She could still remember the bass from the speakers booming making even the ground outside the house shake. It was a classmate's birthday party but why did she go for a party she never wanted to attend?

Her past life was sad and lonely. She did not have any true friend, she was all alone and coupled with the scar that scared people away from her, she had no reason to go for the party but her bunkmate dragged her for party using different threats.

She remembered the state her bunkmate was before she left the orphanage and remembered what she looked like in her past life. The scar was not good to look upon at all. It was scary to look at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes glanced away from the road ahead to the almost completely faded scar she got in this life. It was barely visible any longer but it still reminded her of the great calamity she was lucky enough to avoid.

She gripped the steering tighter and glanced at Anna who had turned on the radio and the bass of the song playing filled the car making her hit the brake subconsciously.

"Oh God, Rose," Anna said her hand clutching her chest tightly as she tried to breath as deeply as she could..

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Rose asked looking at her sister who was now trying to massage her neck.

"Yes. Why did you do that? I thought Mara appraised your driving skill," Anna complained as she tried but could not calm the feeling she felt of her heart jumping out of her chest.

"I got distracted by the music. Could you use your earpods?" Rose replied closing her eyes and took a deep breath. She reached towards the radio and turned it off.

"You scared the hell out of me. I think I will have to keep music away for a while so I could pray to get home safely," Anna said frowning. "I think Mara should evaluate your driving skill again."

"You should learn so that you could do the driving," Rose argued back. She pressed the accelerator and their journey continued.

"I will simply use a self-driving car. And don't make fun of me because I have my driving license am just cautious about driving," Anna still stood her ground as she wore a smile knowing her sister won't continue. the argument and that meant she won, right?

"Says the girl who wants to ride a motorcycle," Rose did not do as Anna expected but argued back.

"Fine, you've won," Anna murmured.

She loves listening to soul music occasionally but the loud beats of the hip pop song Anna toned in for, was a perfect reminder of that horrible experience she was trying really hard to forget.

Debby joined them in front of the house as soon as they arrived. She hugged Anna as usual and threw her hands around Rose's shoulder. "How do I look?" she whispered as though she wanted to keep that a secret from Anna.


"Anna said the outfit was designed by you, is that right?" Debby still whispered.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"Yeah," Rose replied nodding and praying Debby takes her hand off her shoulder, it was beginning to hurt.

"Are you coming for Wayne's birthday party?" Debby asked removing her hand as though she read Rose's mind.

"No I want to design a jacket for him," Rose replied walking to the entrance door of the mansion.

"Oh come on, we are his closest friends, I don't think it is right for you to miss his birthday party again. Whatever thing you want to do, do it later. Today is for Wayne. Anna lead the way, Rose will pick a cloth from your wardrobe," Debby said hugging Rose's hand and led them to the elevator.

Rose was feeling a strong urge to pull her hand from Debby's grip and shout to her face that she should stay away but she bit back those words and tried to remain calm by taking deep breaths in a not too noticable manner.

The dress Debby wore was one of the designs she sold to her mother. It was an off-shoulder leather gown. The dark blue color matched Debby's beautiful white skin. The length of the gown stopped few inches above her knees, wrapping around her body showing off the curve of her hips and her slim waist.

Debby had matched it up with a black heeled sandals and black purse. It was the perfect cloth for a lady who wanted to get a lot of attention in a night club. It made Debby look matured by still young.

"Why are you dressed like this for the party?" Rose had to ask. The only party she attended in her past life, did not have people dressed in the manner Debby did. Some wore really simple short gowns and others wore jeans and blouses.

"Oh, Wayne rented his brother's high-class club house for the party. He wants us to feel like adults," Debby replied laughing. "We are going to have fun which is very important. I want you to come. A lot of people will come to the party. You won't mind a few new friends, right?"

"Don't ask her, she definitely minds," Anna replied before Rose could come up with the right answer. She wanted her sister to come out of her comfort zone but she did not know how to make that happen but since Debby was about to make that happen, she was ready to give her full support.

"I have enough friends," Rose replied as soon as she came up with the right answer.

"Fine, they must not necessarily become your friends but getting to know people is not a bad thing," Anna explained not leave room for negotiation as she hugged Rose's other hand before half pulling her into her room then to the closet.

"Pick one of these," Anna said opening a wardrobe.

"None," Rose said shaking her head furiously. None of them matched the image she wanted to build for herself before getting the throne. They were all attention seeking.

"Hey! Designer, you designed all of them for me but you don't want to wear them?" Anna asked trying her best to sound stern and serious.

Rose glanced at the clothes, that was right, she designed them all but with Anna's choice of fashion on her mind not her desire to be the most elegant lady anyone she comes across will remember.

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