Khao'khen crept closer to the group of scouts and utilized the rocks that were scattered all over the place and he was lucky that their enemies were so lax that they paid little to no attention to their surroundings and are just chatting with each other. Hiding behind the figure of a nearby rock, Khao'khen doesn't know if he should laugh or cry since he could clearly see Skorno who is already nonchalantly walking towards the group of scouts and they still paid no attention to him.

Shaking his head in disappointment at the lax attitude of their enemies, Khao'khen glanced towards the trolls who were already in position for the ambush. He observed the movements of their enemies for a bit longer to find out if they were just baiting them to attack. Khao'khen spread his gaze around to locate any of the other group of enemy scouts that might be lurking in the shadows in preparation for a counter-ambush but he couldn't find any of them. They must be really good at concealing themselves or they are just nowhere near the place where they are at right now.

After some time of thinking, Khao'khen finally stood up from where he is hiding and twirled the weapon in his hands before charging forward. If there are other enemies, they would just cut them down too but if their numbers would be more than what they can handle, they would just then retreat and look for another opportune time to attack.

The wind howled and dust began to dance with the tune of the passing wind. Khao'khen sprinted forward and gave the signal for the trolls to begin their assault. From their vantage point above the towering boulders, the troll skirmishers began their assault as they launched their javelins one after another towards their chosen targets.


"The trolls are here!"

"Inform the others!"


"Move!!! Move!!! Move!!!"

The members of the Ereian Royal Army shouted one after the other as they take point and defended their allies who were wearing little to no armor at all. They had their shields in front of them as they moved forward towards their enemies. Two of the lightly armored members of their group split away from them but one of them was unlucky enough to be spotted by Skorno as he readied his javelin and took aim.

He was following after the movement of his target as he aimed. Jerking his throwing arm backward for more momentum, Skorno released his javelin that produced a whooshing sound as it cut through the air and soared towards his target. A resounding clank sounded as one of the Ereian Royal Army soldiers quickly shielded Skorno's target with his body. The javelin bounced off his thick and tough armor and landed on the ground a few feet away with its spearheading now bent because of the impact.

"Go! Inform the others." the soldier yelled as he covered the retreat of his ally. The rain of javelins halted but the Ereians were in for more trouble as the trolls jumped down from the top of the boulders with their blades unsheathed and ready for battle.

Khao'khen rammed his shoulder against the scout who was just saved a few moments ago from Skorno's attacks with his shoulder. He rammed him against a nearby rock and knocked the winds out of his lungs. The resounding grunt of the pain of his opponent was like music to his ears as he squashed his opponent tighter against the rock with his shoulder and his full weight.

After ensuring that the Ereian that he was squashing was out of commission, Khao'khen bent down low and grabbed a sizeable piece of rock and took aim at the soldier that was already more than ten meters away from them already. He squinted his eyes and aimed. Arching his body slightly backward, he hurled the piece of rock in his hands. The rock screamed after being propelled by such a force and its ear-piercing sound grabbed the attention of its intended target. The Ereian scout turned around out of curiosity about what was producing such a dangerous sound but all he could see was a piece of rock that was getting bigger and bigger in his vision then everything went black for him.

The rock thrown by Khao'khen landed squarely on the forehead of his target and shattered the top of his head into a bloody mess. Pieces of bones, blood, chips of flesh, and a portion of his target's brain were scattered all over the place after the rock made contact with his head. A quarter of the head of Khao'khen's target went missing after his attack as his corpse continued to walk away for some time to retreat before falling down to the ground lifelessly.

Khao'khen turned around to face the rest of the scouts but he first slammed the blunt end of his weapon against the head of the scout that he rammed against the rock and shattered its head to pieces. Skorno stood by his side with an evil grin on his face as he looked down on their opponents with eyes full of bloodlust and excitement.

Bringing the head of his spear in front of him, Khao'khen pointed its tip towards their opponents. The Ereians tightened their formation as they flocked together and stood side by side with their remaining allies. They were a group of twelve but two of them were quickly dispatched and four of them were taken out by the hail of javelins and another two had fallen victim to the blades of the trolls who were slowly encircling them.

"What do we do?" a thin man but very tall man asked their leader as he tightened his hold on his weapon, his hands were already trembling because of fear and nervousness as they were totally outnumbered by the trolls with a ratio of more than ten to one. He glanced towards those who were with him and he too could see the same fear in their eyes that he had in his. None of them wanted to die and they would give up everything to live for another day.

Khao'khen had been observing the gestures of their opponents and he knows who among them had their wills already broken and those who would fight to the end. There were only two of their enemies who were covered in full iron armor, probably members of their elite army but even if they hide behind a very thick armor, they could still be killed albeit just not as easy as the others.

"Those who would surrender would be spared, those who would still continue to fight would have a gruesome death!" Khao'khen shouted towards their opponents and surely enough, the expressions on the face of those who remained changed quickly.

"H-How!? How can a damned monster like you! Know our language!" the man in full armor with a badge adorning his chest shouted in reply. His eyes were almost popping out of their sockets as he stared in shock at the orc who just spoke their tongue and his words remained true just like how natives of their kingdom would speak.

"Beats me... I am just that awesome?" Khao'khen replied while shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't care at all. He really had no idea how, it was just a reward to him by the system when he successfully rescued Adhalia from their former enemies now turned allies, the Galuks.

"A-a-are you for real!?" the soldier beside the thin but tall man shouted in shock as he lowered his weapon. He was already having thoughts of surrendering.

"Don't believe his words! Monsters will be monsters! Even if they somehow managed to learn how to speak our languages. Don't give in... We should stand our ground and wait for our allies... They should already be on their way towards us with all the ruckus that was going on..." the leader of their group said in a harsh tone as he eyed their comrade who had his will starting to waver.

"Yes... Don't give in to that monster's sugar-coated words. Monsters will be monsters no matter what happens. You would just be spared for a few moments before but you would be torn apart limb by limb after they are done with us." the other member of the Ereian Royal Army supported the words of their leader as he spat on the ground in annoyance.

There were only four of them left and they were seeking security with the presence of each other. The two members of the Ereian Royal Army were too focused on the thin but tall man and didn't noticed that the other one who was with them had already gone towards the one who tried to entice them with his words to surrender.

The fat man, probably over a hundred kilos stared at Khao'khen with eyes full of seriousness. "Are your words true?" he asked as he looked upwards towards Khao'khen who was more than three feet taller than him.

"I never go back on my words. Believe my words, by my name, your life shall be spared unless you do something that will endanger my life and the lives of those who are with me.." Khao'khen replied while speaking slowly and clearly.

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