"So, are you saying you want to become a chief?" Kang Gam-Chan asked me, causing everyone in the meeting room to become wary.

At Hoop Entertainment, it was typical for someone to be promoted to assistant manager after three years, team lead after six, and chief after nine.

However, I was only in my second year.

I had already received a rapid promotion to team lead, and it had only been a few months since then.

Moreover, no one would take over as team lead in the interim if I were promoted to chief.

Nonetheless, I was aiming not for the position of chief but the independent operational authority that chiefs have which would allow me to make decisions and report them afterward.

So I immediately shook my head at Kang Gam-Chan's question. "No, I'm not ready for that yet. But I would like to request the independent operational authority given to a division."

Kang Gam-Chan fell into deep thoughts for a moment. "Hmm..."

The team leads and chiefs around the table began calculating in their heads. If I were granted independent operational authority, they would have even less visibility into what I was doing.

Then Kang Gam-Chan suddenly smiled and spoke. "Making things more complicated isn't a good idea. For someone who says they're not ready, your results have been too impressive. So how about you just take the chief position? If we need a new team lead, we can fill that role when the time comes!"

The team leads and chiefs looked shocked. After all, it was alarming to have a second-year employee be promoted to chief position.

Kim Dong-Soo, who was seated across from me, turned pale at Kang Gam-Chan's bold suggestion.

"Mr. Kang! No matter how impressive they are, promoting someone to chief after just two years is too fast! And who in the company would agree to serve under a hoobae like Team Lead Jung? This could disrupt the entire organizational hierarchy!" Kim Dong-Soo protested loudly.

Kang Gam-Chan slammed his hand on the table.


"If someone has the ability, they deserve to be rewarded! That's been a core principle at Hoop Entertainment since its founding. There was a lot of resistance when I promoted you to chief, but I still pushed it through! Have you forgotten that already, Dong-Soo?" Kang Gam-Chan retorted.

Kim Dong-Soo faltered, clearly taken aback. After all, he had once been the beneficiary of a similarly fast promotion.

"T-that's..." Kim Dong-Soo stammered and eventually fell silent.

Thinking about it now, there was one thing I could always appreciate about Kim Dong-Soo— that his example was often cited whenever a controversial promotion came up, helping to quell resistance.

Despite this, most of the team leads and chiefs except for those from Actor Division 2 wore expressions of dissatisfaction.

After letting out a short sigh, Kang Gam-Chan took a step back. "Of course, Chief Kim isn't entirely wrong. It's true that Team Lead Jung is only in his second year..."

At that moment, Kang Gam-Chan made his final move. "Is there anyone among the team leads here who would volunteer to work under Team Lead Jung? If no one agrees, I'll reconsider promoting him."

For team leads with six to eight years of experience, working under someone who had been the junior until now would be a hard pill to swallow as being placed under me could mean missing out on future promotion opportunities.

Given this, I expected no one to volunteer anyway and initially planned to stick with just requesting independent operational authority.

Then, something unexpected happened.

"I'll do it."

I turned to see who had spoken, and it was Park In-Ki.

Kang Gam-Chan looked surprised. "Oh? Team Lead Park?"


"If you join the new division, your entire team will have to report to Team Lead Jung. Are you prepared for that?" Kang Gam-Chan asked.

Park In-Ki nodded. "I've given it considerable thought before speaking up."

As murmurs of surprise spread among the meeting attendees, Ju Ho-Sung raised his voice in opposition. "Mr. Park! What are you saying? With your experience, how could you work under Team Lead Jung..."

But Park In-Ki cut Ju Ho-Sung off at once. "I barely met my targets for the second quarter, but managed to do so all thanks to Team Lead Jung. What's the point of experience if I don't have good results?"

With Ju Ho-Sung silenced, Kim Dong-Soo was the next to step in. "Mr. Park, please think it over. You might have had a rough year last year, but you've been doing well recently. No matter how much Team Lead Jung brings in the actors, managing them is your own skill. By the rules, you should be the one getting promoted to chief!"

Park In-Ki smirked and responded, "Chief Kim, or rather, Mr. Kim since we're in a formal setting. You shouldn't be saying that. Since when has Hoop Entertainment decided ranks based on tenure?"

Kim Dong-Soo, who was two years hoobae to Park In-Ki, stammered. "W-well, that's..."

"And as for management skills? You need opportunities to show those off, and it was Team Lead Jung who gave me the chance to manage top stars!" Park In-Ki continued.

As Park In-Ki asserted himself, Kim Dong-Soo found himself at a loss for words.

