Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 452 - Are You Flirting With Me?

Since he was not going to be the one paying for the transportation then there was no point risking the raising of eyebrows as to how he could transport both Karmen and Rita without a Teleportation circle.

He found somewhere he believed Svetlana would not look into with her perception which she still tried her best to keep from snooping into the personal lives of the Duchy's Denizens.

Hal wondered if that was indeed out it consideration or if it was just that watching over every detail in the lives of the Denizens was much too taxing for her.

An overall and general view of the entire Duchy was, after all, much better than zooming in (so to speak) on everything that went on.

Any way,

He got Karmen and Rita out of the Harem space and together they went off into the Teleportation building where everyone made way for Hal.

The Runemasters were even refusing to process anyone until they had sent him off.

There were dignified people present who probably would have been upset with this had it not been for the fact that they were also not so adamant to leave just yet.

If they stayed, who knows how much more juicy details they would get.

When they saw Hal return with two beautiful ladies, it called for more interested looks.

Who knew Cultivators were such gossips?

When the Runemasters saw Hal return, they bowed once again, and Hal, ignoring them, made sure to state very clearly where he wanted to go.

He did not want to be taken to some outskirts of the Duchy again.

"The Silva Duchy capital is where I want to go. Let it not be said that I did not make myself clear" 

Hal said and stepped on the Teleportation circle with his arms around Rita and Karmen's waist as the two pressed closer to him.

the messenger Runemaster withdrew the blue gems to be used in powering Teleportation.

The sight of the Runemasters bowing to him which he had to say, he quite enjoyed was the last thing Hal saw as three of them were sucked into the void.

While this was happening, the four newest addition to his ever-growing Harem were having mixed feelings about his departure but decided to dedicate their time until they could feel his touch again to cultivating as much as they could.

Hal had given them only one instruction which was also the only thing he had said to them after that night and he did so through the telepathic link he had with them; Don't Slack Off.

And they had no intentions to.

Needless to say, Dual cultivating with someone else was out of the question. There was not even a point as all four knew no one could show them even an inkling of what they had felt with him.

It seemed they would have to resort to conventional cultivation until his return.

In the meantime, they would also get closer to Amelia. 

She was very clearly their senior now and would guide them right.



The three were moved smoothly through the void and when their eyes next saw something that was not endless empty space, they were inside the beautiful teleportation building of the Silva Duchy capital.

Not the same as the one Hal had used when he had left the Duchy but it was quite similar.

Once they stepped off the circle, they declined to state their names, and only their images were taken.

"That was... Interesting" Karmen commented about her first-ever journey through a Teleportation circle she had always been in the Harem space whenever Hal traveled through them.

"Did you enjoy it?" Hal asked with a light smile as he led the way out of the building.

"It was a little underwhelming" she said.

"What, did you expect fireworks?" Rita asked with a chuckle and Karmen actually nodded seriously, 

"In a sense, yes" she admitted.

They were now in front of the building and the sun was setting just as Hal retrieved the Golden chariot from his inventory which Lillian and Olivia exited the Harem space, discretely, to steer.

Naturally, they drove the chariot to the mansion Hal had been afforded by the Branch Head of the Silva Duchy Alchemist Organization.

Once they were inside the compound, Sasha was walking right towards the carriage with her clipboard in hand.

When Hal stepped off, she asked, 

"Where have you been?"

Hal raised his brow just as Karmen, Rita, Lillian, and Olivia alighted as well, 

"Wait, am I supposed to tell you where I go?" He asked.

His question sounded like a simple inquiry but Sasha knew he did not mean it that way and she decided to choose her next words carefully, 

"No, no, you are not supposed to tell me where you go. However, it would have been considerate of you to do so. I was under a lot of fire when I did not know where you were" she said.

"Why? Because you were tasked to spy on me?" Hal asked with a smirk as he walked closer to the mansion.

Sasha shook had head and answered without missing a beat, 

"Of course not. It's just considerate to let the Organization know when you wish to travel so you won't worry anyone. You ARE an asset after all"

Most of this, Hal already knew as Arya had given him a rundown on the situation regarding him since he left the Duchy.

She had been asked many times where he went but she always told them she had no idea. 

She did assure them though that he was fine and would return soon enough.

That was enough to stop them from snooping around the Teleportation buildings.

He was not kidnapped so there was no point.

After all, knowing where he went to would not actually bring him back. 

They would take Alchemist Nadia's (Arya's) words for it.

Just then, a beautiful Carriage pulled into the mansion's compound and then the one steering it, came down.

The man who they could all see had the light gold eyes that were telltale of Dane blood, walked briskly towards Hal, and then said, 

"I need you to come with me."

"Why?" Hal asked.

"The Patroness wishes to speak with you," the man said.

Hal was a little taken aback, 

"She does?"

The man nodded, 

"Yes, please come with me" he said.

Hal was a tad bit surprised with the polite tone of voice,

"Can I say no?" He asked.

The man shook his head, 

"No, you can't"

Hal sighed, 

"Fine. I was going to head over anyway so might as well go early" he said and boarded the carriage.

He did address Sasha though, 

"In case his eyes were not enough information, I'm heading to the Dane territory. I'm just telling you 'cause I wouldn't want to worry anyone" he said and rolled his eyes as the Dane man entered the steering compartment of the carriage and steered it out of the Mansion's environs.


In half an hour,

Hal was inside Isabella's study, seated opposite the Dane Patroness who had her elbow on the arm of her chair while supporting her cheek in her fist as she stared at Hal's face.

Eventually, Hal broke the silence, 

"You like what you see?" He asked her.

"What?" His question seemed to take Isabella by surprise.

"My face. Do you like it?" Hal clarified in a mild tone and a bit of gesticulation towards his face, 

"What makes you think I have an opinion?" She asked.

"That's a yes" Hal said with a chuckle.

"No, it's not" Isabella sounded defensive.

"Yes, it is. If it wasn't, you would have said 'no' from the start" Hal said with a smile.

"Well then, No. There, I've said it now" the Patroness said and sat up in her chair.

"Hmm, that's a lie." Hal said.

"Excuse me, who says you can talk to me like this?" Isabella asked with her tone turning dangerous.

Hal waved it off, 

"I was just stating what I observed" he said.

"Well, I didn't ask you" she said with a frown.

Hal shrugged and let a few seconds pass before he said, 

"For the record. I like your face too"

Isabella's surprised expression was back,


"Your face, it's beautiful. Age has been really good to you. And not just your face, it's more of an... All-round situation" Hal said and his eyes went a bit lower from her face before snapping back up.

Clear enough to show interest but quick enough to not seem too lecherous.

Then Isabella frowned, 

"Are you.... By the gods! Are you flirting with me?"

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