"Arrrggggghhhhh!!!" Addilyn groaned as her consciousness was thrust out of the space it had been with Hal exploring the makeup of her Bloodline.

Hal blessed her with improvements to her Bloodline while he officially tied her to him and his cause.

Addilyn became forced to take on her draconian hybrid form but now containing a set of interlocking scales that were signs of the improvements Hal had made.

Addilyn's groan was one of pain intermixed with pleasure as her transformation and getting accustomed to the improvements had her bones creaking and hurting.

As Addilyn took on her Draconic hybrid form, Reyna stirred on the side of the bed she had been dragged to and had her eyes on the two just in time to witness Hal take on his hybrid dragon form for the first time.

Draconic horns grew out of Hal's head... Nine of them were arranged along his forehead and to his temples in the pattern of a crown which was obviously what they were meant to imitate.

The black horns were ripped with the gold of Imperial glory and Hal's scales came in black and blue complete with terrifying claws tipping his digits both on his legs and his hands.

Hal had his hands off Addilyn's ass and had them spread as he indulged in the feeling and reveled in the novelty of it all. His eyes were completely dark and lacked any other color as they glittered with Malevolent pride.

Indulging in the feel of his new form only lasted a few seconds for Hal who then returned his attention to driving into Addilyn's ever-tightening pussy while they both remained covered in draconic scales.


With every forward thrust that Hal delivered, Addilyn delivered a backward push to further lodge him in and the force of their contact shook the room they were in enough to instigate curiosity in anyone observing from the outside had it not been for the reality warps that had changed the structure within too much for there to be observations from the outside.

"Ahhhhnnnn" Addilyn moaned and arched her scaly back interestingly and as she did, Hal grabbed her hands and pulled them while he thrust his cock as deep as it could go within the tight cavern being explored.

Addilyn was gripped by orgasmic tremors and she rode them out with Hal's cock so insistently swarming her with pleasurable sensation and the very hint of vibration all serving to make sure Addilyn's pussy never stopped gushing.

The moment her climax began to fade, Addilyn pushed back at Hal until he fell onto his back and she was straddling him in a reverse cowgirl position with Hal's hard cock still inside her pussy.

Hal chuckled at what she had done and released her hands to grab her waist to aid in the self-thrusting that Addilyn was obviously trying to perform. Addilyn looked at him over her shoulder with a smirk on her partially scaly face.

She did not need any help and it became clear even as she began with very hard smacks of her scaled ass into Hal's scaled pelvis.


Reyna had recovered her strength at this point and she silently crawled over to the two to eventually participate by teasing her sister. Doing it all just to get her sister climaxing and tired early so that she could get back on Hal's cock.

"Silly girl," Addilyn said with a shake of her head but she enthusiastically indulged her sister and did not let what was being done to her affect her rhythm as she headed toward her goal of bringing Hal to climatic submission.

She never succeeded in getting Hal to succumb at least not the way she wanted but she did get pumped with many volumes of his cum which usually found their way into Reyna's gullet.

For many hours (time-warped) hours, Hal fucked the sisters and brought them to many orgasmic climaxes while sealing them as his and once he was done, it was time to move on to the next part of his fairly convoluted plan for the Dragon Clan;

Paying a visit to the maddening Dystopian Dragon King.


Dorgroth was in his Throne room, which he hardly ever left since he had been afflicted with his heart demon and he remained seated on his uncomfortable-looking throne trying to defeat the said heart demon.

Dorgroth had failed to rid himself of the heart demon. To do so, he would first have to come to terms with his son's death but that was a loss that the Dragon King's millennia of living and war experience somehow did not help with.

Anyway, while he could not defeat his heart demon, the heart demon could not truly defeat Dogroth either with the victory of the heart demon being the destruction of Dorgroth's Dao Heart which at the moment was only cracked.

Both Dorgroth and his heart demon were both stuck in a stalemated dance.

"My goodness, just give up already," a voice said and the sound of that voice, a familiar voice, caused Dogroth's eyelids to fly open.

