Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!



[NERO is cooking up something behind my back.]

Neoma realized that when Dahlia left with the Fletcher Twins.

That was when she connected the dots. Wyatt and Warren were sent on an away mission a few years ago. Then the twins appeared in the Hazelden Kingdom at the same time Dahlia did. And now, the three left the kingdom together.

[The Fletcher Twins have been with Dahlia all this time.]

"Nero, did you ask our Papa Boss to look for Dahlia?" Neoma whispered to herself, then she smirked. "I guess you're not waiting idly until your body gets better, huh?"

This was one of the few times she was grateful for Nero's obsession with her.

[Imagine if Nero was obsessed with power instead of me. He would have been a tough opponent. I'm glad my 'Operation: Make Nero Love Me to Death' when I was three years old was a huge success.]

"Princess Neoma?"

Neoma turned to Lewis, then she knitted her eyebrows when she saw her "son" sweating when it was freaking cold out there. "Did you run?"

"I had to," Lewis said while approaching her. "I brought Jeno Dankworth back to the Royal Palace, then I hurried back to get to you, Princess Neoma."

"Is Jeno okay?" she asked worriedly. "How about Xion? Did you find him?"

"Jeno Dankworth was poisoned with Darkness," her "son" explained. "Wyatt Fletcher brought Xion to the Royal Palace. Just like Jeno Dankworth, Xion was also poisoned. But Greko and the Wisteria Ladies are already treating them."

The Darkness that ambushed them was probably the same Darkness that attacked her kids.

[I should check on them ASAP.]

She had faith in Greko and the Wisteria Ladies' ability to heal people. But her "children" probably needed purification as well.

[But first…]

She looked at William and Delwyn. The two old Spirits were still inside the big fishbowl that Dahlia created to heal them.

[They're still unconscious, and Mochi is still asleep after being knocked out by William earlier. How should I bring those two to the Royal Palace? Should I just leave them here while they recuperate?]

"Princess Neoma, I fought with Regina Crowell earlier."

Her thoughts were interrupted by Lewis' report.

"Regina Crowell?" she asked, shocked. "She was here? And she fought you?"

"She even held back," he said in a frustrated voice. "It was as if she only fought me to buy time."

"Then she wasn't alone."

"The twins encountered some crows, too," he said. "Wyatt Fletcher said he'll give Your Royal Highness the full report after they escort a VIP to the empire. But Wyatt Fletcher wants Your Royal Highness to know that they've taken care of Bram de Luca."

She clicked her tongue. "I knew it. The crows followed me here and brought Darkness with them."

"His Majesty never mentioned the crows could command Darkness."

That was true.

There was a time people were prejudiced against Darkness, especially those who were born with that attribute, because of the Absolute Darkness that almost swallowed up the Middle World during the Ancient Period.

[The times have changed, and people have become more accepting of Darkness and its users. That means Darkness isn't an enemy. But now that the crows are using it against us…]

"No, that's wrong," she scolded herself while shaking her head. "Just because bad people are using Darkness for evil deeds doesn't make Darkness evil."

"But isn't the god that helped Gavin Quinzel in the past the God of Eternal Darkness?"

She looked at Lewis, her brain buffered while trying to analyze the implications behind his words.

The crows and the God of Eternal Darkness?

"Are you implying they have joined hands?"

"We can't rule out that possibility," Lewis said with a shrug. "Moreover, the Dark Elf that dwelled in your soul for a long time was the Messenger of that god."

"That makes sense," she said. "But why didn't Lord Yule give me a heads-up? Nobody warned me about the God of Eternal Darkness. I don't even have a cheat code since I only remember the awful things that happened in my first life, not my badass moments after I supposedly got revived."

"Everything is going to be fine, Princess Neoma."

"Are you making light of this situation, Lewis?"

"No," Lewis said, then he shrugged. "I just figured you're not the type of person who relies on gods and other beings you don't even see."

[He's talking casually to me again.]

But whatever.

"You're right. Let's do things our way, as usual," she said, then she covered her mouth with her hands when she yawned. Despite being OP, her body was still physically young so she would often get exhausted after a long day. "Now that my Spirits are awake, I'll leave them here to guard William and Delwyn. Let's head back to the Royal Palace first."

He nodded, then he turned his back on her as he got down on one knee.

"Uhm, what are you doing, Lewis?"

"You're tired," he said, then he turned to her. "Piggyback ride?"

"I don't mind, but you hate physical contact."

Lewis shook his head. "You're my exception, Princess Neoma."


This rebellious brat of hers really had his way with words, huh?

"I can't turn you down if you put it that way," Neoma said, then she leaned down and wrapped her arms around Lewis's neck. "Let's go, son."

