While inside her assigned tent, Draeghanna was trying to get some much-needed rest but the rapid footsteps from her surrounded piqued her curiosity. The thundering sound and trembling of the ground fully ignited her curiosity to find out what was going on. Raising the flaps of her assigned tent, what she saw made her raise an eyebrow. Trolls were running all over the place as they grabbed their weapons and replenish their rations and even the Verakhs were supposedly out to track their opponents came back to join them.

Draeghanna approached one of the Rhakaddon riders and put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle tug to make him face her.

"What is going on? Is it an enemy attack?" she questioned as she glanced from side to side with a face full of curiosity and confusion.

The Rhakaddon rider was about to have the one who tugged his shoulder a piece of his mind but he quickly shelved the thought at one far corner of his mind after seeing who it was. He had no plans of incurring the wrath of the female orc who can make him really hot in seconds by making him bathe in fire.

"Ah...no... The chief ordered for all of us to prepare ourselves for battle. It looks like we will be raiding our enemies with all our available strength." the Rhakaddon rider answered as be bowed his head a bit to show respect. What can he do but show respect since Draeghanna is way far more powerful than him with her spells and she also considered as the chieftain's woman, well one of them.

Draeghanna nodded her head then turned around towards her assigned tent to fetch her armor as she was only dressed in plain clothes which was a coarse leather shirt and an animal skin fur around her waist as a skirt.

The Rhakaddon rider heaved a sigh of relief as he watched the retreating back of Draeghanna who was headed for her tent. He was glad that he managed to find out quickly who it was before he could hurl his piece of mind at the one who disturbed him in his preparation for the upcoming battle. "Lucky..." he whispered to himself then resumed in his preparation as he secured his weapons on the back of his steed.

Inside her tent, Draeghanna quickly wore her battle armor which was specifically designed for her. Her armor was also a plate armor much like the Yurakks but less bulky than what they wore. The armor that she was using was thinner unlike the ones worn by the Yurakks that could really take heavy hits unlike hers which prioritizes sudden movements in a fight.

Grabbing her two blades which hasn't tasted blood for last few days or probably weeks already. She secured on her plated skirt and headed out of her tent. Looking around the camp, the Rhakaddon riders and the Troll skirmishers were still busy moving about inside the camp.

She spotted their chieftain in his full armor and in his hand was his enormous strange-looking spear. Her eyes went towards the back of Khao'khen and noticed that one of his blades which was normally sheathed on their scabbard on his back was missing. It got her curious about why it was missing but she just ignored it and thought that it might have been lost impaled in the body of one of their enemies.

Draeghanna headed towards where their chieftain was at and stood beside him as she joined him in observing band waiting for their companions to be finished with their preparations.

"Are we going to engage all our enemies." she sounded beside and upon hearing her voice, Khao'khen's head turned towards her and shook his head.

"No... We will just continue to harass and irritate them." Khao'khen replied as he grinned mischievously. He wants to make their enemies suffer as much as possible, not just physically but also mentally and spiritually. His main aim was to deprived them of their sleep which would result in their performance to drop down significantly.

After almost an hour, the new camp of Khao'khen and his companions was torn down as they removed all their traces in the area to make their movements hard to track just in case one of the enemy scouts will luckily discover this area. Draeghanna just nodded her head as she doesn't know the events that her chieftain and the others experienced that past days as she was out in a scouting mission.

"Move out!" Khao'khen's booming voice thundered and the Verakhs were quick to disappear into the shadows or to wherever they can use to hide themselves as they moved ahead of their chieftain and the others.

Draeghanna summoned Ulfrus and jumped to its back quickly and commanded it to stay by the side of Khao'khen with her thoughts. She had been training herself to be more accustomed to her new powers in order for her to be able to provide more help to their chieftain.

A long line of orcs atop their mighty steeds marched out of their concealed camp then followed by an even longer line of trolls who were carrying javelins on both arms then on their backs.


"Spread out and look for any traces of them!" Baron Husani shouted towards his soldiers. He only took with him the soldiers that really belonged to him since he was out to seek for vengeance for himself and his noble status might be at risk of being removed if he will make use of the soldiers assigned to them by the prince for her own personal agenda.

"Yes, my Lord." the assigned commanders of Lord Husani's personal army responded as they turned around to face those who are under their command.

"You heard the Lord! Spread out and find them! Don't leave any rock unturned and any corner or hole uninspected! Now move!" the highest in command among the commanders bellowed and those under him were quick to spread out as they try to find any trace of their foes who have ignited the wrath of their Lord.

Baron Husani's facial expression remained stoic as he observed his warriors follow his wishes. He had spent a lot of his fortune in ensuring their loyalty to him and also with some threats in the mix. By far, his soldiers all remained loyal to him as he always rewards them handsomely after each successful mission that they have finished.


"Summmon Akwilah, we need eyes in the sky to figure out how our enemies are spread out." Khao'khen muttered as he turned his head towards Draeghanna.

"Yes chief.." she quickly replied as she jumped down from the back of Ulfrus then proceeded to summon Akwilah out as their chieftain had asked.

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