Saga of The Night God

Chapter 95 Conflicted Thoughts And Desires

Erwin strode towards the luscious lady, his mind completely focused on her curvaceous figure. He didn't even bat an eyelid at the unusual black horns protruding from the top of her head. I mean, who hasn't met a woman with horns before, right? It's 2023!

The lady's body was like a magnet, drawing him closer and closer with every step. He couldn't take his eyes off her as he approached, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

"Grrrrrrrrrr" he was only ten steps away when his stomach let out a loud growl, reminding him of the fact that he had barely eaten anything in days, apart from the chocolate pastry at the party. Embarrassed by the loud sound, Erwin held his stomach and blushed slightly. The horned woman turned her gaze towards him, noticing his discomfort.

The horned woman looked at Erwin with concern as he held his stomach with a little blushed face. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice carrying a gentle and soothing tone.

Erwin hesitated for a moment, feeling embarrassed that his hunger had betrayed him in front of this woman. But his hunger pangs were too strong to ignore, and he nodded sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I haven't had a proper meal in days."

The woman's expression softened, and she offered him a piece of fruit from a nearby basket. "Here, have this," she said kindly.

Erwin hesitated again, but his hunger got the better of him. But as he took the fruit from her outstretched hand, he couldn't resist the urge any longer.

He brought the fruit to his mouth, savoring the aroma of the ripe flesh. As he took a bite, the juice burst out, flooding his mouth with a sweet, tangy flavor. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to fully indulge in the taste. 'I come here to fuck her, not eat this tasty fruit.'

He continued to savor the fruit; he noticed the woman watching him intently, a small smile playing on her lips. Erwin's face flushed with embarrassment as he attempted to thank her.

But before he could say anything, she spoke up. "Would you like more?" she asked, holding out another piece of fruit.

He accepted, but his thoughts were still conflicted. 'She's too kind. I can't treat her like I do other bitches. But I still have to fuck with her and cure her sexual frustration.'

He continued to eat as the woman watched him with a smile. His thoughts, however, were far from appreciative.

'How can such a beautiful woman be a servant?' he wondered. 'And who would allow her to remain sexually frustrated like this?'

The surrounding people stared with odd looks, and some children whispered as they pitied Erwin. The woman noticed the people's reactions and her smile disappeared, but she returned her gaze to Erwin with a smile.

Seeing him finishing the fruit, she offered, "Please come inside and eat some more."

Erwin hesitated for a moment, but then decided to follow her. 'I have to do this, or my dick size will reduce.'

"What's your name?" She asked without turning back and missing the pervert child staring at her ass.

Erwin's eyes were fixated on her curvy hips as he introduced himself. "Erwin."

"It's nice to meet you, Erwin. I am Seraphina." the woman replied before continuing, "Please take a seat over there while I bring you something to eat."

Erwin tore his gaze away from her figure and sat down. "Thank you," Erwin said as he sat down at a small table, watching as Seraphina brought out some bread and cheese. He couldn't help but notice how her horns seemed to glimmer in the light.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom Seraphina placed some slices of bread and cheese on the table while setting opposite to him and asked. "Where is your mom?"

Erwin picked up the bread and said while taking the bite. "I don't have one."

Seraphina eyes filled with concern and sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said softly. "Do you have anyone to take care of you?"

Erwin took a bite of the bread and cheese before answering. "Not really. I've been on my own for a while now," he shrugged. "But two days ago, a professor bought me from the slave auction and brought me here."

She looked at Erwin with sympathy. "So you were a slave too," she said in a compassionate tone.

"you were a slave to aunty?" Erwin asked, taking another small bite.

She pouted upon hearing Erwin's question and pinched his cute cheeks while smiling. "Who is your aunty? Call me big sister," she said in a playful tone.

Erwin's face lit up with a smile and he asked, "Big sister, were you feeling sad earlier?"

"When?" Seraphina asked, looking confused.

"When you were sitting outside. You looked sad," Erwin replied, having finished his food.

Seraphina's smile faded a bit as she recalled the moment. "Oh, that. I was just feeling a bit lonely, I suppose," she said with a sigh.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Erwin's expression softened as he listened to her. "Why were you lonely?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, I don't have many friends here," Seraphina admitted. "And sometimes it can be difficult being the only one with horns like mine. People tend to stare and make assumptions about me."

