120 Return to the academy II

The students had only just returned to the academy when they received a notification from their wristwatches.

As they saw the content that was on it, a displeased expression appeared on the faces of a couple of them, while others didn’t seem to mind that they had a class to attend to.

Emily stared at the twenty-one students in front of her and for some reason, a smile hung on her face.

She was wearing the usual white shirt, black suit jacket and pencil skirt. The outfit hugged her body so tight that it seemed her bosom was going to burst out anytime soon.

However, much to the male student’s grief, none of that happened. It seemed like, but it didn’t, and despite that, they still had their eyes on it, hoping a miracle of some kind would occur.

“So, how was it? I want the full details.” Emily spoke with a bewitching smile on her face.

“I was supposed to take this class before you went on the mission, but some things came up, and I couldn’t.” She said, “But, I’m impressed, to be honest, that without my guide, you were able to make the right decision.”

“Jersey saint hospital has been shut down, and I know the academy rewards are always little, but this time I can assure you that they would treat you well.”

“This is after all your last mission as first-year students.” Emily broke the news to them.


A dumbfounded look appeared on the faces of the students in the classroom, they definitely didn’t see this coming.


“This means that we will be second-year students very soon,” Aiden said with his cheeks raised, indicating that he was delighted with the information he had just learned about.

In response, Emily nodded her head. She sat on the desk behind her, and as she folded her hands across her chest, a reaction occurred from a couple of the male students.

Melinda shook her head, “But, why is it like that?” She asked.

“The previous set used ten months at the first year before they were moved to the second year, and this was the same with the third year students.”

“With that arrangement, we should still have four months in the academy. I feel the academy is rushing us, which isn’t supposed to be so, as there are still a lot of things we haven’t learned first.” Melinda said.

Melinda suddenly paused, she was about to voice out again, when Becky interrupted her.

“We get it, Melinda, you know everything about the academy. Your uncle is one of the directors, blah blah.”

There was a sneer on Becky’s face when she spoke. And even though Melinda was sitting right beside her and was even staring at her, she didn’t give a crap about it.

Meanwhile, Melinda’s eyes squinted, as Becky spoke. It was unknown whether she wanted to make a move or not, but before she would do something drastic, Elisa held her hand.

No words escaped Elisa’s mouth, but as she shook her head at Melinda, she already understood what it meant.

Melinda loosened the firm grip of her hand and shifted her gaze to Emily.

Emily, of course, noticed the dispute between Melinda and Becky, but she instead chose to remain quiet. After a few seconds, Emily’s voice rang out.

“While, it’s true that the previous set spent ten months in the first year, and you have only spent six months, the academy isn’t rushing you,” Emily replied.

“The system is much more bigger than that, and the academy wants to deploy a new method to train you.”

“The program for the second year will still remain the same, but the others will be very different from what it used to be.” Emily paused with a smile on her face.

“One of the differences is the internship that is about to be introduced.”

A few of the students were torn between exasperation and amusement when they heard Emily. There had a lot of questions to ask, and just as one of them wanted to voice their concern out, Emily’s voice rang out.

“I know, you must have a lot of questions to ask, but they will be answered very soon. The academy would inform you all that you need to know about the internship when the time comes.”

Despite the words that had just been spoken by Emily, the students refused to give up just like that, and one of them spoke.

“Emily, what do you mean by internship?” Camille asked. “You mean we are going to go out of the academy for learning experiences or perhaps training experiences.”

“And so, what’s company, organization... Where and even when?”

The questions just kept coming from Camille, and a second after she asked her own inquires, the others also gave theirs.”

Throughout the entire time, Emily didn’t say a word. Her eyes were glued to all of them in the classroom, and it was only after no one else was speaking that her voice rang out.

“The questions which I can answer are very limited because like I said, this is a new program that the academy is trying to implement. I only know about a few of the details at the moment.” Emily said.

“First, I won’t tell you when it would hold, but I can tell you where.”

“As you know, they are students and teachers who have established their own organization out of the academy. And they are also forces that the academy has outside, this is where the interns would be taking place.”

As they seemed to have assimilated the words that she had said, Emily continued.

“Second, the interns are based on your performance in here. There are low, mid as well as high forces, so it all depends on how well you perform.” Emily said, “And of course, if you have options of your own, you will be allowed to go there.”

“How many months for the internship?” Jackson asked.

“12 months,” Emily replied.

Suddenly, Emily stood from the desk she was seating on, and as she leaped from the desk, those two melons bounced.

The sight of the melons bouncing left the mouth of some of them wide open and seeing the look that was on Emily’s face, I couldn’t help but feel that she had done that intentionally.

Elisa moved her gaze towards Raphael, to see if he had that same dazzled look as Mason and the others, but it brought a smile to her face when she saw he was neutral.

Heaving a sigh of relief, as that would have been a problem if he was a boobs guy.

While Elisa was confident and proud of all areas of her body, especially her backside when it came to her front, it wasn’t all that much.


“I think the academy wants you to familiarize yourself with the outside world. The internship program will give you more experiences, and also let you be aware of what’s happening out there.” Emily said.

“So we will be out of the academy for twelve months. Hahaha!! The outside world, fear my arrival.” Jackson blurted.

There was joy written all over his place, as he thought about the stunts he would be able to pull in the outside world.

The academy followed the law of the jungle, where the strong ruled over the weak, and at the moment he was one of the bottom feeders. While the moves he could make in here were very limited, the same couldn’t be said about out there.

It wasn’t just Jackson who had this thought in mind, but the others as well.

As Emily heard Jackson and saw the looks on the other faces, she shook her head. “It’s not as simple as you think.”

“All contact with the academy will be off during these twelve months, and you won’t also be permitted in the academy. So, whatever problem you encounter, you will have to deal with it by yourself.”

“If the crisis isn’t in the best interest of the people you will be working for, they won’t help you.” Emily declared.

“I tend to think of it just like the academy. Because there, you would also have to create your own group, or forces, or even domains. Who knows, but I think this is what the academy really wants.”

Savannah, who had remained quiet the whole time, spoke. “So, it’s going to be bloody and full of dangers too, isn’t it?”

A nod came from Emily.

“Hmm, how bloody and dangerous are we talking about?” Sean asked.

“Can it be compared to what’s in for us in the second year, since you said that system won’t change?”

This time around, a smile appeared on Emily’s face. It was more of a defined wrinkle running from the side of her nose to the corner of her mouth, which was known as a smile line.

Emily then smirked, “Nothing can compare to the danger you will face in the second year. It’s a stage that can’t be surpassed.”

“Well, except if an apocalypse or any disaster occurs, of course.”

Emily suddenly grabbed the marker on the desk, “Anyway, that is that about that. Let’s move on to today’s work since you want to avoid telling me about the mission.”

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