Rise of the Horde

Chapter 239 - 239 Chapter 239

239 Chapter 23Inside the throne room, King Gyassi signaled for the servant who was waiting by the door where he entered from to come forward. The young servant seemed invisible to those who were gathered before the new king as they all unitedly ignored his presence as they all focused their attention on the new ruler and his protector. After all the gazes of those inside the throne room turned towards him, the young servant can’t help it but be frightened. Being suddenly dragged into the spotlight was not something he was used to as he was but just a mere servant and the stares of those who had enough power in their hands to put him to death ten times or a hundred times over scared him.

With almost noticeable trembling legs, the servant moved forward and kneeled before their new king and presented to him what he was holding onto. King Gyassi with a proud smile on his face grabbed what the attendant presented to him before dismissing him with a wave of his hand. The young man heaved a sigh of relief after the all the attention shifted back to the king in front of him, after bowing down to the king, he was quick on his feet and exited the throne room which felt like a den of wolves to him.

“I plan to bolster our forces and that needs the full cooperation of every single one of you!” King Gyassi’s voice boomed inside the throne room as he stared at those before him with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

The nobles and merchants groaned in pain and cursed the new king inside their heads after thinking about how much wealth they would loose in this ‘full cooperation’ that the monarch spoke of. They all know that their wealth would be bled dry by King Gyassi but none of them was brave enough to reproach him since the last one who did so have his head added to the pile of heads in the city plaza.

After noticing the pained looks and hesitation in the eyes of those who were present, Commander Ishaq clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“Don’t you imbeciles understand it? Expanding the army requires not just soldiers but also commanders... Aside from me… Who else would come to your minds?” his voice clearly with irritation thundered upon their ears, Commander Ishaq paused to stare at the idiots in front of him who were thinking of nothing else but their wealth.

“If you fools still don’t get it! Let me spell it out for you! The ones who will fully cooperate with our king’s wishes will find himself at the lead of an army! And with an army, fortune and prestige is not far out of reach.” He explained as it seems that those in front of him all became dumb after worrying for their own necks for continuous days.

Everyone’s gaze was locked on to Commander Ishaq.

“Are your words the truth?” someone from the audience questioned to which the commander turned his head towards the king to give him back the spotlight.


“Well, what he said is what I intended to do. Those who will give me their full cooperation will serve as commanders of the new expanded army. And for those who aren’t classified to become commanders because they are lacking the noble title, don’t be worried since I will grant you nobility if you so proved that you are worthy of it.” King Gyassi confidently spoke ending his words with a harmless smile but only he himself know that his smile was anything but harmless.

“Another thing, Commander Ishaq won’t be serving as the Supreme Commander of the new army since he will be busy in protecting and that will make him unable to lead properly.” He added as he sat down on his throne as he threw one piece of juicy meat towards the greedy bastards to have them willingly hand out all the wealth that they possess. ‘You will all willingly hand over to me the wealth that you have gathered.’ He laughed inside his head as he stared at the faces of those who were hooked by the bait that he threw at them.

The moment that the delicious lure was laid out, the eyes of many sparkled as there was nobody who did not want to become the Supreme Commander of a huge army. Some of them came form a lineage of commanders and they won’t accept being outdone by some nameless nobody, especially by some merchants who only had gold coins and nothing else. To the merchants this was a rare opportunity for them to elevate their status and they will not let it slipped past by them.

According to the plan that was revealed by the king, the new army would be close to hundred thousand, excluding the ones under Commander Nassor who the king really didn’t care about if they all perish or not. If they turned out to be successful in their almost impossible undertaking, he will let them be and if they all perish, so be it.

King Gyassi was about to exit the room when someone suddenly barged into the throne room. The sound of swords being unsheathed echoed out as most of the Royal Guards swarmed towards the king to protect him while the others headed towards the uninvited guest.

“Forgive me for suddenly barging in unannounced and for my rudeness, Your Highness but I carry such an important news that you must know about!” the one who barged in shouted with all his might to make sure that the king would be able to hear him as kneeled down on one knee.

“Hold!” King Gyassi shouted and the Royal Guards stayed their hands.

“Let me hear what important news you carry that allows you to be discourteous in my palace.” He continued while making his way forward while still being surrounded by the Royal Guards. King Gyassi was confident that his life is not threatened since Commander Ishaq is close by and he knew no one or heard of anyone within the kingdom who could stand toe to toe with his protector.

The uninvited guest heaved a sigh of relief as he was given a chance to speak and was not killed right on the spot.

“The Bulwarks of the Sand have been defeated with one joining the traitors and the other falling ill from an unknown illness and the army which was with them are no more. And…” The unwelcomed visitor reported but he was cut halfway through his report.

“Which one of them is the traitor?” King Gyassi questioned. His anger could clearly be discerned from his voice as he gritted his teeth.

“Lord Husani, Your Highness.” The messenger reported.

“Very well, he is no longer worthy to be referred to as lord and he is no longer a noble of this kingdom. Hasal…” the King called and an old man came out from the door which he entered from. The old man had long grey hair and he was a bit hunchback as he walked towards the king before bowing.

“Your loyal servant awaits your orders, Your Highness.”

“Send Commander Lastam and his unit to ride towards the land of that traitorous bastard and they are to kill each male member of his family. As for their women, I’ll leave it for the commander to decide what he wants to do with them.” A merciless command was easily given out and those who were present got to witness personally how cruel their new king is.

“And what about the whereabouts of Baron Masud?” the king turned his gaze to the messenger.

“He has returned at his dominion, Your Highness as he is too ashamed to face you.” The messenger responded.

“There’s no need for him to show his face to me anymore after his failure, tell Commander Lastam to pay him a visit… The same thing applies to him as his traitorous acquaintance.” Another ruthless command was given.

“As you command, Your Highness.” The old man gave a deeper bow as he exited towards where he came from.

“Continue…” King Gyassi turned his head towards the messenger who was bathing in his own sweat after hearing the heartless verdicts of their ruler but he had to persist and finish what he has started.

“The warmongering creatures of the north have come south and are raiding the surroundings of Alsenna. According to the information that the scouts have gathered, it looks like they are waiting for their allies to arrive and they have plans to siege the city. That’s all I have to report, Your Highness.” The messenger nervously waited for the words of the king. Deep inside his head, he was praying and hoping that the cruelty of their new ruler which he had applied to the Bulwarks of the Sand and their families won’t extend all the way towards him.

“You’ve done well to come and report without delay, you are dismissed.” King Gyassi turned around and headed towards his throne. The messenger got up from his kneeling posture then headed out of the throne room in a rush before the king changes his decision, he headed for the stables and grabbed a mighty-looking steed. He no longer cared who it belongs to as he mounted it and made himself scarce from the city.

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