Ronan was not really as calm as he appeared on surface; facing Percy was a psychological challenge for him, because right from the first time they sparred, he had always been overwhelmed by the more experienced and higher levelled Percy.

However, rather than shying away from this challenge, Ronan quite looked forward to it. He felt that out of everyone he knew in this country, Percy was the only one around his age group that needed to be looked up to and work hard to surpass.

Ronan’s blood boiled for a good fight. It was a natural instinct for him.

He did not shy away from strong fights but rather actively sought them. For him, a good fight satisfied a deep itch in his soul that he felt incomplete without.

Staring into Percy’s scarlet eyes, Ronan knew that his brother was serious. He knew this from his experience at home; whenever Augustus or Alexander had their eyes turn red, they were serious.

This meant that Percy was not going to go easy on him and will bring out his A-game. Hence, he needed to respond with the best he had in himself as well.

Powerful thunder crackled around Ronan’s body as he took his fighting stance, getting ready to show his class to his brother. He had worked 3 months for this exact moment and he was not going to be defeated before he could show everything he got in himself.

The entire academy watched this clash with bated breath. This was a once-in-a-lifetime fight they were watching.

The young second prince taking on the young first prince in the early stages of their life..

“The element thunder you are my slave-I beseech you to do as I command… THUNDER FIST.” Ronan chanted a spell at an extremely fast pace as he charged up the lightning fist.

He was going to take the initiative for the first strike as he charged towards Percy.

“Pure Fire, help me with your sacred power, manifest yourself in my arms… FIRE FIST!”

Percy also responded in kind as he manifested a comparable D-ranked spell himself as the duo charged towards each other .

25 feet…15…10…7…

Ronan leaped into the air when Percy came into striking range, pulling back his arm while producing the thunder fist. Percy responded in kind by putting his back behind his fire fist.


The entire martial arena was shaken like it was hit by an earthquake the moment when Ronan’s thunder fist met Percy’s fire fist head-on. A powerful explosion covered it in smoke, clouding the common man’s vision as to what was the result of the clash.

‘Oooooo, Yayyyyy, *Gasps*’ (the crowd went wild with electricity for this maneuver)

“Oh my god… Who has the upper hand?” the green house master exclaimed. Even him in his years of experience could not determine the outcome of this clash.

“Percy is higher-levelled, however, Ronan has the superior element. The outcome is truly hard to predict…” the yellow house master replied as everyone watched with bated breath.

When the dust settled, it showed both Ronan and Percy 50 feet away from each other, taking the same battle stance as they did prior to the first clash.

Both had their right arms covered in burn blisters, as they’d seemed to have taken damage.


The crowd went nuts to see that even after such a powerful clash, both contestants were fine. Chants of ‘Ronan! Ronan!’ and ‘Percy! Percy!’ broke all over.

Ronan felt a strong tingle in his right arm as he grit his teeth to endure the damage. He had given that lightning fist his all yet he was the one who got pushed back.

The crowd might not have seen it, but Ronan understood that his physical prowess was not remotely comparable to the level 45 Percy at the moment. Even though his lightning was superior, against Percy’s true fire he could only settle for a draw when comparing elemental power. In terms of physical strength, he was at a massive disadvantage.

A smile formed on Ronan’s face as he let his tongue out in a crazed expression of elation. His blood seemed to be triggered as he experienced an unknown form of euphoria.

The opponent was strong and he was weak. This was exactly the kind of challenge he had been aching for!

“Aghhhhhhhh!” Ronan let out a war-cry as he charged towards Percy again. Logic dictated that since he was weaker in close-ranged fights due to his inferior physical capabilities, he should stay away from such a fight and try win this thing through long-range lightning attacks. However, that was not Ronan’s style. He was not going to fight a coward’s fight at long range; he was a gambler who was going to gamble it all on that one move!

Seeing Ronan charge, Percy frowned and said in a low voice, “Idiot muscle-head…” he was disappointed in Ronan’s choice of battle tactics, but as an elder brother, he was going to show no reserve in making him realize the error of his ways.

Hence, Percy and Ronan engaged in a incredibly high-paced short-range martial exchange as a beautiful and intricate dance of attacks, counters, and blocks followed in a fight that can be described only as a technical masterclass.

The Draco boys had trained since childhood under Alexander Draco himself, hence their techniques were extremely pure and a delight to watch.

Every punch, every jab, and every kick was thrown cleanly and with power, as the receiver also blocked and countered every move with the same technical ability.

From the very first second, it was obvious that Percy had the advantage. Ronan was continuously on the back-foot as every exchange would see him back off two or three steps at a time.

Thunder clashed with phoenix fire as the Draco boys kept exchanging blows. While Ronan was on the losing end of the exchange, the damage he took had been minimal.

Beaten in strength and speed, it was his monstrous talent that let him hang in the fight against Percy and avoid any crippling injuries.

However, the problem was that this was the martial arena and Ronan was progressively being pushed towards the edge. If this continued, it was only a matter of time before he was eliminated.

Percy had a calm expression on his face as he pushed Ronan back. However confident in his ability to keep the pressure high enough on Ronan to make him unable to try anything funny, Percy had decided to remain on alert for his brother’s potential counter-attack.

20 feet…15 feet…10 feet. Ronan was being pushed to the very edge as the crowd started to realize that, although immensely talented, Ronan Draco was still not a match for Percy Draco. In front of the older prince’s overwhelming might, the result of the match looked a certain defeat for the second prince.

“Come on, Ronan, you can do it!” the red house members cheered their house member on, despite the bleak outlook.

“Percy! Percy! Percy!” Percy’s supporters were incredibly energetic seeing his impressive performance.

However, the two fighting in the arena were actually deaf to the cheers of the crowd as they were completely absorbed in the fight, their complete focus being on their own next move as well as that of the other.

Even principal Chanakya had to get up from his seat as the battle made him get on the tip of his toes so he could see what the others were missing at the moment. The mobilization of mana around Ronan, which was collecting behind him in an incredible amount as if preparing for a high-levelled move.

“It can’t be…” Chanakya was in disbelief as he focused on Ronan, who was chanting one word of the spell at a time in a hushed tone, not even audible to his own ears.

Block! Block! Punch! Kick!

While this seemed to be the only thing Ronan was doing at the moment, in reality, that was not the case at all.

Ronan was sneakily chanting one word of the A-ranked spell at a time as he focused on the spell’s requirements, completing the required process one step at a time while simultaneously fighting.

Over the last 3 months, Ronan had never managed to successfully complete the entire technique required to manifest the A-ranked spell. However, his intense battle with Percy pushed him into a zone of extreme clarity and focus as his senses went into hyper-drive and he was in the zone.

What Ronan was aiming for was something that only those who had broken through the mortal ranks could see and predict, as only after breaking through the mortal ranks can one see the mana lines in the world.

Chanakya could see the incredible amount of mana being rapidly absorbed into Ronan’s body as he was the only one who could anticipate what was to come next.

However, could he successfully do it? This was a question that would be answered very soon!

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