Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!



"PLEASE MIND your language, Prince Nero," Bram, the crow bastard, scolded her. "Do you know what merchant guild sells the jewels the Wisterias harvest from the Hisa Tree to the Hazelden Kingdom?"

"According to the Wisterias, it's the Luca Merchant Guild…" Neoma trailed off when realization dawned on her, then she clenched her hands tight. "Luca Merchant Guild. De Luca. It was you."

Bram smiled and nodded. "I may or may not have influenced the dumb royals of the Hazelden Kingdom to sell their weapons to the enemy nations behind the empire's back," he said vaguely. "And while I'm at it, I also sneaked here and worked hard to be a Holy Knight. All of that just to poison the High Priest and the Holy Knights with my Darkness attribute."

It was annoying how the crow bastard talk about it as if it was an easy feat.

[But Bram has magnificent divine energy as a de Luca. I can see how he fooled the High Priest and the Holy Knights. Plus, it seems like he could hide his Darkness attribute really well.]

"Now, our dear prince has discovered the crimes the Hazelden Kingdom has committed," Bram said while clapping his hands. "All my hard work has paid off."

"Shut the fuck up," she said through gritted teeth. "You speak as if you orchestrated everything. Are you implying the crows are already aware that the jewels the Wisterias sell came from the Hisa Tree that belongs to the royal family?"

"Yes, we know because the crows are the ones who told your grandfather the way to make the Hisa Trees produce jewels that are better than premium Mana Stones," the crow bastard said, then he looked at Paige Avery meaningfully. "And it proves to be a success."

This bastard!

[So, the crows were also the reason the Averys were used by the royal family!]

Paige Avery's Mana fluctuated. It was obvious that the mage wanted to kill the crow bastard right then and there.

But when Neoma took a step forward, Paige calmed down.

"My hospitality ends here, Bram de Luca," Neoma said sternly. "If you run your mouth off again, I'll throw hands."

"Let me just ask you one question then, my dear prince," Bram said. Then, much to her shock, he suddenly appeared in front of her while his hand reached for her chest. "Where are you hiding the royal princess?"

It happened so fast she barely avoided Bram's hand.

Lewis, on the other hand, was quick enough to grab and twist the crow bastard's arm behind him. She even heard the sound Bram's arm made when Lewis broke it.

Then Dion drew his sword and slashed the crow bastard with it.

She didn't see what happened next because she found herself kneeling on the ground while clutching her chest tight.

The tip of Bram's finger touched her earlier, and now the part that he touched hurt like hell.


"Your Royal Highness," Paige, who immediately helped her get on her feet, put her hand on her chest. "Don't worry, I will purify it."


She had Darkness attribute inside her, so she shouldn't be hurt. But the fact that it hurt only meant Bram used Darkness with malice on her. Plus, it wasn't an ordinary Darkness.

[It's like a black spider-web.]

And she could feel the sharp end of the cobweb piercing through her heart. Her gut feeling told her purification wouldn't be enough.

"I got this, Paige," Neoma said, stopping the mage from touching the stain of Darkness spreading on her chest. "I need to completely cut it off instead of purifying it."

The mage looked confused.

She didn't have the time to explain, though.

So she just opened her hand and summoned the 'Holy Twin Blades' (aka the 'holy scissors') that she asked Yule to give him in the past. It was the pair of scissors that could cut connections to the soul. Her instinct told her it could also cut the stain of Darkness that got stuck on her.

Without further ado, she grabbed the Holy Scissors manifested as soon as it materialized in the air. Then she used it to cut the cobweb of Darkness on her chest that was definitely connected to Bram. As soon as the cobweb was cut, the remaining stain on her chest faded into nothingness.

She felt better after it disappeared from her body.

"Oh, dear," Paige said, clearly impressed by the Divine Item in her hand. "Your Royal Highness is really impressive."

"I know, right?" she said with a laugh, then she stood up and looked up.

