58 The Takeover II


It wasn’t even up to a minute after the seven figures in black robes entered the room in the main house when the room door was slammed open and a tall man was sent flying in.

The tall man was none other than Sebastian. As he was sent flying by that kick, Sebastian stood from the floor, and then wiped the blood which was around the corner of his lips.

“Don’t worry, I’m going to protect you!!!” Sebastian exclaimed as he stood in the middle of the room, assuming a battle stance.

“Fool!!” A second after Sebastian spoke, Raphael’s voice rang out. Raphael had an expression full of mockery on his face as he stared at Sebastian, whose suit had become very tattered.

The suit that Sebastian was putting on a few minutes ago was nothing compared to what he had on now. It was like he had replaced the luxurious suit with rags instead.

Sebastian glared at Raphael, he seemed to be about to speak, when someone walked into the room. Staring at the person who was also putting on similar outfits to the figures in the room, the frown on Sebastian’s face deepened.

“Kayla Winchester... Your casket has been arranged-” Before the man could complete his words, an arrow suddenly ripped through his chest.

As the man stumbled to the ground, the other seven who were in the room advanced very quickly. Among the seven of them, four were holding on to a long sword, two had a short blade and the last person was using a pair of trident daggers.


Once the seven figures in black robes advanced, Dwayne, shot three bows at the ones coming at his right and then another three at his left side.


Followed by the sound of the arrow being fired came the sound of an explosion. Unlike the first kill, this time around when the arrow penetrated their bodies, it didn’t simply just stop their heartbeats, but it also made their heart explode.

After taking care of the six of them, Dwayne quickly shifted his gaze towards the one remaining and was about to take an arrow from his quiver, when he felt a movement.

It was Raphael who made a move. As Raphael went up against the assassin who was using a trident dagger, a sadistic smile could be seen on his face.

Seeing Raphael ahead, the assassin struck out one of the trident daggers forward, and as for the other, he kept it by him, to deliver another blow. However, a few seconds for Raphael to come in contact with the dagger, Raphael stretched his palm forward.

“What the...” It was the voice of the assassin that rang out, as once the dagger came in contact with Raphael instead of it piercing through him, the dagger crumbled into pieces instead.

The assassin quickly attacked with the other trident dagger in his hand. However, it was just his previous attempt. Once the dagger met with Raphael, they crumbled right away.

Though the assassin had a mask on, it was well assumed that a horrified expression would be on his face. The assassin staggered several steps backward, in an attempt to regain composure, only to be met by a full-force blow by Raphael.

After sending forth a knee strike to the assassin’s abdomen, Raphael didn’t stop at that just that. And a second after he delivered the knee blow to the assassin, he struck an uppercut right away.


The mask the assassin had on was already sent flying by that uppercut, and as stumbled to the floor, the man appeared lifeless.

“Y-You...” Seeing how the assassins that appeared in the room were taken care of very easily, Sebastian’s mouth opened slightly and an expression full of disbelief could be seen evidently on his face.

A sneer appeared on Raphael when he saw the look on Sebastian’s face. “Just because you are older doesn’t make you wiser or stronger... You can be old and still be foolish and weak!!!” Raphael said as he stared at Sebastian.

“I...” Sebastian was about to speak, when Kayla waved a hand at him, “It’s alright, Sebastian.” Kayla said and then went over to the desk on the other side of the room.

She sat on the seat and then turned on the system. “Oh, oh, this is really bad!” Kayla exclaimed, “They have cleared the three of the living quarters in the house and are now making their way to the main house and the carriage house.

The house they were all at was built using innovative building techniques and materials that seek to provide comfort and maximum level of security. They were five living quarters in the house, the security quarter, the carriage house, the captain cottage, the guest apartment, and lastly the main house.

And among those three, it was only the main house and the captain’s cottage that hadn’t been fully invaded by the assassins yet.

“Sebastian, how the hell is this possible!!!!! I thought you said you had guards all over the area, so how can they take out so many of them without anyone realizing it sooner!!!” Kayla yelled.

Sebastian’s mouth quivered, he wanted to respond to Kayla, but as he opened his mouth to speak, he wasn’t able to get any word out of his mouth.

Kayla hit her fists against the desk, and the corner of her mouth pointed downward. “Khloe, just you wait...”

“Once these forty-eight hours are up, and the burger queen corporation is finally mine, I will shred you into pieces,” Kayla said as her eyes then flickered with killing intent.

The burger queen corporation which the two sisters were battling for is one of the most popular and common food chains in the world. The burger they produced was one of the best, serving more than five million customers around the world daily.

While the corporation focused on all other food menus, it was the burgers that they produced that people were really after. The corporation operates with restaurants over fifty thousand worldwide, and restaurants all over the world.

“Khloe!!!!!!!!!!” As Kayla watched the footage of the other quarters in the house, she couldn’t help but be more furious, seeing how the servants and guards were being slaughtered like pigs.


Dwayne, who had remained quiet the whole time, suddenly moved towards Kayla. He stared at the screen she was gazing at, and after a few seconds his voice rang out.

“We can’t wait for them to get to us before we make a move. If we want to avoid any difficulty, we need to move right away.” Dwayne said, “I will handle the two living quarters, the remaining three shouldn’t be a problem for the both of you.”

And with that said, Dwayne shot a grabbing hook arrow at one of the buildings in the house.

After the ownership of the burger queen corporations was passed on to Khloe, Kayla had been looking for every method in the book to get the corporation from her younger sister.

However, every single attempt she had pulled off over the years was fruitless, it was only now that she stood a chance against Khloe. Khloe knew her sister was ahead of her, so before the vote will be decided in the next forty-eight hours, she had to put an end to her sister.

If Kayla was dead before the vote was decided, she would get to keep the corporation, but if she wasn’t, Khloe would have to resign from the position.

And once that decision was made, even if Khloe were to kill her elder sister later, there was still no use as the company would choose a new owner among the other main shareholders.

“I will handle the two living quarters,” A second after Dwayne left, Aliyah’s voice rang out. “You should stay with her just in case,” Aliyah said.

Raphael raised an eyebrow when he heard Aliyah, “Why don’t you stay with her.” While Raphael seemed to be asking Aliyah a question, the action he took said otherwise.

Raphael didn’t wait for Aliyah to respond to him, and after he spoke, he began walking out of the room.

“Die!!!” Raphael was about to take a step out of the room when a figure putting on a similar robe as the assassin from earlier appeared in front of him.

The assassin had a brass knuckle on, and as Raphael took a step forward, the assassin wasted no time and immediately struck the brass knuckle at Raphael’s left chest.

Just about the brass knuckle was to come in contact with Raphael, a woman with long wavy white hair appeared in front of the assassin. Aliyah held the assassin’s neck and then pushed the assassin several steps backward.

Raphael’s eyes twitched, he was about to make a move, when Aliyah suddenly let go of the assassin. The assassin went to his knees instantly, and as he removed the mask on his face, his voice rang out.

“Command me, mistress!”


AN- Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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