Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 431 - Fog Combustion.


That was the sound of someone making the mistake of attempting to strike the giants with a Cosmic phenomenon as it was swallowed up into the foggy giant's body and then shot back with twice the force.


That was the sound of someone making the mistake of taking advantage of a giant's large frame and 'slow speed' to attempt a quick sidestep as he was caught by surprise when the giant moved with speed surpassing his own to slam the side of a purple spike into him and,


Was the sound that bore testament to the breaking of said individual's ribs.

Once this guy had been struck, people finally came to terms that while the purple spikes were physical and had mass, the fog itself was practically weightless, or more accurately, it was light enough to not be underestimated in terms of speed.

And then the rampage began with all five giants bursting into the group and striking at every turn and it was taking Hal, Amelia, and Karmen all they had to avoid getting struck but Hal doubted their luck was going to hold out.

Needless to say, everyone scattered and attempted to put as much distance as they could between these impossibly fast giants and themselves, and soon their group of hundreds became further fragmented into five or maybe even more groups.

And even then, the giants were still able to complete successful strikes and successful stabs.

"Screw this" Hal said in a low voice and his eyes turned the black shade of the shadow demon which saw to the drastic increase in his speed as he approached one of the fog giants.

Once he was close enough, he transitioned into his Devil bloodline but kept the change to his eyes which were oozing nightmarish fog, and then he punched the giant's purple spike fist to shatter the weapon.



The spike became marred with a long crack and in a second, the crack spread, and the spike shattered completely.

"What just happened?" Cheslav asked as his brain was still coming to terms with the sudden change of pace in Hal and since Hal had his back turned to them all, they could not see the change in the color in his eyes.

And he was far enough that they barely felt the fear he was giving off. Especially since he had gotten better at tempering his Devil presence.

His mouth was still open along with that of the Antonov ladies when the exposed fog fist of the giant whose purple spike weapon had been destroyed was suddenly covered with another purple spike before Hal could even think to celebrate his strike.

Then the spike pulled back and stabbed right through Hal or at least it tried to as the Hal it had stabbed through vanished like an afterimage as Hal had been quick to transition back into his Shadow Demon Bloodline.

Still with his back to all others apart from the fog giant, Hal frowned.

Then Amelia closed her eyes as she made use of her Lust Demon bloodline and dashed forward towards the giant, letting her ethereal cultivation senses guide her, and then when she had her back to those present as well, she said in a low voice as she opened her eyes;

"Aflame their Passions, Essence Stealer"

The Demonic bow appeared in her hands and her purple eyes burned a brighter shade as she drew back the string and released it.

Right as she released the arrow, the giant caught on and swung towards her but Karmen was already there.

Her Blood red eyes shining fiendishly as she swung Executioner and shattered the spiked fist before it could hit Amelia who smiled as her flaming arrow hit the giant's head and set it ablaze.

While everyone who had been close to Karmen wonders when and how she had crossed the distance so fast to strike and also to deeds why sort the weapons the two ladies were now wielding even though they hardly got a good look at the two, Hal's eyes were widened in discovery and confusion.

The flames of essence stealer were basically to burn passions and while they had a physical impact in terms of combustion, he had not expected them to affect the giants.


The Array had an answer to its creations getting hit by Cosmic energy but had nothing against bloodline energy. It was its bane.

There was no time to think on this further and without actually communicating with the two through their telepathic connection, they all knew what to do.

Amelia and Karmen gripped Essence stealer and Executioner tighter respectively.

Hal summoned his cosmic Armament and coated it with Devil energy and took the lead.

When the flames fizzled out on the giant's head, it was gone but another was formed in its place.

However, with the formation of another head came a reduction in its overall size.

While it has no lust to burn, its energy was definitely expendable.

Striking the head would not be enough. They needed to hit it right at a spot that would see it the spread of their attack and the complete destruction of the giants.

The area around the giant, Hal, Karmen, and Amelia was suddenly covered with a Dome of Royal blue Astral energy that shielded all that was about to happen from the sight of all those present.

After all, they had already revealed a lot and there was no need to reveal any more.

Most of the Antonovs simply looked at each other and their mouth fell open in what could only be described as shock.

Nicole's mouth was still closed but her eyes were narrowed as she wondered what more the trio was hiding.

The weapons, the energy... While it was faint, she had still felt... A presence. One she could not describe.

Anyway, inside the Dome...

Now that they knew Bloodline energy was what was needed, Hal dashed towards the giant and then swung his sword to send a crescent-shaped Devil energy attack to the giant who sidestepped with considerable grace but had made a mistake to think that was all to Hal's attack.

The crescent-shaped Devil energy attack stopped suddenly in mid-air before it transformed into a spear and struck into the giant's back but did not go through but instead turned into pure Devil energy and spread about the giant's form in a spidery pattern crack lines.

There is no type of energy in this world and beyond and ever to have existed that corrupts as well as Devil energy.

Through it, Hal gained control of the fog that formed the giant and was able to hold it in place. However, his hold was not going to last long and the arms of the fog giant were suddenly encased in the purple material that is used in the creation of the spikes.

Probably thinking more spikes more power and it was not entirely wrong as it was actually managing to struggle and even harder against Hal's hold.

Pushing its theory of more spikes more power theory, the giant's body became encased in armor made of the purple material.

The Devil energy lines of corruption were now on the Armor but then Karmen leaped up and landed on the giant's outstretched arm and from there she leaped right at the center of its body, now with both her Cosmic Armament and Executioner in hand as she thrust through and shattered the armor to pass harmlessly through the foggy body and out the other side.

Before another armor could replace the one she had shattered, a flaming Arrow from Essence stealer shot by Amelia hit its chest and caused instant combustion of the giant's entire form.

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