"I'm not your son, Princess Neoma."


DAHLIA was very, very nervous.

It was a miracle her hands didn't shake as she sipped her tea.

Yes, she was having tea with His Majesty, Emperor Nikolai de Moonasterio, who was sitting on the sofa across from her. The emperor had a blank look on his face while looking at her with calculating eyes.

[This is so nerve-wracking!]

A Paladin who introduced himself as Geoffrey Kinsley earlier was standing behind the emperor. On the other hand, Wyatt and Warren Fletcher were standing behind her. Only the five of them were in the luxurious tearoom.

Moreover, she could tell the entire room was soundproof and protected by a barrier made from His Majesty's Mana.

[I'm certain my identity and my existence are both safe here.]

"Dahlia Leticia," Emperor Nikolai said in an indifferent voice. "Do you know that the last name you're using was the name of one of the most infamous empresses in history?"

  The emperor was talking about Empress Leticia– the mother of Princess Aruna and Prince Arche de Moonasterio. Empress Leticia became an "infamous" figure in the empire's history because of the revelation of Her Majesty's hidden bloodline– the blood of a Black Witch.

"The generation of Black Witches that was born after Empress Leticia's death decided to use Her Majesty's name as our new family name in her honor," Dahlia said politely. "I know the significance of my last name more than Your Majesty does."

She said that in a cool and calm manner, but she was screaming, sobbing, and dying inside.

His Majesty's cold face, especially when his eyes turned glowing red, was really scary she almost cried on the spot.

[Oh, god. Good-looking people indeed are the scariest ones in the world!]

"You're quite bold," Emperor Nikolai said in an amused tone, then he sipped his tea. "Are all Elemental Guardian owners cheeky?"

Ah, right.

[His Majesty knows I have an Elemental Guardian.]

The Fletcher Twins found out about Lapiz, her Elemental Guardian, when she fought them during the time the twins trespassed at her home.

"I apologize, Your Majesty," she said timidly. "I'm quite sensitive when it comes to my clan."

The emperor just raised an eyebrow. Then, thankfully, he decided to change the topic. "I heard from the twins you made quite some difficult demands in exchange for being a part of my son's Order."

When the Fletcher Twins approached her, they made her take the Oath of Silence before the two revealed the royal secret about Prince Nero and Princess Neoma's "switch."

[I already know the royal secret before they approached me, so I didn't mind taking the Oath of Silence. And I figured it's one of the due-process the twins have to follow each time they recruit a possible member of Prince Nero's Order.]

And for those who refused…

[Hmm… I wonder what happened to them.]

"I don't find my requests unreasonable, Your Majesty," she said nervously. She was still scared of the emperor, but she wanted to speak her mind. "All I want is for Your Majesty to give me a well-secured private island that only me and the people I allow could have access to. Then I also refuse to speak with Prince Nero unless I absolutely have to do so. And finally, I'd appreciate it if Your Majesty could provide me a vial of Moonglow every month."

The emperor raised an eyebrow again.

She gulped and clenched her hands tight out of nervousness.

"Lady Leticia," Geoffrey Kinsley, the Paladin, called her name sweetly. But when he smiled while adjusting his glasses, his face turned quite intimidating. "That's what we call unreasonable demands. You want to act like you have nothing to do with Prince Nero. And yet, you demand we treat you like a princess."


That was a valid point.


"I know my worth, Lord Kinsley," she said shyly to the Paladin, her heart thumping loud and fast against her chest. She knew she didn't sound convincing because she was easily intimidated. Yet, she had to say what was on her mind for the sake of world peace. "My demands are reasonable, considering what I came to offer to His Majesty."

"What is it?" Emperor Nikolai asked curiously. "What did you come to offer to me, young Black Witch?"

"I know why William, the Grand Spirit, is adamant about killing Princess Neoma despite the risks," she said meekly, then she swallowed hard before she continued. "And it has something to do with Your Majesty."

"Something to do with me?"

"There was an old prophecy about Your Majesty that spread among the Spirits on the same level as William," she said carefully. "It's a prophecy regarding the current moon, and the three flowers in His Majesty's life."

"Flowers are often used to symbolize women," the emperor said. "Who are these three flowers you speak of?"

"I have no way of knowing since prophecies don't work that way, Your Majesty."

Emperor Nikolai's face turned grim.

"Your Majesty, among the three flowers that the moon treasures, only one will bloom," Dahlia said, her lavender eyes now glowing brightly. "The other two will wither."


Author's Note for this chapter: LOL Dahlia is a little chaotic. She's strong, but she gets scared easily. Plus, she doesn't trust good-looking/attractive people. Neoma should take note. Haha!


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