Seeing spider die , something inside Scorpio snapped as he wailed and went on a killing spree , chopping everyone who stood in his way into a bloody carved up mess.

The four of them were childhood friends and had gone through various life and death situations together , however now spider was dead , and the other three could not bear the loss.

The most rational one in the group , the leader Serpent could not piece the information properly , as he estimated that there must be a hidden expert inside the carriage.

Even though the reports about Percy and Ronan suggested that the two were peerless geniuses , Serpents logical brain refused to beleive that a 7 year old kid could master a terrifying move like the one that decapitated spider , and had to be the work of a hidden expert.

” SCORPIO STOP ! , there must be an expert hidden in the carriage along with the prince’s , we need a plan of attack ! “. Serpent reigned in the mad Scorpio from rushing towards the carriage as he started to think of a plan to flush out the hidden expert.

” WHOEVER YOU ARE , COME OUT NOW AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A PAINLESS DEATH , Or else we will torture your body till you beg us to die but even then we will keep you alive until the last drop of blood is drained of your body and turn you into a dried corpse! “. Shouted toad , as he tried to flush the hidden enemy out.

However a minute passed yet no-one came out of the carriage.

At this point only 5-6 Avalonian soldiers were left alive as a mad Scorpio was taking them all on and it seemed as if in another couple of minutes he would finish them off.

” YOUR MEN ARE DEAD , ITS ONLY YOU AND THE TWO PRINCE’S LEFT NOW”. Shouted serpent trying to lower the morale of the hidden expert as he tried to gain pyschological advantage. However because of a complete lack of response from the carriage he became frustrated.

” Toad let’s prepare an explosive and blow the carriage up , the bastard won’t know what hit him”. suggested Serpent as toad nodded and began preparing the explosive.

Serpents did not have the courage to face the hidden expert capable of decapitating Spider head on , as he decided to blow up the carriage to flush him out.

Hence once the explosive was prepared , toad slipped it under the carriage as it blew up in a massive explosion!


The carriage was destroyed as debris flew into the air while the insides of the carriage were set ablaze..

The Assassin’s watched on in anticipation as they were ready to throw their daggers at the first sight of the enemy leaving the carriage , however to their shock that moment never came.

Apparently right after Ronan’s attack on spider , when everyone was distracted from seeing the dead body of the assassin , Percy had carved the bottom of the carriage open , as he hand Ronan rolled out and bolted towards the forest outside unnoticed.

The Assassin’s however were unaware of this fact hence they became even more alert as they did a sweep of all 12 remaining carriages for the signs of the three targets.

” WHERE ARE THEY?”. Shouted Scorpio who had blood red eyes , as he was consumed with grief and rage over the death of his teammate. However the other two had no answer to his question for the moment.

With all 70 escorting soldiers and their captain dead the only remaining task of the mission was to execute the two royal prince’s , however apparently the two were nowhere to be found.

However the good luck of the prince’s did not last forever as 5 minutes later toad spotted their footsteps leading into the forest as he informed the boss about their whereabouts.

” Two footprints , leading towards the forest! “. Said toad as the three assassins immediately sped towards the direction of the forest in pursuit of the fleeing prince’s.


( Ronan’s POV)

Ronan and Percy had no idea about where they were fleeing towards , however they just kept running at their top speed without caring to look behind.

The current situation that they were in could only be described as extremely precarious as Percy was sure that should they fall into the clutches of the enemy , they would die before they could utter the word “‘ mother “.

Desperately wanting to stay alive , the duo kept running in a direction which they felt was away from the road as the only plans in their mind at the moment were those of survival.

However very soon an ascendants sense passed over their bodies as both of them shivered in fear , as they realized that they had been discovered.

The pursuing assassins were about 2 killometers out and catching upto them fast , which at the rate they were closing the distance in gave the two about 10 minutes before they were caught.

The next few minutes were extremely nerve wrecking for the two prince’s as they felt the pursuers closing in the distance every passing second , as the hopes of their survival became grim with every minute that passed.

” Ronan you run away , both of us won’t make it , I’ll stay and stall them “. Said Percy with determination as he had decided to sacrifice himself for the sake of his younger brother.

” Nonsense , either we both stay or we both run , i won’t let you go alone big brother “. said Ronan as he refused to take the cowards way out.

The childhood memory of him hiding behind Percy’s back was one of the most dreaded memories he had in his life , as that day Ronan realized how powerless he was in the world .

He never wanted to feel such powerlessness again , which was the main driving force behind him training as hard as he did , which was exactly why he refused to run away like a coward ever again , hiding behind the back of Percy.

” NOW IS NOT A TIME TO DEBATE RONAN , IF I SAY GO , YOU OBEY AND GO “. Percy was scared witless , he had came to terms with his own death within the last few minutes however he absolutely did not want Ronan to die with him.

However the idiot was hellbent on not leaving his side , which gave Percy the fear. The fear of watching his younger brother die before him.

Suddenly Ronan stopped running as he turned towards the direction the enemies were coming from and started to chant the flaming lightning wheel spell.

The moment he tried to mobilize even the slightest bit of mana his body sent out signals of incredible pain , as his already damaged mana circuit could not bear the load of another A ranked spell as permanent damage was the most likely outcome should Ronan continue mobilizing his elemental essence through the damaged track.

” IDIOT “. shouted Percy as he was forced to stop and take fighting stance as well , as not only did Ronan refuse to flee he also took the initiative to start the head on fight.

