51 The Three Forces


As the rooster let out another cry, the artistic golden sun emerged, and it soon turned the dark black sky into a bright blue sky.

“Not again!!!” Aiden exclaimed as he stared at his wristwatch, “I can’t believe that we are always the first to leave class, and at the same time we are always the last to get there.” Aiden shook his head.

Bane who was on the couch chuckled when he heard Aiden, “We are awesome ain’t that right?” Bane said.

“What’s the rush, our class is still till evening, and also the person who always comes out late is Raphael. Doesn’t he get bored, I mean he is always in the room all the time, and when it’s time to leave, it’s almost as if, he still hesitates.” Devon spoke, staring at the door.

Bane and Aiden also moved their gaze to the door, and they couldn’t help but agree with the word which had just been said by Devon.

“Maybe he has a woman locked inside the room with him, or else I see no reason why someone would like staying indoors that much,” Bane muttered, then nodded his head.


A few seconds after Bane’s voice rang out, and the room in which they had all been staring at was open, and a figure stepped out of the room.


“Are you guys ready?” Raphael asked, as soon as he stepped out of the room.

Raphael was putting on a white shirt, a blue blazer, blue pants, and a long tie. His black pair of shoes were shining more than usual, and as for his brown hair, Raphael had kept it just the way he liked it.

“Did you create some gadget for ironing or smoothing your uniform, Raphael?” Bane couldn’t help but ask as he stared at the academy uniform that Raphael had on, and the one he was putting on.

The difference between the both of them was miles apart, and regardless of how many times Bane compared the both of their uniforms, he couldn’t help but feel as though he were cheated.

“Enn, something like that,” Raphael responded, “The materials which the academy used is only so-so, I didn’t like it all that much, so I made-” Raphael hadn’t even spoken finished when Bane and Aiden leaped towards him.

A different kind of glow could then be seen on their faces, “The textures are really different, or what do you think Aiden,” As the two of them appeared in front of Raphael, Bane gently touched Raphael’s blazer.

“Yes, and this looks even more beautiful,” Aiden replied.

Raphael took a step back, as he saw the look the both of them had in their eyes, as they stared at his uniform. He could also see the glow in their eyes, and after giving it a thought he said, “I also made five more, if you like it, I can give-”


“What are we still waiting for!!!

Raphael went back into the room, and he brought three clothes out. He passed them to the three of them, before then saying, “I used my measurements, so it might not be your exact size.”

“I highly doubt that,” Bane responded, and he soon began to change in the living room.

Even though Devon had remained silent the whole time, Raphael had noticed the grin on his face, when he said that he had others that he created. And when he handed Devon the uniform, the smile on his face widened.

A few minutes later, and the three of them were done changing. “Thank you, Raphael, this is really, really good!” Aiden said as he seized himself from head to toe.

“Yeah, thanks, man!”

Raphael simply flashed a smile, when he heard the three of them.

“Hahaha hahaha!!”

Suddenly, Bane burst into laughter. His laughter traveled across the room, and perhaps even the whole dormitory, as he laughed really hard. As Bane placed his hands into his pocket, a crazy smile crawled on his face.

“With this and our awesomeness, we will own this academy. Mothers lock up your daughters, daughters lock up your attractive mothers, sexy teachers get ready to be own. Female students, daddy is coming home!!”

“Anytime, a girl wants to get back at her ex-boyfriend we will be there, anytime a girl needs protection and wants to solve her academy issues we will be there.” Bane said, “Anytime a milf is...”

Bane paused as he looked around the room, only to realize that there was no one there with him any longer. As he raised his head, he saw the dark spiraling which was beginning to fade, and without wasting any time, he rushed into it.


“So, have you decided, which of the clubs are we joining?!” As Raphael, Aiden, and Devon got to the alley, Aiden’s voice rang out.

Devon placed his hands on his chin, as he stared at all the students in the alley. And while Devon continued to ponder, Raphael was left stunned when he arrived at this side of the alley.

The area which Raphael had visited the last time was more like training, but this place was different. In fact, Raphael wouldn’t have believed that he was in the alley if it wasn’t because of the tower he was gazing at.

And also because it was written on the timetable that today’s activities were in the alley.

