One after another, the Rhakaddons rammed themselves against the dark carapace of the humongous scorpion. Some had their horns successful in breaking through the carapace of their opponent while some had their horns broken because of the impact. The colossal scorpion was sent rolling to one side and had its belly exposed in the air which the Rhakaddon riders didn't dare miss as they grabbed their javelins and released a storm of javelins towards it. Some of the javelins landed in between the gaps of its abdomen and pierced through.

The legs, pincers, and cut tail of the enormous scorpion squirmed around as it produced its nasty cry which was very unpleasant to the ears. Its body was leaking green gooey stuff from all the wounds that it received.

Khao'khen got up to his feet as fast as he can and raised his enormous spear above his head. He sprinted forward with great speed, then bending his knees low, he soared into the air for about four meters before dropping down on the exposed belly of their foe.

Along with his descent, Khao'khen slammed down his weapon on their opponent. Cracking sounds followed as he destroyed a huge portion of their opponent's belly. Khao'khen raised his weapon once again and brought it down like a sledgehammer further destroying the abdominal area of their foe.

The legs of the colossal scorpion kept on waving in the air for some time before they went motionless. Khao'khen dropped down to his knees as he heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed his muscles. He rested for a few seconds before raising his head and looked towards his warriors who were staring at him with a victorious smiles on their faces.

He got up to his feet and spun his spear in his hands for a few rotations to shake off the gooey green liquid that covered his weapon. Stepping his right foot forward, he was about to get off from the body of their now-dead opponent when something from beneath the sands jumped at him.

Khao'khen leaned backward to evade and his eyes caught sight of enormous pincers aiming for his head. He brought his spear in front of him which he use to deflect the pincers away from him.

He stumbled backward because of the force of the impact. Raising his head up, he saw a few more of the huge scorpions jumping out from beneath the sands. 'What the F***!' he screamed in his mind as he thrust his spear forward and aimed for the eyes of his opponent.

"Watch your back!"

"Move it! Move it!"

"Get movin, mon!"

Shouts of alarm sounded as the trolls and orcs who were with Khao'khen organized their defense against their powerful foes that popped out from beneath the sands. Khao'khen managed to count more than ten of their new foes and more are still heading towards them after coming out from beneath the sands a bit further away from them.

"Take this!"

Khao'khen shouted as he brought down the bulky end of his spear against the pincers of his opponent. His strike tore away one of the pincers of his opponent and made it reel back in agony.

A scream of pain caught Khao'khen's attention which forced him to look towards where it was coming from. To his left, there he saw one of the trolls caught in the pincers of one of their foes. The Troll unsheathed his blade and pounded the armored pincers of the colossal scorpion that had him in its pincers to free himself but to no avail.

Khao'khen witnessed one of his warriors get torn in half through by his waist. The intestines, guts, and blood of the poor troll rained down on the sands as the upper portion of his body was still being held onto by the enormous scorpion.

"Rah!" Khao'khen shouted his lungs out as he gripped his weapon tighter then proceeded to bash his opponent with all his might. The recoil of his attacks affected his hands and he knew that they were going numb after the strong vibrations of his weapon as he forcefully bash the carapace of his opponent.

He showed no mercy as he continued to bash the giant scorpion that was in front of him. As he saw more and more of his warriors being shredded to pieces by their foes, the more brutal he became with his attacks.

Every strike of his was filled with all his strength and fueled by his increasing brutality. His arms were complaining to his brain that they are now sore but he just ignored it. Blood was leaking out from the nasty wound on his right arm and his chest but he didn't even glance at it as he closed all of his pain receptors as all his attention was on their enemies.

His bloodlust was rising as he saw more and more of his warriors falling to the pincers and stingers of their enemies. Khao'khen's mind was starting to be consumed by the curse of their race, the only thought that had now in his head was to kill, kill, kill. All his decisions were now based on his instincts as an orc as his judgment was being clouded by a strange force that he can't figure out.

After numerous bashing, the head of the giant scorpion he was engaging caved in but he wasn't satisfied with that. Khao'khen still continued on bashing his opponent until its head was a complete mess with only a small portion of it still intact, that was when he was satisfied.

Slowly, he turned his attention towards their other enemies which were busy in either tearing his warriors to pieces or feasting on their corpses. A slight reddish glow shined in his eyes as a maniacal smile crept up to his lips.

"Rah!" he shouted then sprinted towards the nearest enemy that he could find before bashing it with his weapon. Khao'khen was relentless in his attacks and he never stopped smashing his weapon against his chosen target until he totally destroyed them.

He was like a beast as he went on a path of destruction. Khao'khen's body was covered with many wounds both small and big, deep and shallow but he paid no heed to them, as he continued to pursue their opponents with all his might. His insanity knew no bounds as he proceeded to go barehanded and tore away the pincers of his chosen target with his bare hands after losing his grip on his weapon due to the recoil of his own attack.

Khao'khen wrestled with the tail of the colossal scorpion who he tore away its pincers with his hands.. He was trying to tear away the tail of his opponent and after a few moments, the sound of flesh being forcefully torn apart sounded in his ears which made him grin like a devil.

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