Erwin nodded in understanding. "I know how that feels," he said, thinking back to his own experiences as a slave. "But you're not alone anymore. You have me now, big sister."

Seraphina's eyes brightened at his words, and she smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Erwin." she said.

"Since you've fed me, big sister, I want to do something to make you happy too," Erwin said with a grateful smile.

"Really? how?" Seraphina asked, looking amused.

Erwin stood behind Sera's seat and offered, "I give the best massages in the world. Everyone likes them, and I'm sure you would too."

Sera started to protest, "You don't have to...ahh ha ha ah..that feels so good," but before she could finish, Erwin's hands found two glowing spots on her back, instantly relieving her tension.


The purple-haired woman sat on the balcony, her gaze fixated on the breathtaking view before her. She sipped her tea, feeling the warmth spread through her body. The balcony she sat on was massive, big enough to accommodate a small village. It was made of the finest marble, polished to a shine. The ornate railing that surrounded it was intricately carved with delicate patterns of vines and flowers.

As she looked out, she saw the city sprawling below her. It was a fantastical and magical place, filled with soaring towers and sparkling spires. The streets were lined with colorful market stalls and bustling crowds, and she could hear the distant hum of music and laughter.

The buildings were made of shimmering crystal and gold, with intricate mosaics and stained-glass windows. The roofs were adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and unicorns, and the whole city seemed to be alive with a magical energy that she could feel even from up high. Although the happiness was everywhere but the eyes of women watching the joy was filled with sadness.

Jiona sipped her tea. She heard a voice calling her name. "Jiona, what do you think you're doing?" her mother, Rovena, asked angrily as she strode onto the balcony.

Jiona sighed inwardly, knowing what was coming next. "Just enjoying the view, Mother," she replied calmly, taking another sip of her tea.

Rovena's eyes narrowed as she looked out over the city. "You should be attending to your duties as the queen, not lazing about up here," she scolded.

Jiona set down her teacup and turned to face her mother. "I have attended to my duties, Mother. I just needed a moment to myself," she said firmly.

Rovena scoffed. "You can't just sit up here all day and avoid your responsibilities, Jiona. You have a duty to this kingdom."

Jiona's face contorted with annoyance as she spoke. "It's the duty that was forced upon me by all of you."

Rovena folded her arms across her chest, her expression stern. "Jiona, you need to learn from your sister. She understands the significance of her position in this kingdom."

Jiona let out a scoff, "What position? She's been away from the kingdom for decades, in that academy where you sent my daughters, sacrificing my son in exchange for it."

Jiona's voice was laced with bitterness. "And for what? To send my son to his death? You sacrificed him in exchange for my daughters' safety, claiming he was evil."

Rovena's expression softened slightly. "Jiona, we did what we thought was best for the kingdom. Your son showed signs of darkness. It was our duty to protect the people."

"He was not evil!" Jiona exclaimed, slamming her tea cup onto the table. "He was just a child. You never gave him a chance to prove himself."

Rovena sighed deeply. "Jiona, I understand your pain. But you must understand, we did not make this decision lightly. It was for the greater good of our people."

Jiona looked away, her eyes filled with tears. "I will never understand how sacrificing a child for the greater good can ever be justified."

Without another word in response to her daughter's rebuttal, Rovena turned around and walked away, her frustration evident in her body language.

After saving Erwin that night and sending him to another kingdom, Jiona returned to the kingdom and immediately began spreading the lie that Erwin had died in the attack. She told everyone that she had found his lifeless body and had him buried with honors, befitting a prince.

Her heart was heavy with guilt, and every second felt like an eternity as she thought of her son. She couldn't help but wonder what he was doing, where he was, and if he was safe. Jiona knew that she had made the right decision to save him, but still, Jiona's heart ached for her son. Her maternal instincts urged her to shower him with love and affection, but fate had cruelly torn him away from her. With every passing day, the longing in her heart grew stronger, and the memories of the moments she had shared with him flooded her mind.

She yearned to hold him close, to tell him how much she loved him and how proud she was of him. But all she could do was to carry his memory in her heart and pray that he was safe and happy wherever he was.

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