Arwin spent the next few hours preparing the Devil’s Den for the Dungeon Heart. Now that the decision to fight had been set in stone, there was no reason to delay it any longer. Every single component by the last one was ready, but they still had to be readied to be combined.

They were borderline identical copies of the pieces he’d made for the Infernal Armory. Arwin had intentionally chosen to avoid making them cursed — there would be enough of that from when he made the Dungeon Heart’s housing. Having potentially competing effects or too many drawbacks could end up ruining everything they’d been working for.

He laid them out in the corner of the common room before returning to the Infernal Armory and setting about creating the cage for the Dungeon Heart with its help.

Lillia took the time to work in the kitchen, preparing everything they would need for when the time to fight Twelve arrived.

Verdant Inferno sang as Arwin prepared the cage from Ivorin, just as he had the previous time he’d made a Hearthome for the Infernal Armory. He purified the metal within the molten embrace of magma, then forged it into bars and stacked them up next to the still-beating Dungeon Heart.

He connected the Ivorin pieces and formed it into ribs, leaving the top section open. The Dungeon Heart was still a fleshy organ. Arwin didn’t want to accidentally damage it while he was putting everything together.

It took a little bit longer than the previous time. Part of the reason was because the process wasn’t quite as near effortless as it had been when Lillia had helped him. The Infernal Armory was a good partner, but the benefits of Couple of Crafters didn’t seem to apply to it.

That was a good thing. Arwin did not like the idea of the Infernal Armory counting as a partner. It was an ally and an aide, but partner carried a few too many connotations with it that he preferred to reserve for Lillia.

Fortunately, the other reason it took longer was because Arwin actually knew what he was doing this time around. His intent was focused, aided by the Infernal Armory as they worked in conjunction toward making the most powerful item they could.

Arwin dismissed Verdant Inferno as he lowered the heart into its cage. He selectively heated portions of the metal with [Soul Flame], then bent them into the proper position with [Scourge].

Magical energy tingled at his fingertips as he worked. The Dungeon Heart thumped in synchrony with Arwin’s own heart, a particularly unnerving sound. He didn’t let it distract him. He could feel the item’s desire. The magic burning within it, seeking an outlet.

An outlet that he gave it. The Dungeon Heart didn’t seem to have any specific desires as to what it wanted to be. It simply wanted to be. That was quite fine with Arwin. It meant the item wouldn’t put up a fight in complying with his desires — and he knew exactly what he wanted it to be.

Arwin bent the final pieces of the cage together, then took a step back. The Mesh ignited like a spark on dry wood.

Magic slammed into him and froze the breath in his chest.

[Hearthome: Cursed Quality] has been forged. Forging a cursed item has granted you a significant amount of magical energy.

Arwin blew out a breath and wiped the sweat from his brow. The black veins connected to his back popped out and slipped away as he looked down at his creation with trepidation. Its stats were hidden from others due to [Harbringer of the Forsaken], but to him, they made themselves bare.

Hearthome [Cursed]

[Unlive]: This item is not inert, but it does not live. It is composed with equal parts metal and flesh, creating a form that can only continue its existence through sustained magical input.

[The Heart of the Inn]: Pure magical energy that enters this item grants it life, allowing it to beat. Its purpose and actions are variable.

[Bodyless]: This item needs a body to function.

[The Soul of the Inn]: This is a set item of [3] pieces forged by Arwin Tyrr for Lillian Los. When the entire set is connected, it will gain the [Awoken] trait and become active.

[Taste for Forbidden Power]: This item has unique tastes.

Arwin’s eyes flicked over the Hearthome’s description, catching on the final line. His lips thinned. There was very little description, and then there was whatever the hell ‘This item has unique tastes’ was.

This text was taken from Royal Road. Help the author by reading the original version there.

As the previous Hearthome had been, this one was painfully scarce with what it would actually do. Being Cursed had somehow made that even worse. Arwin blew out a long breath. It didn’t look like they’d be able to figure out exactly what the heart did until it was connected to the rest of the set.

Arwin wrapped the Hearthome in a cloth that he’d brought in from the Devil’s Den, then strode out of the Infernal Armory and made for the inn.

Lillia poked her head out of the kitchen as soon as Arwin stepped through the door. Her knife floated out beside her, its blade coated in what looked to be blood — hopefully from something that had been dead before the knife had cut it.

Arwin pulled the covering off the Hearthome and brought it over to the other two pieces of the set that sat in the corner of the room.

“What is that description?” Lillia asked, her eyes trailing the item. “Could it possibly have been vaguer?”

