Watching the shadow of the mysterious creature, Kaizen tensed for a few seconds. He was hiding behind a large rock, trying not to make any noise, and he was far below where the creature was watching. The only way the monster could see him was if he looked down for some reason.

The creature sniffed the air for a few moments, and Kaizen held his breath, shrinking further into his hidden position, trying to make himself invisible.

After a few tense seconds, the creature finally moved away. Kaizen sighed in relief and slowly emerged from behind the rock. After making sure he was alone again, he used his <Psychokinesis> ability to climb to the top of the slope above.

Once up there, Kaizen found the footprints of the creature that had been there earlier. He noticed that the footprints were deep and wide, indicating that the creature's size was not just an illusion due to the projection of its shadow, but that it was actually large and heavy. The footprints also showed that the creature had at least three large claws on each of its four legs, so it was a predator.

There was also a distinctive pattern in the footprints, as if the creature's claws had left a unique mark in the mud. Kaizen didn't have enough knowledge to determine what species it belonged to, but he was determined to find out more about this strange monster, as it might be worth a lot of XP.

So Kaizen decided to follow the footprints, cautious and alert with every step. He moved carefully, trying not to make any noise as he fought off the occasional creature that came his way. Killing the Pantheon Serpent became second nature to him, as he discovered that all he had to do was use <Deep Cut> to remove the natural protection of the creature's scales.

The path in pursuit of the creature's tracks was difficult, with loose rocks and steep slopes, but Kaizen did not want to get lost, so he forged ahead. He knew that the creature in question was an unknown threat, but this could become a good new hunting ground for him, so to ensure his safety, he needed to be aware of the dangers in the area. As he followed the footprints, Kaizen noticed that the trail was getting narrower and more winding. The surrounding vegetation also began to change, with dry trees and bushes becoming increasingly rare. In addition, the sky was changing slightly, becoming darker, indicating that a storm was approaching.

Kaizen knew that this meant the creature was probably moving toward its lair or some kind of shelter, and he was encouraged by the likelihood that he might be able to corner it.

Eventually, the footprints led him to a dark cave at the base of the mountain, and Kaizen wondered:

'Why in the world do I always find a strange cave by accident?'

The cave looked deep and sinister, and Kaizen cautiously approached the mouth of the cave. The creature's footprints intensified just before the entrance, indicating that this was where it had entered, and as soon as the cave's rocks appeared, the footprints disappeared.

The entrance to the cave was wide, but dark enough that Kaizen could not see inside. He watched for a moment, looking for any sign of movement or sound, but all was silent.

Pulling his sword from its scabbard, Kaizen began to slowly enter the cave, this time without lighting a fire so as not to alert his prey. His senses were on high alert and his breathing was deep and controlled. He moved with extreme caution, trying not to make a sound that might make him the hunted instead of the hunter. The cave was so dark that it would soon be completely dark around Kaizen, for only the dim light coming in through the entrance allowed him to see a little of what lay before him.

As he went deeper, the smell from the mixture of mold and blood became more intense. He could hear the sound of dripping water echoing off the walls, as well as the distant sound of falling drops, indicating that it had begun to rain outside. In fact, the Rokku region was very harsh, and due to the howling winds, the feeling of cold inside the cave began to increase. Meanwhile, the feeling Kaizen had was one of pure tension.

After walking a few meters, Kaizen noticed that the cave walls were covered in blood, and next to the stalactites and stalagmites were the bones of humans and other monsters, creating strange and uncomfortable shadows in the dark.

The sound of his footsteps echoed faintly through the room, making him wonder if the creature was not already listening.

Suddenly he heard a strange sound, like an animal noise, coming from the end of the corridor where he was standing. The sound was like a faint whimper. The creature was there. Grabbing the hilt of his sword, Kaizen prepared for battle. He approached the source of the sound and then, turning his head slightly to the left, he saw the creature for the first time.

It was undoubtedly a large creature, at least two meters tall, with scaly skin. Its eyes were large and red, and its jaws were open, revealing sharp, menacing teeth. Its body looked like a cross between a crocodile and a space dragon, only on a larger scale. Kaizen was finally face to face with the creature that had brought him there.

The creature was lying on its back, apparently turning over the entrails of a smaller animal, and Kaizen felt that this was the best time to attack, after all, the creatures were usually off guard while eating, while that would explain why it hadn't noticed his presence. That being the case, Kaizen took a step forward, ready to use <Giant's Lungs>, but the moment his right foot hit the ground again, he ended up smashing the empty skull of a Pantheon Snake that was lying on the ground, causing a soft crack that only resounded like thunder in the inhospitable cave.

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