She clicked her tongue when she saw Bram laughing while avoiding Lewis and Dion's attack. But the crow bastard wasn't unscathed. In fact, he was bleeding all over from the claw marks on his body thanks to Lewis's sharp nails. There was also a huge slash mark on Bram's chest, courtesy of Dion's sword aura.


"Lewis, Dion, cut the crow bastard all over," Neoma ordered the two firmly. "Make him bleed more."

Lewis and Dion politely nodded their heads as a response.

Bram, on the other hand, laughed loudly while doing a cartwheel in the air to avoid Lewis's claws. "I didn't know our dear prince is a sadist!"

She ignored the crow bastard, then she turned to Paige. "His blood is Darkness itself," she told the mage. "Look, it's already turning black. Purify the blood spilling on the floor, Paige. I'll take care of the rest."

Paige bowed respectfully. "As you wish, Your Royal Highness."

She looked up at the air again where the right was getting more intense.

Lewis was mauling the hell out of Bram's back, while Dion was using his sword technique laced with a Swordmaster's aura to cut the crow bastard all over his body. But Paige's Light magic immediately purified the blood gushing out of Bram's open wounds.

And the mage's Light magic was coming from the white parasol in her hand.

[Okay, that's pretty chic.]

"Mochi," Neoma said, summoning the Wind Spirit, who immediately materialized in front of her in her white bunny form. "Bring that bitch to me."

Mochi laughed at her calling Bram a 'bitch.' "As you wish, Your Royal Highness."

She could bring the crow bastard down with her Moonglow like what she did earlier, but she didn't this time because she was conserving her divine power for her next move.

Mochi was more than good enough for the job, anyway.

The Wind Spirit created a gush of violent wind that became visible to the eye because of the bluish light surrounding it. Thanks to that, she saw Mochi's wind take the form of a snake that wrapped itself around Bram.

Then Mochi dropped the crow bastard to the ground, cracking the floor in the process. The best part was when the Wind Spirit dragged Bram in front of her.

"Good job, Mochi," she said, then she stepped on the back of Bram's head when the crow bastard tried to look up. "Everyone, move."

Lewis, Dion, and Paige all stepped away from her when they realized she was about to attack. But the distance the three created was still short enough for them to reach her fast if they had to. The three didn't need to worry about that, though.

Because her attack came in the form of creating a Dome to lock her and Bram inside it.

As expected, Lewis, Dion, and Paige looked betrayed when she created a Dome over her and Bram. After all, from the point of view of her protectors, it wasn't wise to leave her alone with the enemy.

"Your Royal Highness, if you wanted to talk with just the two of us, you should have said so," Bram said, while standing up. It was annoying to see he could still move just fine despite his injuries. "You didn't have to do this."

"Hazelden Kingdom and Valmento, specifically its Holy Knights, will be mine," Neoma declared, ignoring Bram's taunting words earlier. "I'll admit I was pissed when you discredit me and my people's efforts earlier. But I realized a person like me born who was born with a diamond spoon in his mouth can't be oppressed, so I stopped sulking. It's petty to do so."

The crow bastard raised an eyebrow at her.

"I acknowledge my privilege as the Crown Prince of the empire. Everything is practically handed to me," she explained with a shrug. "Everything except the love and respect of my people, that is. Choosing the right people to stay beside me is one thing I won't let you take credit for." She opened her arms while acting like a generous person. "So, go ahead and give me everything you want. But if your little cult sends a psycho like you on my way again, all hell would break loose."

"All I hear coming out of your mouth is a warning, our dear prince," Bram said while laughing bitterly. "You're basically threatening the crows not to touch your people."

"I know how psychos like you think," she said. "I'm pretty sure you're planning to get rid of my people and replace them with your own."

"It looks like your father told you about the time the crows tried to replace his Paladins with our own people."


"You haven't answered my question yet," the crow bastard said. Then he hide his hands behind his back and smiled "innocently" at her. "Where's the royal princess? The crows already know a royal princess was born in this generation. But for some reason, we can't find her."

"If I were the royal princess, I would fucking hide too if I knew ugly bitches like you were after my ass."