There was no burial ground in this area, and neither were they any training equipment, or training grounds instead they were several buildings in this place.

“Is joining any of the clubs compulsory?” Raphael asked.

“No” Devon responded.

“Does it affect our cgpa?”


“Holdup! I know you’re thinking what the hell are you doing here then,” Aiden said, and seeing Raphael nodding his head, he shook his head, “The academy doesn’t make joining clubs compulsory, but the student’s council and those other two consider it to be very important.”

“You mean the cabal, and who is the other group?”

A second after Raphael spoke, and Bane appeared in front of them. With a slight frown on his face, “Why didn’t you wait for me?!” Bane exclaimed.

“Oh, sweet heaven...” As a tall girl with black hair styled in hime-cut, burgundy eyes, with pink glossed lips walked by the four of them, Bane’s eyes twitched. “I’m about to put my awesomeness into the act, I say it’s time to make history!”

“Sigh, when is he ever going to learn!” Seeing how Bane walked majestically towards the girl, Devon exclaimed.

Devon was, however, greeted by a sneer from Aiden, “You’re just saying that because you can’t talk to her.” Devon said, then shook his head.

“She is actually not my type,”

“Hahaha haha hahaha!!!!! Come on, who are you kidding? I can’t believe you even have a type, you have been single since like forever, so how can you still have a type.” Aiden jested.

“I’m serious... Also, I’m single by choice, we both know that.” Devon said with an expression of pride on his face.


It wasn’t only Aiden who busted into laughter, even Raphael gave a slight chuckle when he heard Devon. “What do you mean you’re single by choice, and which choice do you have.”

“Ever since I have known, apart from your sister and aunt, I haven’t seen you with any other girl,” Aiden said.

“You can’t understand, it’s more like an eye-flirting with me and the ladies... I have gotten pretty replies, including the rolling of eyes, the dirty looks, and some other kinds.”

Raphael raised an eyebrow when he heard Devon, “Does any of those replies also include the girl running away from you,” He asked.

“They don’t usually run, sometimes they just leave the area, and I never see them again!” Devon replied innocently.

“Hahahahahahaha!” Aiden laughed so hard that tears gathered around his eyes, “Ohh... My god! Buddy, you’re intelligent in all other areas, but women just aren’t your thing.” Aiden muttered as he tried to get a grip of himself.

“From someone who got rejected one thousand times by a girl,”

The expression on Aiden’s face changed when he heard Devon, and he said, “For your correction, it’s just nine hundred and ninety-eight times.”

“Ninety-eight... I thought it was nine hundred and ninety-seven,” Devon mumbled, “Shit, you went to ask her out again, hahaha haha!!! I keep telling you to let this girl go.”

“Which girl?”

“It’s this girl that Aiden has been interested in for a very long time.” Devon said, “Is something wrong with your eye? Why are you looking at me that way?”

Aiden heaved a deep breath, and then shook his head, “You know what, forget about it. Raphael, you were asking about the last group that runs the academy.”

“You have already met members of the student’s council, and also the cabal... The last group referred to themselves as Bratva.”

“The student’s council, the cabal, and the bratvas,” Aiden said.

“Bratva? Isn’t that like some mafia gang or something,” Raphael said, and as he spoke, he found everyone in the surroundings staring at him. They all stopped everything they were doing, and instead had eyes on them.

Raphael’s eyebrows furrowed, he could see the grim look some of them had on their faces, as well as an expression of fear and panic. It was almost as if that word he had called out was some sort of forbidden word in the academy.

“Hehehehe!!! It’s fine, I was merely informing him about them.” Aiden said.

And as the students went on with what they were holding, Aiden said, “I should tell you that among the three of them, the bratvas are the most feared and also respected.”

“So, who is the strongest among them?!” Raphael asked with a smile on his face.

“I actually can’t say which one, since the three of them haven’t gone all out before. It’s mostly just confrontation, that’s all.” Aiden said, “But, the Braves are the most feared and respected, the cabals are the most ruthless and dangerous, and the student’s council are the ones with the most authority.”

“I will tell you more about them later, it’s time to choose the clubs we will be joining,” Aiden muttered.

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