Baron Husani had all his eyes dead set on the silent Tina, who just remained still without a single word or movement. She remained still as the Baron scooped her up from where she was sitter and thrown into the middle of the bed that was in a mess because of the juices that were scattered all over it after the previous engagement of the Lord in a different battle with Helena.

" Lord... Spare my daughter..." Helena continued to plead for her daughter to be spared, but she was just ignored and kicked yet again to one side. Baron Husani tore apart the clothes of Tina, which were tightly hugging her body, which accentuated her slim figure. She was in a dangerous situation already but she never respond to what was happening around her. She was like a log, a dead log as she remaining still.

The Lord spread her legs apart and stared at the hairless slit of Tina, which was a beautiful sight to see in his eyes. He was smiling lasciviously as he stared at her still not fully developed body. Cupping her small breasts in his hands, he started fondling them and played with the pinkish nipples of hers. He leaned down closer to her face and licked her lips to her neck, then his tongue moved downwards towards her modest breasts.

It didn't take long for him to get one of them inside his mouth and suck on it like an infant seeking milk. Tina just stared at the roof of the tent and wasn't responding to the actions of the Baron. Her thoughts were somewhere else, but her body was starting to heat up and be aroused as fluids began to build up in her tight slit that was being slowly played by him.

Baron Husani traced his index fingers along her slit and stroked it up and down gently while tracing its natural lines. He was doing it with a smile that never left his lips. Despite the lack of responses from Tina, he could still feel her body getting aroused by his actions, which further excited him as his weapon in between his legs was starting to be rejuvenated and stand at attention once again.

Helena dragged her body up on the bed and grabbed the waist of the Baron while pleading for mercy. She was pleading for her daughter to be spared by the Lord and she would gladly take her place, no matter what.


"Are your clansmen all ready?" Khao'khen looked towards Dug'mhar, who was preparing to mount his steed. The clan chief of the Rumbling Clan turned his head towards him, then nodded in reply before continuing on climbing on the back of his steed. Khao'khen moved forward and positioned himself at the forefront of their formation, and started to lead his steed forward.

"Spread out in a long line! We will cover as much ground as possible in our next assault!" Khao'khen barked his orders. The Rhakaddon Cavalry behind him started to shift their formation as they begin to spread out in a long line.

"Just like before! Ride through them without stopping! Don't let anything halt your advance and never ever remain in the same place for any longer than a second!" he reminded them, as he was worried that their enemies might have something prepared to counter them after their previous assault.

Khao'khen led them forever in a slow trot with his steed. It was only when they were less than half a kilometer away from the camp of their enemies did they start to break out in full sprint.

The tremors caused by their mighty steeds gave away their stealth as their enemies quickly formed their battle-lines to impede their advance. A hasty five or seven man deep crooked battle-line was blocking their path forward with spears pointing directly at them to try to halt their advance.

Khao'khen just hurried his steed to go faster as he used the reins to strike the neck of its steed, which created some soft chinking sounds as the metal ends of the reins hit against the armor covering his steed. The Rhakaddon that he was on just snorted as it lowered its head and presented its lethal horns to those who were on its path.

The Rhakaddon Cavalry continued thundering forward without slowing down their advance. It was a test of mental endurance between the two lines that were about to clash against each other on who will last longer. If Khao'khen would go and clashed with them, he won't be safe a hundred percent from the wall of spears as there would still a possibility of them injuring him badly and his steed. The only question that remains is who would be able to endure longer.

Khao'khen leaned forward and had his chest only a few inches away from the back of his steed. It looks like he was fully committed to the charge and those with him followed his actions as they readied themselves for the possible clash. If their chieftain won't turn, they wouldn't also, they would follow him at wherever he will be headed to.

The Ereians, who were quick to respond to the attack of their enemies, regretted their quickness to respond as they had their knees trembling in fear while their enemies run up to them. They all know it that their lives are on the line and those enormous creatures running towards them at full speed would easily claim their lives if they continued on blocking its path. Looking to their right and left, they saw the faces of their comrades who were also having second thoughts of maintaining the line.

There was only less than a hundred meters separating them from their enemies and their lives hanging by just a small thread. The distance became smaller and smaller and at the last ten meters; the Ereians gave in as they broke their established lines. It was every man for himself as they tried their best to get out of the way of the charging steeds of their opponents, who increased their speed at the last moment.

Khao'khen smiled victoriously as he raised his head ever so slightly and saw the Ereian breaking their lines as they tried to get out of their way. A mighty crash followed as bodies were sent flying in the air by the Rhakaddons. The mighty war beasts didn't just rammed their horns against the Ereians but also raised their head up after crashing against them and sent them flying up in the air. They used their enormous heads to knock them away and cleared a path in front of them by swinging their heads left and right with no care.

It was chaos on the side of the Ereians as their battle-line was riddled with holes of those who had their courage waver at the last moment. The Rhakaddon Cavalry made used of those openings to break through them and entered inside their camp once again. The more courageous ones who stood their ground were rewarded with iron bolts from their enemies, who shot them without mercy and opened up more holes in their lines.

Khao'khen headed for the tent where he saw one of the main commanders of the camp in their last attack. He saw him heavily protected by the Ereians when they started to retreat and he suspects that he must be one of the nobles leading this army of Ereians judging by his actions before.

He had his crescent-moon spear at the ready and swung it forward to send away those who were trying to halt the advance of his steed as he headed deeper into the center of their enemies's camp. Leaning to one side as he hanged himself by putting his right foot inside the loop of the stirrup, he evaded the attempt of an enemy trying to dismount him from his steed as he went over him before crashing towards his comrades.

Pulling back his weapon, he swung it down on the one that jumped on him and shattered his spine with his forceful strike as the back of the soldier bended backwards in a strange way. Khao'khen grabbed the closest one to him and threw him up in the air before securing a hold on one leg of the unlucky soldier. With two long weapons in his hands, Khao'khen started to bash the enemies that were around him as he secured himself on the back of his steed, that was also jumping around and kicking some of the soldiers away with its huge hooves.

Khao'khen used the unlucky soldier to bash his enemies on his left side while those on his right side had to deal with his crescent-moon spear. He had no blind spot to attack as on left and right of him, he would bash them with the weapons in his hand, in his front, his enemies had to get past the lethal horns of his steed first before getting to him and at the rear, his enemies had to deal with the rear legs of his steed and its enormous hooves.

His advance was slowed down to a crawl, but still he was moving forward as he headed for his target. All those around him were trying their best to surround him, but to no avail, as they were bashed, rammed, or kicked to death by Khao'khen and his steed.

Inside his tent, Baron Husani ignored the commotions that was happening outside as his attention was all on the little girl in front of him. He had his weapon fully rejuvenated now, and he was ready to penetrate her and make her a real woman now, his woman. Helena was in one corner of the bed as she weakly raised her head to plead to their Lord after the beating that she just suffered from his hands when he was annoyed by her actions. Baron Husani positioned his shaft right on the small entrance as he rubbed its head against it to get some lubrication.. He only needs to thrust his hips forward, and she is his.

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