden Nint - Paladin lv. 109]; [Peter - Paladin lv. 139]; [Simon - Paladin lv. 63]; [Graham - Soldier lv. 82]; [Josef - Paladin lv. 141]
  • [Kayan Fell - Templar lv. 32]; [Emma - Cook lv. 8]; [Irvin - Handiman lv. 1]; [Samantha - Handiman lv. 2]; [Julius - Priest lv. 23]; [Aaron Redsand - Templar lv. 179]; [Christelle - Paladin lv. 98]; [Amanda Everbright - Priest lv. 99]; [Cristobal - Confessor lv. 112]; [Mint - Paladin lv. 133]; [Albert Miller - Templar lv. 199]; [Friederich - Priest lv. 99]; [Xu Li - Priest lv. 2]; [Vernon Black - Priest lv. 42]; [Briana Stormwind - Templar lv. 100]; [Rob - Templar lv. 121]; [James Sejie - Templar lv. 153]; [Ignatius Everbright - Templar lv. 249]

Involuntary : 15/37

“Let’s… Stop here…”

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