Park In-Ki then addressed the other cautious team leads and chiefs. "You all are being too much. Have you forgotten how eager you were to share the roles when Team Lead Jung secured them? You were happy to take it without hesitation, but now that it's time to recognize his contributions, you refuse to acknowledge his achievements?"

Embarrassed by Park In-Ki's sharp words, the others cleared their throats awkwardly.

"If Team Lead Jung secures the next MBS project, there will be dozens of roles available. Those who want a piece of that, agree; if you want to do it alone, disagree. As for me, I'm sticking with Team Lead Jung—no, Chief Jung."

I already knew that Park In-Ki was on my side, but I hadn't expected him to back me so fully. For a moment, I felt a light tremor of gratitude wash over me.

'This must be what it feels like to have someone stand by you,' I thought.

Thanks to Park In-Ki's passionate defense, the mood in the room quickly shifted in my favor.

Turning to Kang Gam-Chan, Park In-Ki asked, "Mr. Kang. If my team and I join under Team Lead Jung, does that make him the chief of Acting Division 4?"

Kang Gam-Chan wore a proud expression. "Sure. With a team lead to support him, why not?"

"Then it's settled."

Park In-Ki sat down with a satisfied expression, bolstering Kang Gam-Chan's authority.

Kang Gam-Chan spoke with a strong voice, "With at least one team lead backing him, we've met the minimum requirement for creating a new division. If we win this lawsuit, I'll propose the promotion to the shareholders. That's it for now!"

I had only asked for independent operational authority, but it looked like I might end up as a chief.

However, I didn't mind since I knew I could handle it.

Kang Gam-Chan looked at me with a content expression. "Remember, winning this lawsuit for Writer Han is the top priority. Understood?"

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

"And if you fail, you won't just miss out on becoming chief—you might lose your position as team lead too. Keep that in mind!" Kang Gam-Chan added.

Sensing that this comment was meant more for the other team leads to hear, I nodded seriously. "Understood. I'll take full responsibility if that happens."

Ultimately, everything depended on how well I did.

Kang Gam-Chan then began issuing directives concerning Han Woo-Ju. "Hoop Entertainment will prioritize protecting Writer Han Woo-Ju. Team Lead Sung, prepare a rebuttal press release against all articles related to Writer Yoo Sun-Jung! Deny everything no matter what, alright?"

"Yes, Mr. Kang."

"And Team Lead Kwak, contact KJ Law Firm to lodge a formal complaint. Also, sue all the tabloids that published those garbage articles!"

Kwak Moo-Hyuk responded enthusiastically, "Understood, sir!"

After giving his instructions, Kang Gam-Chan stood up and signaled the end of the meeting. "That's all for today's meeting. Let's get back to work!"

Just like that, the meeting about Han Woo-Ju and Yoo Sun-Jung's lawsuit ended with a discussion about my potential promotion to chief.


After the meeting, I approached Park In-Ki as he was leaving the meeting room and bowed. "Mr. Park, thank you so much."

Park In-Ki smiled. "There's no need to thank me. The reason why I'm still keeping my position is all thanks to you. Watch and see—I'll repay you tenfold, no, a hundredfold."

"But even so..."

Park In-Ki patted my shoulder. "That's enough. Just make sure to win, alright?"

Looking at him clenching his fist and cheering me on, I steeled myself again. "I'll win no matter what."

At that moment, Kang Gam-Chan called out to me. "Team Lead Jung, come with me."

I thanked Park In-Ki again before following Kang Gam-Chan into his office.

As soon as he sat down on the sofa, he let out a heavy sigh. "Sigh. Yoon-Ho, do you think you can pull this off?"

Kang Gam-Chan was currently meeting with Yoo Sun-Jung's former assistant writers. However, he hadn't been able to secure any decisive testimony so far. His face was filled with worry, likely concerned about the possibility of losing the lawsuit against Yoo Sun-Jung.

"Mr. Kang, please listen to this first."

I immediately played the recording of Yoo Sun-Jung's voice that I had captured.

-I registered the copyright as soon as I finished the synopsis that night...

Kang Gam-Chan's eyes widened in surprise. "This... what is this?"

Kwak Moo-Hyuk standing nearby smiled. "This is Writer Yoo's voice, right? If we play this for the judges, it could significantly sway the verdict in our favor."

I smiled in return. "And this is not all."

"Oh? What else?"

"Ms. Han Woo-Ju showed her synopsis to Mrs. Gae Eun-Sook a week ago."

