The door of Rose's room opened and Leah walked in with Valerie and Anna behind her. "I was her doctor for a while before Mr. Hart asked us to transfer to another hospital. She should get better soon but she will have to remain in the hospital for a while," Leah said. She looked at the pale beautiful girl lying on the bed and looked away immediately to stop the tears threatening to drop from her eyes.

"Are you sure she is okay?" Anna asked unable to believe that Rose was okay with the very pale look on her face.

"Yes, she is. She only needs some time to rest since the stress of travelling back home was not good on her. She only catching up on the rest she missed," Leah replied. The truth was Rose far from being okay. She might need another transplant but they could not get any donor yet.

She did not trust Rose's foster family at all especially her foster mother who looked really worried about Rose. But she knew the woman was not as nice as everyone thought she was. Rose was safer with Mr. Hale and since Mr. Hale's subordinates haven't gotten a liver donor, she decided to keep the truth away from Rose's foster family.

"I hope you are telling us the truth because it does not seem to be what you say it is," Valerie observed. She knew Rose won't look so pale if it was not so serious.

"I am telling you nothing but the truth. If things get worse anytime soon, I will let you know. She might not wake up anytime soon but she is not dying," Leah replied with a small encouraging smile trying to look like a righteous doctor who doesn't lie which she was not.

"Thank you then," Valerie appreciated half-heartedly. She really could not hide the feeling suspicion she felt towards the doctor before her. She tried to talk to the other doctors in the team but all of them told her to talk to this doctor.

"You are welcome, Mrs. Whitfred," Leah replied. She noticed the look of suspicion in the woman's eyes but she did not take seriously since she had a lot of things to take care of that Valerie's suspicion was none of her business.

After talking to Valerie about Rose's state as well as keeping the truth from her, she returned to the top floor of the hospital where Liam laid unconscious in one of the rooms.

"Leah thank goodness you came early. He moved his fingers," Charlie said excitedly when he saw Leah walk into the room.

Four other doctors were in the room and two others in the next room with a glass door and walls where Liam laid fighting between life and death. "That is good news," Leah said sincerely happy. She waited for a while to join the six other doctors who were Mr. Hale's most trusted doctors.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

It was confirmed that Mr. Hale was making real progress and he will definitely wake up soon, or so they hoped. The doctors were very professional but in situation like this, they also included hope and faith. They all knew how hard Mr. Hale has fought for his life almost dying over and over but he survived because of his very strong will to keep living.

When the other doctor's left the glass room, Leah remained inside. She looked at the pale handsome beauty sleeping comfortably and sighed. Usually people in his state have their families stay with them. Their family members talk to them. She has seen instances like that a lot in her life working as medical doctor.

Apart from those patients who have their family members with them, there were instances where some of the patients had no one to visit them half of the time. And they die really lonely deaths or wake to an empty and lonely hospital room.

Mr. Hale was not totally lonely but he did not have his family members with him. She turned to look at Charlie who was sitting on a sofa in the room surrounding the round glass room with a white tablet in his hand. She could see the pure love and respect Charlie and the others had towards Mr. Hale. They might be his friends but they were mostly his subordinates.

They were the closest people he had around him but that was all. He deserted his family to start his own empire and was really successful. He was very good looking and wealthy but he was lonely. He was lonely in this room although he was not alone.

"Mr. Hale, I know I should not be saying this but I don't think there is anything that will make you wake up faster than news about Rose," Leah said softly. "You really need to wake, enough of the rest. Rose is unconscious right now and her situation does not look too good. I think if you wake and visit her, it will make her wake up too," she said looking at Charlie hoping he does not see her talking to Liam.

She smiled sadly and walked out through the glass door after a few minutes. She noticed his fingers twitching when she spoke and decided to tell him more about Rose time goes on. You might deem that very unprofessional for her to have spoken to Liam the way she did but she had to do anything to save his life. They have reached the end of what they could do to help him medically.

When Charlie saw her walk out of the room, he placed the tablet on the armrest of the sofa and looked her. "You know we all agreed not to tell him anything about Rose, right?" Charlie asked standing up slowly.

"Yes, I am fully aware of that but I also remember you told us to do anything we can to make him wake up," Leah replied folding her hands on her chest. She gave him a challenging look threatening him with her large beautiful but tired eyes to say anything else.

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