Rome Must Fall

Chapter 52: The Mighty Logistics Camps Guard Team

Chapter 52: The Mighty Logistics Camps Guard Team

By the end of August, the number of rebels had reached nearly 10,000, necessitating the formation of separate camps. This further strengthened their complete control over the northern region of Vesuvius, causing towns like Naples to suffer and continuously send messengers seeking aid from Rome.

“Commander, when the people here saw us coming, the overseers drove the slaves into the nearby farms. However, a few slaves managed to escape, and I have brought them with me,”

“Well done!” Maximus loudly praised Hagueux, who was riding on a horse.

Hagueux grinned from ear to ear. He was young and had a thin build. His parents were Gauls who were captured and enslaved after their defeat in battle, becoming farm slaves responsible for raising cattle and horses. He was born on the farm, also considered a homebred slave, and had worked with his parents since he was little.

One day, his owner invited some friends over to the farm as guests. After dining and drinking, they prepared to go out riding for fun, but one of the drunk guests fell off the horse and broke his leg. The owner blamed Hagueux’s father for this and beat him to death on the spot to appease his friend’s anger. Hagueux’s mother, devastated by the news, soon fell ill and died. Hagueux buried his hatred deep within his heart.

When the rebel army attacked the farm in May, he willingly joined and was assigned to the logistics camp as part of the wagon team. By the end of July, Maximus decided to form a cavalry unit within the logistics camp. It would serve as a messenger unit during peacetime and gather intelligence during war. Due to his experience in the logistics camp, good horsemanship, and quick thinking, Hagueux was promoted to lead a four-person cavalry unit.

Maximus’ gaze shifted to the three slaves behind Hagueux: they had dark reddish and rough skin, taut muscles, thick joints in their hands and feet, slightly hunched figures, and aged faces…

Maximus had gained some experience in observing slaves and knew that they had likely been engaged in long-term farm labor. With a gentle tone, he asked, “Do you have any knowledge about that farm? Can you tell me how many people are there? How many armed guards are there who can fight?”

The three individuals nervously scanned the fully armed group before them, finally focusing their gaze on Maximus, dressed in shining armor and resembling a Roman officer. The youngest among them cautiously asked, “Are you really the… the slave army led by Spartacus?”

“That’s right, we are! We took these armors from the defeated Roman soldiers. Today, following the orders of our leader, Spartacus, we have come all the way here from the other side of the mountain to rescue you,” realizing that his well-equipped troops made these slaves uncertain, Maximus said with a smile.

The slaves, relieved of their suspicions, excitedly exclaimed, “We’ve heard about you killing those cruel Roman nobles and overseers on the other side of the mountain (referring to the northern region of Vesuvius) and liberating many slaves. We’ve wanted to join you for a long time, but the overseers and guards have been keeping a close watch on us lately. Some of our companions tried to escape, but they were caught and brutally beaten in front of us… and finally, they were hanged at the gate of the estate.”

“Don’t worry, we are here now, and we will make those nobles” lackeys pay for their sins!” Hagueux angrily added.

“Oh, that farm has over 300 slaves. There was originally one overseer and 30 guards, but it increased to 50 guards about ten days ago.” The younger slave, with his eyes red, gestured with his right hand over his head while standing on tiptoe as he continued, “The estate is quite large, with walls about this high…”

Hearing that the farm had a considerable number of guards, Maximus was not surprised. This large wheat farm covered several hundred acres of land, requiring a large number of slaves, naturally necessitating a significant number of people to oversee them.

“Now we can finally have a real fight!” Hagueux exclaimed excitedly.

Maximus felt the same excitement. In the past few days, they had only raided vineyards, encountering only a few enemies and a handful of slaves. They had already crossed the southern edge of the Vesuvius region, nearing the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Finally, they came across a target that could truly train their troops. However, he tried to maintain a calm expression on his face, pointing in the direction of the farming estate and saying loudly, “Slow down the march, and advance towards the farm!”

The centurions, led by Phaselus, immediately relayed the order, and the two columns of over 300 soldiers quickly slowed down their pace.

Seeing the effects of over two months of military training, Frontinius felt satisfied and praised, “Maximus, your decision just now was correct. Slowing down the pace before the battle is beneficial for the soldiers to recover their strength and boost their morale.”

“Frontinius, you should still provide more critical feedback. That way, I can improve quickly,” Maximus jokingly replied. Over the past two months, he had diligently undergone military training and often humbly sought advice from Frontinius, fostering a good friendship between them.

“As per our agreement, the Military Advisory Group will not intervene this time. We will provide feedback based on the situation after the battle,” Frontinius said solemnly.

“Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you,” Maximus replied confidently.

Amidst the golden, heavy waves of wheat stood a white mansion, with several armed individuals behind a three-meter-high wall.

“Halt the entire army’s advance!” Maximus raised his right arm and shouted, “Prepare for formation!”

The order was given, and the soldiers of the guard team quickly halted their advance. Then the shouts of the officers rang out:

“First squad! First squad, stand over here!”

“Brothers of the second squad, gather here!”

“Third squad, change from a column formation to a horizontal formation right where you are!”

After a noisy commotion, the three hundred soldiers formed three parallel formations of a hundred soldiers each.

“Reporting to the Commander, the formation of the First Guard Cohort is complete!” Phaselus, wearing a Roman centurion armor with horizontal plumes, saluted Maximus respectfully and said.

He used to be the captain of the entire guard team, but even with the increase in the number of guards, he still commanded a hundred soldiers and his position changed to the leader of the First Guard Cohort. He accepted it calmly partly due to Maximus’ patient persuasion and partly because of the Second Guard Cohort’s leader, Tolerugo.

Tolerugo, who was once severely injured, had undergone two months of meticulous care from the medical team. With his strong physique and gradual recovery, he decided to stay in the logistics camp out of sincere gratitude to the medical team. Besides him, dozens of recovered wounded soldiers chose to stay as well. It can be said that one of Maximus’ primary goals in establishing the medical team had been achieved. He formed a second hundred-man squad with these individuals and some newly recruited soldiers assigned to the logistics camp, with Tolerugo as the leader of the Second Guard Cohort.

Tolerugo had gained some fame in the gladiator school and had earned considerable prestige in the Second Cohort. Then, he fought valiantly and survived in battles against the Romans, and after defending the nurses of the medical camp at the soldiers’ assembly, he became well-known throughout the entire army. With such a brave warrior willingly accepting a subordinate position in the logistics camp’s guard team, how could Phaselus, who had remained unknown despite his bravery, dare to ask for more?

“Reporting to the Commander, the Third Guard Cohort has also completed formation!” Immediately following was Carminus, the captain of the Third Guard Cohort, who came to report.

He was originally a slave sailor from Naples, an Illyrian. Inspired by Artemus’ deeds, he organized 90 port slaves to escape from Naples in mid-July and happened to encounter Maximus during the process of joining the rebel army. Learning that most of his team members were Illyrians and knowing that Maximus himself had half Illyrian blood, Maximus quickly sought Hamilcar’s approval and assigned these individuals to the logistics camp, forming the Third Guard Cohort. Carminus was appointed as their leader.

After a while, Tolerugo limped his way to Maximus. Unlike the other two centurions, he was the only injured one, and he wasn’t wearing armor, only a red tunic. He didn’t salute but instead shouted directly: “Maximus, my men are all ready. Give the order to attack!”

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