It only took Xiao Chen twelve days to arrive at the Fortress of Vir because of the paved road that the kobolds built. From the city of Yohan till the Fortress of Vir was a fine paved road that is six meters wide, snaking through the forest and hills along the way. The path could rival the roads of the modern era of Xiao Chen's old world.

Draegh'ana and Adhalia were on the back of Ulfrus as they ride alongside Xiao Chen and his Rhakaddon steed. They only took a few rest stops as the chieftain was in a hurry to know the current situation of his warriors and the looming threat of an Ereian Army that was so close by to their primary base in their expedition to the endless sands.

Ulfrus was by far not the fast but it can keep up with Xiao Chen's steed even with two riders on its back. Strapped on the side of Xiao Chen's steed was his new crescent-moon spear that was yet to be baptized by blood after he wrecked his last one.

And a few days behind them was Aro'shanna with Grogus in tow alongside the troll skirmishers. They were slower, as their legs can't keep up with the speed of Ulfrus and their chieftain's steed.

Xiao Chen doesn't have to worry much about being ambushed while he is on his way to the south since the surroundings have been cleared off by the Verakhs of threats. The only thing that he would worry about were the wild animals that sometimes visit the paved road..


Arriving at the Fortress of Vir, the Yohan First Horde, Ikarush greeted him in full force and even those who were badly wounded and now with handicaps joined in welcoming their chieftain. The fortress has two set of walls, the outer one which was being built by the hardworking kobolds with the help of the members of the First Horde which was made of concrete and the inner one which was already completed long ago was a towering wooden wall roughly five meters high.

Inside the fortress, Xiao Chen observed his warriors who were standing proud in their formations. The Yurakks upfront and the Rakshas behind them while the Rhakaddon Cavalry and the Warg Cavalry were in their right and left flanks, respectively. The Golden Wolf held by the Amazferr was present to welcome their highest leader.

The Skalsser orcs watched in awe as the entire Yohan First Horde, Ikarush, formed up in full force. They were all worried and had their weapons at the ready, thinking that a battle was about to occur as all their friends were in their complete battle equipment.

Ushering his steed forward, Xiao Chen smiled proudly towards his warriors.

"Chief! Welcome to the Fortress of Vir!" Sakh'arran saluted at Xiao Chen.

"Welcome of the Fortress of Vir, chieftain!" the Yohan First Horde, Ikarush shouted in unison as they saluted. Their combined voices thundered in the ears of all those who were watching the spectacle. Gunn was silently observing what was going in a corner and his eyebrows met as he stared at Xiao Chen. He felt like he was staring at someone who was infallible in battle with the aura that he was emitting.

Xiao Chen nodded his head in acknowledgement of all the salutes that were addressed to him, then turned to Sakh'arran who was atop Blackwind who was also equipped with all her armors just for the occasion. He dismounted from his steed and patted its neck before handing the reins to one of the Yurakks, who volunteered to take care of his steed. Ulfrus behind the Rhakaddon snorted loudly then sat on his rear when the two ladies got off of him.

"Lead the way to the command center." Xiao Chen glanced at Sakh'arran as he patted the snout of Blackwind who was licking his arms. It seemed that the warg missed him, which made Sakh'arran stare blankly at his chieftain for a few moments before gathering his bearings. "Yes, chief." he replied as scratched the neck of his steed, who turned around and went towards the biggest building in the fortress.

Sakh'arran led them towards a two story building completely made of wood but it was decorated with many carvings and other ornaments. It looked like a house of a noble with how well decorated and big it was. Xiao Chen can't help but scratched the back of his head upon seeing the command center. "It needs to be as such to be worthy of your status, chief." Sakh'arran said proudly as he smiled towards their chieftain.

Xiao Chen can't help but shake his head. "It's a command center. It's not like I am going to live inside it. We will use it for meetings and planning, not a luxury place." he muttered while facepalming. Sakh'arran just shrugged his shoulders in response, then went inside.

"Just let it be. It's just their way of showing their respect and appreciation for you and your leadership." Adhalia commented as she walked inside while smiling. The design of the building seems to be to her liking as she trailed her hands on the carvings on the walls.

Entering inside, a huge hall was in front of Xiao Chen and in the center was an enormous square table with the size of its sides of over five meters. On the center of the table was a huge map that was still incomplete. It was a map of the lands around the Fortress of Vir and there were markings scattered all around it.

"How are the Skalsser orcs adapting?" Xiao Chen withdrew his gaze from the table as he directed his gaze at Sakh'arran. "They are adapting well, albeit slowly. Their supposed to be leader is still unconscious and is being treated by their shaman with the aid of our warriors who have undergone trainings to treat the wounded." the Horde Chief replied.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the walls of the vast hall as Gur'kan, Trot'thar, Haguk, Dug'mhar, Arkagarr, Maghazz, Gunn, Ikrah, and Pelko joined them.

"They are the representatives of the Skalsser orcs, the young one is Ikrah, the one beside him is his father, Pelko and the last one is Gunn, one of their shamans." Gur'kan introduced the three unfamiliar faces that Xiao Chen had never seen before.

"I welcome you with open arms to fully join Yohan." Xiao Chen said as he spread his arms wide while smiling. His tribe is getting bigger and bigger with more warriors for him to achieve his goals. The creation of the second horde of Yohan would be well on its way as he noticed the huge numbers of the Skalsser orcs while he was entering the Fortress of Vir.

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