Gushes of blood poured out from the stump on Amon's right arm. He took out a handful of powder from his space ring. After injecting the powder with aether, it ignited. He then shoved the blazing fire into his cut arm.


The burning closed the wound forcefully and stopped his bleeding. The powder was emergency medication to close off wounds, worked better than the healing salve but hurt like hell.

He didn't allow himself to lose consciousness from the intense pain. His face was full of sweat. His eyes were staring intensely at the python that was still coiling around the tree trunk.

The trunk was half crushed by now. Unable to bear the weight of its top part, the tree slowly bent and fell. The python fell with the tree. Its body was pressed to the ground by the fallen tree. It didn't turn invisible and it was also not moving.

Amon waited for a long time. His eyes never left the python. If it was playing dead, it should have made some small movements by now. It didn't.

After sure that the python had died. He took out one of the regrowth pills he had taken from one of the spider beast's preys and popped it into his mouth. If this pill was as high-tiered as he suspected, his cut arm should regrow in a span of a few days.

If he didn't have this pill on him, Amon wouldn't have taken such a risky approach against the python just now. He would have thought of a way to flee instead.

He came over to the dead python. With his one remaining arm, he grabbed the fallen trunk that was pinning the python's body.

"Uurrgghh…!" Amon exerted all his strength to pull the heavy tree up. Under normal circumstances, with his cultivation, he should be able to lift this tree with no problem. But with only one arm, it was indeed a much more difficult endeavor.

After much effort, he managed to push the tree trunk away from the python's body.

This python's body should contain valuable treasure that could be used. Not to mention his poison knife was inside its mouth. He only have a limited number of these knives, he couldn't afford to lose them. However, he couldn't stay in this place for long. There was no telling if another of these pythons was nearby, or worse, a stronger spirit beast. He figured the deeper he was in the woods, the more danger there was.

He hurriedly took the python's body and stored it inside his Black Space Ring.

Many spirit fruits were on the ground, dropped from the two fallen trees. But different from the python's body, Amon couldn't afford to take the risk of picking them up. He had also collected a good number of these fruits in his space ring. There was the time to take a risk and the time to walk away from it, unnecessary greed was never a good reason for risking one life.

He ran away from the place, back to the outer rim of the woods where he had come from.

After coming out of the woods, Amon went to the places he had passed by before. Places that he had checked to be safe and deserted. A single old tree in the middle of a plain. He took a rest on top of its branches. He started to regulate the aether inside his body. He had not had the chance to do so since losing his arm, the energy inside his body was in turmoil. He was suffering all the while but enduring it. The pain of his cut arm was especially excruciating.

Amon spent days resting on top of this tree. The plain around this tree was open in all directions, so he could see if anything come near. His arm took a longer time to regrow than he expected, yet the progress was encouraging. His arm had grown to where his wrist was, in a few more days, he should have his hand again. To make sure, he swallowed another of the regrowth pills.

He then came down from the tree. He couldn't afford to wait until his hand was completely grown. He estimated that he had only two months left by now. He needed to collect more treasures before his time in this dimension was up.

But he didn't go into the woods with the spirit fruits anymore, the danger there was real. He chose to explore in a different direction.


Amon didn't find many valuables in the next few days. only some more spirit herbs. But he did find a kind of worm that was recorded inside his 101 Primal Poison Tome. It was called Four-seasons Worm. It was called so because the worms only lasted four seasons. With each season, its poison lethality would increase. These worms were a supplementary ingredient that was mentioned in the many different recipes inside the tome. So, the more he could collect, the better.

Unfortunately, he could only collect dead ones since space rings couldn't store living organisms. He had prepared several preserving jars. He stored the dead worms inside these jars before storing them in his space ring.

As he traveled, he arrived at a forested area where the ground was mostly covered by lush bushes.

Amon observed the trees. There were no spirit herbs. The bushes also didn't contain any valuable plants. There was no point to search around the area if there were no valuable things. But as he was about to leave for another area, his sharp ears picked up some sound.

He turned in the direction. He wouldn't simply go to where a suspicious sound was heard from. Many dangers could befall such a curious deed. However, there was something about the sound that caused Amon to find it hard to ignore. The sound was like the voices of humans.

Could it be the other finalists who had entered this dimension with him?

Finding another finalist was not a good thing. This meant that he had to compete for this territory. Ignoring it would be worse. He didn't want to get caught off guard when the other finalists found him first during an inopportune moment.

So, he decided to head over to where the sound came from. He approached slowly and carefully. It's a good thing that there were many bushes around the place, plenty of places to hide. His only concern was to approach quietly. It was a challenge considering he brushed so many leaves as he moved.

He continued forward discreetly as the sound became clearer.

'This sound… This is the second time already I found something like this in the wild. Do the people in this cultivation world like to do it outside in the open?' He thought as he recognized the sound.

The sound was the sound of fleshes slapping against one another repeatedly while moans and heavy breathing were heard. There was a voice as well, a female's voice. Amon couldn't hear it clearly but it was certainly agitated.

Amon closed in further. When the female voice became clearer, it was obvious the act here was not fully in consent.

There was a tree not far away. Amon headed over and climbed the tree to have a better view.

Among the bushes below was a half-naked boy. His shirt was on but his pants were down. Amon saw the guy from behind, his buttocks were seen as it moved back and forth repeatedly. In front of him was a naked girl, her torn clothes were on the ground near her. She was being pinned face down by the hand of the boy behind her, with her two arms bent backward and locked by the boy's other hand.

Amon heard the girl cursing in anger as the boy fucked her from behind, "You fucking swine! Disgusting lowlife! How dare you do this to me!"

The boy just laughed hearing the curse. "Hahaha! You are always acting high and mighty. The daughter of an elder. Do you think you are too good for us? Too good for me? Look at you now, getting intimate with me. I bet you love it, don't you? You slut? Aren't you always going and playing with those sons of the other elders while looking down on us common students? How about it? My cock isn't any less than those elders' sons' cocks, is it?"

"You shameless sickening beast! You are nothing compared to them! I will get you for this!"

"Get me? Like the last time when you slapped me in front of the others just because I bumped into you? How about I slap you now?" The boy lifted the hand that pin the girl's head down and swiftly slap her butt cheek.

The girl tried to lift her head in the interval but the boy's hand quickly came and pushed her head to the ground again.

"Fuck you! You asshole!" The girl screamed in frustration.

"You should have thought twice before you offended someone that has higher cultivation than you, you stupid fuck! Even if my station is lower compared to you. Do you think I will continuously take your shit? All you are good at is just that poison claw martial art your family let you learn. Even though I can beat you easily during that spar a year ago, your family didn't allow me to hurt you. And what did you do in return? You still use that poison claw on me and caused me to bear through the poison for three full days. Now I'm going to return the favor, I'm going to **** you for three full days. What do you think? Do you want to use that stupid poison claws you are so proud of? Haha, try to use them if you can."

Amon looked at the girl's hands which were being locked. The two hands were slightly purplish, indicating the girl had indeed learned poison art.

"I will get you back for this, you fuck! Wait till we get back. I'm going to have my father hang you and I'm going to beat you until all your bones are broken!"


"What are you laughing about, you fuck!"

"You are amusing. You think I'm just going to let you go back alive after doing this?"

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