“I think the Mesh just likes screwing with us,” Arwin said, blowing out a short breath of annoyance. Anticipation, excitement, and worry mixed in his chest. This had to work. They couldn’t afford to fail. Not now. “If we want this to be ready in time for Twelve, I have to connect it now.”

“Is it going to kick me out of the kitchen?” Lillia asked.

Arwin sent a critical glance down at the heart. It thumped away in its cage, uncaring to their concerns and the outside world. Until they connected it to the building, it was just a heart without any real desires.

“Hopefully not. Your inn is a lot bigger than the Infernal Armory, but it’s definitely possible. Is that okay?”

“Yes. I’d like to stay in the kitchen if possible. It would be annoying if I got kicked out, but I have the bare minimum of what we need to deal with Twelve from my end. Getting the Devil’s Den as strong as possible is the most important thing we can do here.”

“The others are gone?”

“Yeah. Rodrick is doing some scouting and working with Anna. Reya and Olive are with them, and I think Madiv went with Esmerelda back to her store.”

Arwin gave her a curt nod. There was no further reason to delay. Lillia took the Hearthome from Arwin as he connected the copies of the Millstone Maw and the Churning Stomach together with a grunt.

He gave the set a critical glance to make sure everything was in place, then gestured to Lillia. She lowered the Heart into place.

There was a thunk as the pieces slid together. The heart thumped within its cage, and both of them took a step back. Energy buzzed across Arwin’s skin and crackles of golden magic danced across the ground. They ran up the walls of the Devil’s den, flickered across the ceiling, and vanished into the darkness.

A rumble ran through the floor beneath them. Arwin and Lillia took a step back toward the door as the ribs of the Hearthome peeled back, driving into the ground and lifting the pulsating Dungeon Heart into the air like a fleshy spider.

Then the heart drove into the ground of the Den, slicing through wood and burrowing deep within the earth. Lillia drew in a sharp breath and staggered. Arwin caught her as she grabbed at her chest, eyes going wide.

“Lillia!” Arwin exclaimed. “Are you okay?”

“I — yes. I’m fine,” Lillia said, straightening back up. Her gaze was fixed on something that Arwin couldn’t see. Determination set itself in her features and she jerked her head in a nod.

Slices of crimson light sliced words before them.

The Devil’s Den [Cursed]

[The Hearth]: This building has been taken as the body of the Hearthome. The Devil’s Den has been accepted as the familiar of Lillian Los.

[Heartbeat Shield]: For as long as this item has magical energy, its status is concealed from everyone other than those who have bonded to it.

[Taste for Forbidden Power]: This item has unique tastes known only to its master. If it is not properly cared for, it will attempt to feed on those who reside within its walls.

[Dark Domain]: The Demon Queen’s powers are greatly amplified within the Devil’s Den so long as it is properly fed.

Arwin swallowed. Lillia was already powerful within her tavern. Greatly amplifying her powers… that was a terrifying concept. The flicker of hope in Arwin’s chest turned to a smoldering flame. They actually had a chance. They could beat Twelve.

The words slipped away, plunging the room back into darkness. The wood that the Heart had damaged moments before bent itself back into place, sealing over as if it had never been broken.

Lillia’s lips moved as she whispered something so silently that Arwin couldn’t make it out. Then she turned to him, a queasy look on her face.

“It worked… but I’m going to need some privacy while the Heart establishes itself. I have to stay here, but you—”

Arwin held a hand up. “I understand. Be careful and call for me if you need anything. I’ll be in the smithy, working on the bracelet.”

“Thanks.” Lillia gave him a small, appreciative smile. “Nobody will be able to come in for a while. It shouldn’t be more than five or six hours. I’ll help you with the bracelet as soon as the connection is done.”

Arwin gave her a nod, then strode out of the inn. The door slammed shut the moment he’d left. It seemed the Devil’s Den didn’t want anyone interfering while it got to know Lillia.

According to the Mesh, the very inn had somehow become her familiar. Arwin had absolutely no idea how that worked or what it entailed, but if it made her powers stronger within it, then it was what they needed.

He hesitated outside the building for a moment. It was a little unnerving to leave Lillia alone with a sentient Cursed item, but she was the former Demon Queen and a grown woman. She didn’t need him babying her — and there was still a lot of work to be done before the day ended.

Arwin threw one last glance back at the inn, which stood innocently as if nothing had changed, then set off for the Infernal Armory.

There was only one step left to take.

Once he made a bracelet that could completely conceal Twelve’s identity, they would be ready to bring the man to justice — and then, finally, the Menagerie would be completely free of Jessen’s influence.

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