His smile disappeared. "I already told you to watch your language, Prince Nero. That's unbecoming of the future emperor–"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, bitch, bitch, bitch, shit, shit, shit," she said, just to annoy the crow bastard. She knew it was childish, but that was how trash-talking worked. Well, at least, for her. "I don't give a damn if your ears fall off from my cursing," she said, then she gripped the holy scissors in her hand and use the blade to cut her arm deep.

Bram looked stunned by her action.

But the stunned look on his face was soon replaced by shock when her blood started to drip onto the floor. After all, as soon as the drop of blood touched the ground, it turned into a rose petal. Soon enough, the rose petals gathered in her feet.

"My precious Roseheart Blood," she said softly. "Let's purify this bitch."

The roses on the floor were carried by her Moonglow towards Bram.

That surprised the crow bastard, who immediately used his arms to block her attack. It was useless, though.

There was a reason why she asked Lewis and Dion to cut Bram all over.

And the reason was simple: it would be easier for her Roseheart Blood, in the form of rose petals, to enter Bram's body. The crow bastard's open wounds became an invitation for the rose petals to enter his body for purification.

"Make it hurt like hell," Neoma told her Roseheart Blood. At that moment, her eyelids became heavy as her knees threatened to collapse. God, she felt so exhausted, but she wasn't done yet. "Purify that bitch in the most painful way possible."

Soon enough, Bram's agonizing scream filled the room along with the sizzling sounds while his whole body emitted smoke as if he was being barbecued alive.

That was the last thing Neoma saw before everything turned black.


BRAM barely escaped Prince Nero and his persistent guardians.

He never thought he would come out unscathed, but he didn't think he'd make it out half-dead. The way the Crown Prince purified the Darkness in his veins hurt like a bitch. Ah, damn. Prince Nero's foul mouth rubbed off on him easily.

<"I can't believe Prince Nero got you so bad.">

He laughed at what His Excellency said, but he couldn't move a muscle.

Right now, he was lying on the floor of the cabin in the middle of the forest. It was the cabin where the portal connecting to the Hazelden Kingdom was located. His teleportation scroll brought him there because it was one of his escape routes.

He couldn't move yet, but he was sure he wasn't being chased so he relaxed.

[Prince Nero fainted. Thus, his people are busy tending to him. They wouldn't prioritize chasing me over the Crown Prince's current condition.]

"Our dear prince combined his Roseheart Blood and Moonglow to purify the Darkness flowing in my veins," he explained to His Excellency. "The Crown Prince almost burned my insides into ashes."

The crow, that was standing on the windowsill while facing him, let out a laugh that sounded metallic. <"The Crown Prince inherited Nikolai de Moonasterio's nasty temper.">

"Your Excellency, would you trust my judgment no matter how crazy it sounds?"

<"I wouldn't give you the 'Judge' title if I don't trust your verdicts.">

"The Crown Prince would ascend the throne, but he would also destroy the empire we built from blood, sweat, and tears."

<"Is the current Crown Prince an enemy?">

"He's not our Crown Prince."

<"And what do you mean by that?">

"The de Lucas are born with wired hatred for the royal princesses. The wrath our ancestors have for the female de Moonasterios is passed down from generation to generation," he said, then he slowly got up. He flinched because every part of his body hurt like hell. But there was another reason his mood turned sour. "I felt that hatred when I was talking to the Crown Prince earlier."

Prince Nero was arrogant, so it was easy to hate him.

Moreover, he didn't like how the Crown Prince had a foul mouth.

Even Nikolai de Moonasterio, known as one of the de Moonasterios with the nastiest temper, didn't talk that way.

But the irritation she felt towards Prince Nero wasn't normal.

[It was as if my brain was wired to reject him automatically.]

His Excellency fell silent for a while before he spoke again. <"Are you saying the current Crown Prince is actually the royal princess we've been looking for all this time?">

Bram tilted his head to one side. "That's what my gut feel tells me, Your Excellency."


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