Within seconds three assassins entrapped the duo in a triangular formation , leaving no route for an escape as Scorpio vengefully shouted ” WHERE IS THE EXPERT THAY KILLED OUR TEAMMATE , WHERE DID THAT BASTARD RUN ? “.

At this question the brothers looked at each other in a confused look as Percy said ” What expert? “.

At this question Scorpio lost his mind as in a blur of a movement that Ronan could not even register with his naked eye , Scorpio sent Percy flying as he broke through two trees before crashing on the trunk of a third with a loud thud!

” DON’T SCREW WITH ME , I ASK YOU ANSWER , OR YOU DIE “. Said scorpio as a crazed expression entered his eyes , a poisoned dagger in his hands ready to kill at anytime.

Ronan who was chanting the spell had his eyes wide in shock as he could not beleive that someone sent his brother flying , as rage soon replaced that shock as power surged from within his body .

In a deep voice Ronan said ” You wanna know who killed your teammate? ” .

Scorpio turned towards Ronan as he asked this question , as he walked towards him and said ” Yes , tell me boy , where is he ? “.

step by step Scorpio walked towards Ronan , his rage making him blind to all the elemental essence gathering behind Ronan , As only when he was extremely close to Ronan , and serpent sent a warning did he realize that something was wrong.

” IT WAS ME “. said Ronan as the flaming lightning wheel manifested itself over his arm.

” LOOKOUT THE BOY IS PREPARING A SPELL “. warned serpent , however it was too late as a flaming lightning Wheel was sent towards Scorpio at terminal speed.

” BASTARD “. Shouted scorpio as he tried to take the attack head on as he punched it with an assassin technique covering his hand with black mist.

However to his horror the attack cut through his blackmist protection as if it was air and sliced his arm clean off his shoulder.

” AGHHHHH “. Screamed Scorpio in extreme pain as blood from his mangled arm sprayed Ronan’s face.

” DIE “. Said scorpio as he sent a strong roundhouse kick to send Ronan flying as Ronan could only take it powerlessly since the last move had exhausted him of everything that he had.

Slamming into a tree , Ronan became on the verge of being knocked out as he could only see hazy footsteps of the Assassins as they walked cautiously towards his body.

Facing certain death Ronan had no fear in his eyes whatsoever as he dauntingly smiled at the Assassins , looking them in the eye as they circled him.

” I’ll kill you …. “. said scorpio with pure hatred , however since Ronan only gave a bright smile to that statement instead of cowering fear , scorpio did not feel satisfied enough to kill Ronan with a smile on his face.

” Not afraid of death are you ?”. asked toad as he prepared to stab Ronans heart with his dagger however at the last moment scorpio stopped him.

” Stop! he has to suffer first toad , HE HAS TO SUFFER FOR SPIDERS LIFE AND MY ARM , first the other one dies before his eyes , as he looks on helplessly. Only when those arrogant eyes have lost all color will i grant him death “. Scorpio declared.

Ronan’s smile instantly changed into panick as he looked towards Percy who was knocked out cold a few meters away.

Looking at this reaction scorpio laughed evilly as he said ” That’s right , afraid now ? ain’t you “.

As he laughed wickedly while slowly walking towards Percy , as he dragged his unconscious body back towards Ronan grabbing him by his hair.

Then infront of Ronan the three took turns to humiliate Percy as they used psychological torture to cripple Ronan’s morale.

At first they kicked Percy’s unconscious body like it was a bag of potatoes , then they ripped off his royal robes and stripped Percy of his royal attire , all the while Ronan watched as his psyche delved into depravity.

Percy was his idol , his big brother and someone Ronan loved absolutely and unconditionally , hence seeing him treated the way he was Ronan had started to loose his mind , as Oogway’s seal began eroding rapidly .

” I’m feeling like taking a piss , what about the two of you? I feel like his head would be a good spot to piss on “. Said Toad as he eyed Ronan , however hearing this Ronan snapped.

” don’t do it …. “. Ronan said in a low growl , as the three took out their c**** to take a piss

” Or what ? “. Scorpio said as he taunted Ronan.

” Don’t you dare touch my brother … “. Ronan’s voice changed , as chills went down the thee’s spines as the voice that came out of Ronan’s mouth was no longer anything like human .

However the hatred inside Scorpio was too deep , as he decided to ignore Ronans warnings and went ahead with pissing on Percy’s head.

This was the biggest mistake he could have made in his life as Ronan’s emotional state became unbalanced to the extreme as his forbidden power exploded.

Golden thunder crackled around his body , as the tree he was sitting against became a pile of dust with a single contact of Ronan’s power!


( Meanwhile Grandpa Augustus )

Augustus reached the area where the carriage was attacked as he saw a pool of blood and dozens of dead bodies.

His heart instantly started to beat out of his chest as fear of loosing his grandchildren hit his heart.

” NO … NO .. NONONONONONO “. Screamed Augustus as he landed his mount and scoured the place for the corpses of his grandsons , as with every body turned he had a sense of dread and fear.

His hands started to shake uncontrollably as his mind became numb from the shock , however even after searching everywhere he could not find the bodies , which gave him some hope.

” Kidnapping? “. thought Augustus to himself , however at that exact moment as terrifying bolt of golden thunder plunged itself towards earth , not 10 killometers from his current location.

For a second Augustus could not beleive his eyes , as even from afar he could feel his skin tingling from the power of the forbidden element as the only thought in his mind was ‘ Ronan ! ‘.

/// I could have broken this chapter into two parts , but did not as that would cost you readers more coins.

However consider this being my bonus chapter for hitting the PS target last week 🙂///

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