Chapter 39: Hope

The Roman senators and patricians are like a great mountain pressing down on the common people of Italy and Mediterranean. The only way to free ourselves from their oppression and live a life of freedom is to take up arms and resist. Only by overthrowing them can we achieve true freedom!

They may be powerful now, but in this world, there are ultimately fewer patricians and more plebeians. You have all seen how slaves and landless plebeians are everywhere in Italy, living aimlessly

Now, we bravely rise up and declare war against them, just like lighting a torch in the darkness, showing them hope. Thats why we have rapidly grown from over 200 people to 5,000 in just a month! As news of our rebellion spreads, more people who harbor resentment towards the Roman elites will join us. When all the slaves and poor people of Italy are mobilized by us, can the Roman army withstand this massive force?

Maximus raised his fist and spoke passionately, So, in the end, we will surely defeat the Romans and successfully escape Italy to create a homeland of our own elsewhere! In this new homeland, we will not be discriminated based on race or social status. As long as you have talent, you can hold official positions and be promoted! In this new homeland, we will all have our own land, and with hard work, we can live fulfilling lives! In this new homeland, we commoners can also participate in political affairs. We can oppose proposals that would harm our interests, propose laws that would benefit us, and find ways to get them passed! Our elderly will be cared for, our children can receive education, and when we fall ill, we can receive affordable treatment. When we face disaster, our homeland will provide assistance

Everyone listened with fascination and yearning.

Thats incredible! Its like a paradise!

If we can really establish such a beautiful homeland, it would be worth dying for!

Captain Maximus, can we really build such a wonderful new home of our own?! someone asked excitedly.

As long as we work together and relentlessly strive for this goal, we will ultimately succeed! Maximus said with unwavering confidence, infecting those around him.

As they rejoiced and were filled with enthusiasm, Maximus, already a bit intoxicated and fueled by his own words, continued, I want to tell you a story. Would you like to hear it?

We like to hear it!! The veteran members of the logistics team responded in unison. The Maximus Night Storytelling had become a rare form of entertainment for them before going to sleep.

The newly joined guards were also excited because they had heard that Maximus was a great storyteller, and tonight they would finally get to hear him firsthand.

The Roman slave soldiers, however, were a bit bewildered. They didnt understand why telling a story would excite others so much.

Maximus took a sip of wine, looked up at the night sky, and slowly began, This story takes place in a distant, distant land in the East. There, vast fertile lands are inhabited by tens of millions of people, with dozens of kingdoms constantly warring and annexing each other. The wars lasted for centuries until one kingdom annihilated all the other forces, unifying the distant East.

In theory, the king should have given a peaceful and secure life to the people who had endured the long years of war, allowing them to rebuild their homes. However, he imposed heavy labor on them, making the people tirelessly build city walls, construct tombs, and dig canals. He also implemented harsh laws, where even a minor offense would result in gouged eyes, severed hands, or chopped feet.

The suffering of the common people became unbearable, and they finally rose up in rebellion against the kings tyrannical rule, fighting against the powerful and numerous kingdom army. There were over a dozen rebel groups, most of which were led by the remnants of the nobility from the destroyed kingdoms. But only one group was led by a vagrant, and his subordinates included farmers, butchers, shepherds, bandits, and thugs all composed of low-status commoners. The story I mainly want to tell is about him

Night fell, the banquet had ended, and the bonfire was extinguished. Tranquility returned to the farm, and people began to fall asleep.

In Maximus bedroom, the internal meeting of the logistics team had just begun.

In addition to Maximus, those present included Agnes, who was in charge of kitchen affairs; Pigres, responsible for the wagon team; Cornelius responsible for managing the storage warehouse; Phaselus, in charge of the guard unit, as well as Sextus, who was recommended by Pigres and specifically responsible for livestock such as cattle and sheep. There was also Cassius Frontinus, whom Maximus specifically called for, and lastly, Vorenus, whom Maximus appointed to take notes.

As a freelancer and a bit of a homebody in his previous life, nighttime was when Maximus had the most energy. Even in this era, his habits hadnt changed much. Without computers, internet, and other modern forms of entertainment, he expended his energy on teaching, storytelling, and holding meetings to avoid idleness.

He scanned the people in the room: a cook, a destitute merchant, a farmer, a household slave, a gladiator, a retired veteran He had all sorts of people under his command, and they were all of low status, but fortunately, each had some skills.

Everyones gaze was focused on Maximus. Previously, Maximus had often worked together with Agnes, Pigres, and the others, and their relationships were good. So they were happy to see Maximus take over the logistics team. After experiencing yesterdays battle and tonights public speech, their respect for Maximus had grown, including Frontinus, because his wisdom had dispelled confusion and illuminated the way for them, something not anyone could achieve.

Were short on time, so I wont ramble on, Maximus said directly. We need to establish a medical team in our logistics team, and all the wounded will be under our care

Agnes immediately exclaimed in surprise, Ah, thats hundreds of wounded men! Our team doesnt have enough hands to care for them all, not to mention we dont know how to provide that care!

The leaders have already decided, and we must follow through! Maximus pretended to be helpless. He would never mention the fact that he had volunteered for this task himself. Dont worry, taking care of the wounded is not a complicated matter, and it doesnt require too many people. Moreover, the leaders have promised to allocate more personnel to our logistics team in the future.

Maximus did not plan to give them more opportunity for discussion, and said immediately: Frontinus, who among your people is more skilled at caring for the wounded?

Frontinus hesitated for a moment and replied, Putrius Horace, hes a good person and patient. After our battles in the past, he always took the initiative to care for injured comrades.

Then let him temporarily be in charge of the medical teams affairs. If he doesnt perform well, we can replace him. He can select a few suitable assistants from your people.

After finishing, Maximus looked at Agnes, As for cleaning wounds, applying medicine, and bandaging the wounded, I hope it will be done mainly by women from the kitchen. Its best if they are younger and without husbands. Let them go to the newly established medical team to take care of the wounded.

Let our women take care of those men, and they have to be unmarried?! No, no, this is too much! Besides, were already short-staffed in the kitchen. If we lose more people, we wont be able to handle the work! Agnes vehemently opposed, shaking her head like a tambourine, her attitude seemingly resolute.

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