At that moment, Kwak Moo-Hyuk's face lit up. "If we can get a testimony, we'll have a huge advantage in court.."

Kang Gam-Chan suggested going with me to meet Gae Eun-Sook, but I shook my head. "I'll meet with her alone."

"Why? Are you worried people might think you're getting the chief position because of me?"

"Partly, yes. But also, I'd prefer if you continued your current work. The more evidence we gather, the better."

"Hmm, fair enough..."

Then, I asked about the analysis of the crucial evidence from Han Woo-Ju's laptop. "Mr. Kwak, how is the laptop analysis going?"

"We opened the document files she had been working on, but the metadata was a mess."

Due to the laptop being old and poorly maintained, the metadata—information about when the files were created and modified—was showing incorrect dates—such as January 1, 1900.

This made Gae Eun-Sook's testimony even more critical.

Just then, a call came in from the MBS President. At Kang Gam-Chan's instruction, I put the call on speakerphone.

-Team Lead Jung, what's going on? What's all this commotion, and why is Jung Yoo-Jin's name being mentioned!?

It was clear that Choi Sang-Byung was furious from reading the articles.

I responded calmly, "Mr. Choi, it's nothing serious. There's no need to worry too much."

-Nothing serious, you say? How can you say that?

I explained the situation to Choi Sang-Byung in detail.

After understanding what was happening, he asked with an incredulous expression.

-Writer Yoo stole someone else's work? But why would she need to do that?

"She's been running out of material for the past five years and has been habitually stealing ideas from her assistant writers. Writer Han Woo-Ju had her previous work completely stolen."

Realizing the severity of the situation, Choi Sang-Byung fell deep in thought.

-So what's your plan?

"We're going to see this through to the end."

-To the end?

"The script is so well-written that Writer Yoo felt compelled to steal it. If we don't handle this thoroughly, she'll keep trying to steal credit. We need to settle this definitively so there are no further issues."

I hinted that if we didn't take decisive action, she might continue with her tactics and pressure us for a settlement through the lawsuit.

Upon hearing that the script was excellent, Choi Sang-Byung's tone shifted as he was someone who cared deeply about viewership ratings.

-If that's the case, why didn't you tell me sooner? I was surprised when I read the articles…ahem

"I intended to update you as things progressed, but the situation got complicated. My apologies."

After a brief apology, I delivered one final punch to ensure he wouldn't object further.

"By the way, I have some good news."

-What is it?

"Ms. Lee Ji-Yeon and Ms. Kim Soll-Ip have agreed to join the writing team for this project. They'll be handling about four episodes out of the fifty."

-W-what? Is that really true?

Choi Sang-Byung was stunned by the news that two of the most acclaimed writers of the year were joining Hwaranjeon as assistant writers.

"Anyway, I'm quite busy at the moment. Could I contact you later instead?"

Choi Sang-Byung quickly apologized for interrupting.

-Of course! You must be so busy right now. I didn't mean to hold you up. I'll hang up now!


After the call ended, I stood up from my seat. "By the way, Ms. Lee Ji-Yeon has scheduled the press conference for today. So it might help to mention that when you meet with the assistant writers to persuade them."

Kang Gam-Chan's expression brightened at the unexpected good news. "Writer Lee's support? That sounds reassuring. When is it happening?"

Instead of answering, I showed him the KkTalk message I had just received from Lee Ji-Yeon.

[Writer Lee Ji-Yeon: Yoon-Ho, seeing what Sun-Jung is up to made me so angry that I've decided to hold an emergency press conference in Samseong-dong. It'll happen within the next two hours. I'll call you as soon as the exact time is set.]

Kang Gam-Chan chuckled in disbelief after reading the KkTalk message. "Ha ha. If I can't get testimony from the assistant writers, I'll be utterly humiliated, won't I?"

He joked that he might end up being less effective than a team lead and smiled.

After saying my goodbyes, I left the office and headed to Gangnam to pick up Han Woo-Ju before making our way to KBC where Gae Eun-Sook worked.

However, Gae Eun-Sook didn't answer her phone no matter how many times I called. "Is she not answering because she's writing?"

Han Woo-Ju in the passenger seat replied, "She's not answering my calls either."

"Something must be up. I'll speed up a bit."

I quickly drove to the KBC writers' office.

The moment I opened the door to the writers' room, I understood why Gae Eun-Sook hadn't been answering our calls.

I immediately turned on my phone's recording function and shouted at the person next to Gae Eun-Sook. "What are you doing here!?"

Ristretto's Thoughts

Jung Yoon-Ho - phone recording function = 0 😂

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