Before him, with his hands on his hips was a man that Dorgroth recognized as his heart demon.

He said nothing and just eyed it as another hallucination.

He had been afflicted with many of them thanks to the heart demon and the hallucinations had consistently been the arena for their battles.

"No, this is real," Hal said with a smirk in revelation of his ability to read Dogroth's mind.

"You've always said that but I will not be fooled. This is all in my head." Dogroth said and the fact that his mind had been read only made him more convinced this was another visitation by his heart demon since the Heart demon had also displayed the ability to read his mind many times as well.

"Okay then" Hal shrugged and took steps forward.

It did not matter whether or not Dogroth felt that this was all a hallucination as the events needed to happen and would happen regardless.

Hal took deliberate steps towards Dorgroth but the Dystopian Dragon King did not move and just touched the tips of his fingers together in front of his face to which Hal cocked a mocking brow.

"I've decided I will no longer pay heed to you. If I do not let your actions shake me, I will eventually prevail" Dogroth said.

Hal chuckled and then summoned a sword Cosmic Armament and even then, Dorgroth did not move so Hal stabbed him in the chest.

As the sword went through and Hal prepared to make it impact the Dragon King's heart and bring about his end, the heart demon finally indicated that this was not its doing.

"Moron," said the Heart demon, an almost identical twin to Hal and as it spoke, the heart demon attacked Dorgroth's Dao heart at what was probably its weakest moment with his physical body compromised and at the mercy of his true enemy.

However before there could be success in the forms of a shattered Dao heart and the implosion of his physical heart, Dogroth released frightening pressure that forced Hal to the other end of the throne room.

"Ack" Hal groaned as his back made contact with the wall but before he could even think to move...


... A giant forelimb stretched out to slam him and pin him to the wall. The limb was scaled, clawed, and did not, in any way, look humanoid.

And that was when a massive horned draconic head pressed closer to Hal with eyes deep set in madness while the rest of Dorgroth's current form came into view.

Gigantic and cramped in the throne room, Dogroth's draconic form was more than thirty meters long!

"Well, look who's bursting out the big guns," Hal said with a chuckle.

"TODAY, I END YOU!!!" Dorothy said with his voice booming all over the Dragon Clan Palace.

"Just listen to the passion in your voice. One would think we have a long-standing rivalry" Hal said with a grin as Dogroth proceeded to roar and strike him with his Draconic pride. An attack meant to force every bit of Hal's being to surrender or weaken.

Hal snapped his fingers and the attack froze in place and slammed into Dorgroth which caused the Draconic King to recoil but that was only the beginning as Hal grabbed the forelimb pinning him to the wall.

There was a great disparity between Hal's human-looking hand and the gigantic draconic forelimb and that only made the visual of Hal pulling the forelimb of his body, look more impressive.

A crown suddenly appeared around Hal's head while his ordinary clothes transformed into Imperial Garments just as he gave Dogroth's massive draconic head an uppercut.



The blow lifted the dragon's body off the throne room floor and sent him crashing into the ceiling only to break through it and sail into the air above the Dragon Clan Palace.

The break through the ceiling shook the Palace which the important fellows either already out or making their way out at the sound of the commotion, withstood in preparation to intervene.

Dogroth regained his balance quickly in the sky and he stretched himself in a region that accommodated his size. Then he was joined by Hal who was back in normal clothes and not sporting a crown.

The crown and Imperial garments were all part of Hal's Infinite Sovereign form, the very core of his Infinite Sovereign Bloodline but it was a form he hardly used and did not want to use against Dogroth.

Dogroth trapped Hal's humanoid self with his presence for a certified connecting hit before he charged at him but in the second before the hit made contact, Dogroth watched Hal transform into a dragon form of his own.

Nine large black horns tipped with gold and arranged in the shape of a crown, blue and black interlocking scales, black eyes bright with innate Sovereignty, and a size at least ten meters larger than Dogroth were the descriptions of Hal's true Infinite Sovereign Dragon Form...

... And 'fear' was the accurate description of the look in Dogroth maddened coal-black eyes.

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