It took her so much effort to prevent her smile from fading away as she stared at the woman. She actually thought the woman was someone she knew well but she could not recognize the lady before her.

The lady had an obvious athletic build underneath the black leather jacket and the black jeans she wore. She noticed the black leather hand gloves the lady wore and this time her smile disappeared without hesitation.

"Do I know you?" She asked looking at the face of the lady. The lady was a head taller than her and it made her feel insecure with that fact. She could easily recognize that the lady was a good fighter and she could not help but feel scared.

"You don't know me pretty girl," the lady said in her slightly deeper voice with a smirk that made Rose step back and made a defense stance as she waited for the lady to attack her.

"Who are you?" Rose asked cautiously taking another step back her eyes fixed on the door. She had been to busy lately to remember to train as frequent as she did before and she knew she will be no match for the pretty gigantic lady before her.

She might last for a few minutes if they get into a close combat but that was all she was sure of.

"Rose you have to hang on," she whispered under her breath and took another step back ready to escape and get close to the door to make her escape.

"What did you say pretty girl?" the woman asked stepping closer to Rose very leisurely it made Rose annoyed.

"Could you not call me pretty girl?" Rose said hoping to buy time so that her friends will come looking for her if she stays out for too long.

"Definitely not. I love beautiful things," the lady said putting her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

"Definitely not professional," Rose said and tsked as she fixed her eyes on the door which was her goal at this moment.

"You won't be able to escape," the lady said blocking her line of sight and walked closer to Rose. "I am only here with a message from the Queen."

The first thought that came to her mind after the lady spoke was perhaps the lady knew her mother but she snapped back to reality. This definitely could not have come from her biological mother but her stepmother.

With the information that was passed to her now, she knew the lady was definitely here to kill her. But why here of all places? The woman could definitely have killed her somewhere else but inside the restroom of a busy restaurant, this was not right.

Without waiting any longer, Rose dashed past the lady towards the door. Whatever the lady was here for, she knew it was not going to be funny at all.

"Not so fast pretty girl," the lady said from behind her when she tried to open the door only to discover to was locked. She blamed herself for being too occupied with her thoughts that she did not notice when the lady locked the door.

"What message do you have for me from the Queen?" Rose said trying to appear relaxed.

"Now that I actually think about it, you are not supposed to be scared of what I said earlier. Most people will be so happy to receive the attention of the Queen," the lady voiced her observation thoughtfully.

"Your ugly face scared me," Rose replied immediately. "You look like a serial killer and talk like one."

"I think you know me well. I don't kill anyone but pretty girls. This is my first paid job," the lady said with a laughter that had Rose's heart gripped in fear.

"Who sent you?" Rose asked still trying to open the door. She regretted not learning how to pick locks.

"I said I brought a message from the Queen," the lady replied. "I like the fact that you know how to fight. It shows in your every move incase you want to know how I knew."

Rose kept her eyes focused on the woman she told herself repeatedly to remain calm. She really wanted to cry at this moment knowing she met someone stronger who could kill her off without stress so easily like in her past life.

"Let us have a match. If you win, I might actually let you go," the lady told her tucking a stray strand of her black short hair behind her ear.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

Rose did not believe the woman but she knew the lady was here to kill her and if she lasts long enough, she might actually survive till her sister or one of her friends coming looking for her.

"I want you to attack first," the lady said.

"No, you attack first," Rose replied. She was definitely not going to make the first move and she could buy some time with this little argument.

"It will be more fun if you attack first," the lady complained with a slight pout of her lips. The lady moved to attack her but paused as though she was listening to something only her could hear.

Rose moved her gaze to the lady's ear and she noticed an airpod she could only blame her bad observation skill.

"It is a pity we won't be able to play. I will try to make it not hurt much," the lady said moving closer to Rose with her hands in the pockets of her jeans.


"I will also try not to do much," the lady whispered but Rose did not miss out on what she said.

The lady pulled out her hands from her pockets. One of her hands held a sharp looking knife that shone in the lights of the restroom while the other hand was firmly closed to form a fist.

Rose immediately made a defense stance at the sight of the knife. She gulped but what followed was not what she expected.

The lady sprayed a powder into the air towards Rose from her clenched fist and Rose did not have enough time to cover eyes as it had her closing her eyes due to the stinging effect it had on her eyes.

It hurt her eyes so badly but she did not have enough time to scream out in pain when she felt the lady hug her before she felt a very sharp pain in her abdomen going deep she could only gasped as the scream she intended to let out froze in her throat.

"I am sorry I couldn't play with you for long pretty girl. I hope you survive this so we could play some other time. I will enjoy it better then," she heard the fading voice of the lady's deep sing song voice whisper into her ears.

"Please," Rose begged holding the lady's hand as the lady released her from her embrace. She felt so pathetic as tears ran down her cheeks. Her already hurting eyes doing a good job of hurt her more as the tears spread the effect of the powder around her eyes.

She saw nothing and heard nothing. She could only pray the lady leaves the knife in her to prevent excess bleeding but that was too much of wish for her to make at that moment as she felt the lady pull out the knife from her in a very fast movement that made her unable to hold back as she screamed in pain.

She lost the grip she had on the lady's muscled hand as she reached to hold her stomach. The hot sticky liquid that wet her hands was unpleasant as it made her remember a very unpleasant memory.

"Oh gosh," she groaned. It hurts. Her eyes hurts and her stomach hurts. All she felt was pain. Her head soon joined in and the pain she felt when the lady pushed her away from the door making her fall down also joined in the competition of pains.

She pressed her lips tightly against each other as she moaned in pain helplessly. Will she be lucky enough to survive this? If she doesn't, will she be given another opportunity? If she is given another opportunity will she still suffer in this manner in that next life?

She could see nothing but darkness as she dragged her body on the floor till her back touched the wall and she leaned on it. She was not with her phone and she was all alone. It seemed like no one was looking for her.

"Oh no," she cried softly when she inhaled the smell of smoke and heard the ringing of alarm bells.


The ringing of the alarm bells in the restaurant to indicate the outbreak of fire made almost everyone head towards the door in panic. Everyone was thinking about their lives as the smoke made its way towards them.

Only one person seemed so relaxed as he used the chair he sat on earlier to hit the glass window so hard over and over again till it broke and he helped the girl he cherished a lot to escape along with her friends.

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