"Shields up! Shields up you idiots!" the overseer of the Ereians shouted at those who were under his command as he ducked down low to avoid the first rain of iron bolts. He grabbed one of his soldiers that were loyal to him and hid behind his figure.

"Form up! Form a defensive line! Call the others! We are under attack!" his mouth began firing off commands in rapid speed and as loud as he could. Veins began popping out from his neck and his face turned a tad bit purple with all the shouting that he was doing.

"Ack!" the soldier in front of him groaned in pain as an iron bolt went through his shield and his armor. The overseer blinked a few times as he stared at the tip of the iron bolt that almost punctured his eye if not for the soldier in front of him stopping its momentum.

He quickly stumbled behind the nearest soldier and hid behind his frame. Peaking from behind the man in front of him, he finally caught sight of those who were attacking them. There were huge figures in kneeling position roughly a hundred meters away from them and judging by their size and their figure, there is no mistaking it, it was the orcs that raided their previous camps before.

"What are you guys idling around for!? Go and attack the enemies!" he bellowed as he turned his attention towards the Ereians who he gave a death sentence just a few moments ago. He acted high and mighty towards them because of his status as their overseer but now that they were under attack, he was cowering behind his soldiers and hurrying them to attack their foes.

The only reply he got from those he argued before were clicking of tongues and snort of disobedience as they slowly crawled away from them since their foes were specifically targeting their overseer and those with him and not them. There is no way that they will present themselves to be extra meat shields for their rascal of a commander.

"I order you to attack those orcs! You bastards!" the overseer shouted his lungs out as he saw the Ereians backing away from where he was at. The soldiers that were loyal to him were slowly behind whittled down by the endless barrage of iron bolts that seemed to have no end. There was only a momentary pause which was when the orcs were reloading their ammunition before another rain of iron bolts happened again.

The overseer was crawling among the corpses of his soldiers as he dragged himself behind any of those who were still standing and seeking safety by hiding in their shadows and letting them absorb the brunt of the attacks from their enemies.

"Wait till I get my hands on you..." he grumbled as he gritted his teeth angrily. The other Ereians who weren't being targeted by their enemies stood up as they watch their overseer and those with him being pinned down by the hail of iron bolts that proved to be lethal once it hits. Many of the corpses of the fallen had multiple iron bolts sticking out their bodies as their shields and armor proved to be useless against the power of the iron bolts that were raining down on them.

"See! I told you that we will be safe! They won't attack us as long as we side with them." a fat soldier puffed his chest out as he spoke before chuckling victoriously as they watch their annoying overseer cower in fear as bolts of iron keep on landing near him.

"I guess so... It seems that we might be able to trust them." a soldier that was slightly tall and with an average body frame commented as he moved his gaze from their overseer towards those who were shooting the iron bolts. He was amazed by the sheer power of their weapons and the speed of their shooting which was unheard of, even a veteran archer might pale in comparison against any of them if they ever have a duel against each other.


"I thought that you will take care of their leader. Why is he still moving around and alive?" Kroth glanced at his brother as he reload his weapon before continuing on shooting.

"That bastard is harder to hit than a little critter crawling on the ground. He is using his subordinates as shields to save his own skin." Bakrah responded as he kept adjusting his aim and following the movement of his chosen target.

"Reasons! Just admit it that your skills have depreciated because you have been fantasizing too much about beauties rather than honing your skills." their captain argued as he fired off iron bolts without aiming as there was no longer a need to aim except if he will shoot someone that he had his eyes on. All that they were doing now was pinning their targets in place for them not to be able to safely withdraw.

"Beauties got nothing to do with that slimy bastard! You know what! He is mine!" Bakrah proclaimed as he finally had a clear shot at his target.

The overseer of the Ereians raised his head from behind a fallen soldier to take a peak but as he raised his head, he saw the sharp end of an ln iron bolt headed for him. The figure of the sharp metal tearing through the air as it approached him was the last thing that he saw before his vision turned dark.

"Got him! Ha!" Bakrah cheered as he finally took his target down. His last shot just went through the forehead of his target and went out his head and continued a few feet more in its path before dropping down to the ground as it lost all its momentum.

The sound of hooves caught Kroth's attention as he shifted his attention towards where it was coming from. There he saw the hunchback steeds of their opponents and their riders heading towards them.

"Time to retreat! Enemy cavalry!" he shouted as he slung his crossbow behind his back and led his squad away.


"The cavalry is here, let's go and join them!" the fat soldier suggested upon noticing the almost inaudible sound of their hooves and the distinct chinking of their armors when they were still out of sight. He raised his blade and led the charge towards their foes as to make it look like they were fighting them and not aroused suspicion from their arriving reinforcement.

The Ereians were confused but they joined in the charge nonetheless.. They were lucky that their foes began to withdraw as they were halfway through their charge.

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