Ronan woke up in a weird hut , his entire body felt like it was on fire and not in the good elemental way , but a bad fever kind of fire which made him feel like his internal organs might malfunction.

His surroundings brought Ronan no comfort , As everything before him blacking out was a blur , the only thing his mind could remember was Scorpio trying to take a piss on Percy’s head and then Sierra’s crying voice telling him everything will be okay.

Thinking about those things Ronan had a splitting headache as he felt like he was sleep deprived for days now , even though he had been out cold for more than 70 hours.

” Ughhh , my head “. Ronan complained as he wriggled in his stone bed , however clutching his head he did not notice how but soon he drifted asleep again.

Infront of him sat a man with white hair and white beard as he smoked tobacco from his pipe . Ronan did not notice him in his splitting headache , however the mysterious man saw and understood a lot about Ronan.

Walking out of the hut , he took another look at the letter left by the man who put him under his care , as taking a deep sigh he burnt it to ashes using Light Magic.

Looking at the sky he took in a deep breath and said [ “Namah Suryaya Shantaya Sarvaroga Nivaarine Ayu rarogya maisvairyam dehi devah jagatpate” ] ( – “O Great Sun God Surya ! You rule over the entire universe and act as a storehouse of peace and health. You are the one who removes all diseases and revitalizes the whole world. I meditate upon you to bless the boy with longevity, wealth and health.”).

The sunlight shined on his bare chest as a bright yellow and orange tatto of the sun shone with brilliance.

After chanting the ancient chant in the lost tongue Sanskrit , the sun’s energy started to condense in his hands as a ball of healing light was created.

Taking it inside the hut , the man placed the ball of light on Ronan’s chest , as it was absorbed within his body in a breaths time.

Ronan’s laborious breathing eased instantly , as the healing properties of the sun started to mend his broken mana circuit , cleansing it of the filth of destruction left by golden thunder.

” So i guess that means you will live “. Said the man as he sat back down in the chair and relit his pipe.

Staring off into the distance , as he needed to sort many things out in his mind.


( At the palace , 2 days ago )

” Queen Sierra are you aware that your children were involved in a bloodbath of sorts after being targetted by some Assassin’s who our initial estimates put to be from the Assassins guild in the central empire ? “. Rushabh asked with irritation in his voice .

” Yes I’m aware “. Sierra replied curtly as she stared at Rushabh with her red nose yet fierce eyes.

” Well , it is our analysis that , either one of your children may have the forbidden power of the golden thunder or they may have met someone who is a forbidden element user. However we have a strong inkling for that forbidden element user to be your son Ronan , do you know anything about this ? “. Rushabh asked in all seriousness as he placed a truth orb beside him on the table , should Sierra lie it would turn red and she would be exposed , as this was a sure-way of getting to the bottom of the matter.

” Ronan is just a plain thunder element user , he doesn’t wield the forbidden . We tested him at birth and he was tested again at school , he even fought my eldest son Percy not so long ago in their school clash , the entire academy of Avalon can be our witness to the fact that Ronan does not wield the forbidden “. Sierra said with arrogance , as the orb remained colourless meaning that she said the truth.

This answer brought both releif and a headache to the three balancers as while on one side they were happy that the royal family of Avalon did not seem to have an involvement with the forbidden element user , there were no other clues as well.

Ronan Draco was a genius whose background checked out , and forbidden elemental users all awakened their powers by the age of 7 or when they start their formal training .

Ronan who was such an accomplished fighter and had trained his thunder techniques to such a high level , even mastering an A ranked spell was sure to have unlocked the forbidden powers lest it be in his blood , which made the suspicion on him fall on a very grey area.

However whereas Percy was checked by the balancers personally , as various devices that could track the forbidden elemental essence showed no signs of even the faintest changes around Percy .

For that matter , none of the other Draco clan members , Luna or Sierra seemed to have any reaction to the forbidden element tests , which meant that the bloodline was clean of any anomalies.

This further reduced the suspicion on Ronan Draco however the question remained on ” If not him then who? “.

The place where the fight took place showed signs of footprints that looked exactly like Ronan’s on the mud outside the carriage and there just wasn’t any other foreign presence near the vicinity of the area except for Augustus Draco who was checked and returned clean as well.

The biggest maybe in the investigation was caused by the fact that by the time they arrived at the scene there had been a massive fire already breaking out in the area , which destroyed some evidence of what happened in the region.

For this reason alone , the balancers could not 100% suspect the Draco family and needed to provide them with the benefit of the doubt.

However in doing so they became leadless in their investigation , while the seriousness of the matter remained extremely high.

” Although we give you the benefit of the doubt , we will need to check Ronan Draco personally to see if he carries the forbidden before we can be 100% sure .

Hence we will be back once you find your son and he returns to the palace.

Untill then we bid you farewell “. Akshat the leader said as the three men left the royal palace.

Had it been any other family except the Draco , the Balancers would have probably wiped them off without second thoughts . However the Draco were the rulers of Avalon. Should they fall to the world order , it would create unnecessary revolts and protests from other high born rulers , which was a situation that the world order did not want.

That was the only reason why the three of them could not go overboard with their interrogation , and although everything checked out for the Draco’s the three of them knew that something was off in the whole situation , however they would surely find out once Ronan was found back.

Ronan’s convenient disappearance before the investigation raised a few eyebrows , however he was tried to be assassinated not to long ago hence it was still probable.

While the balancers were forced to concede the benefit of the doubt and back off , Sierra was not them , and once she was sure that the balancers had left , she barged into Alexander’s room tears flowing down her cheeks as she screamed at Alexander ” WHERE IS MY CHILD? I KNOW YOU TOOK HIM SOMEWHERE.. “.

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