With the way Roxy was cradling that scroll, Hal could tell it was an ingenious invention of his, 

"What is that supposed to be?" He asked the Runemaster who was now snuggling the scroll against his cheek while his eyes seemed to be sparkling with stars.

"This is most likely my favorite invention and I will never share it with anyone.

Normally, I would explain it to others as they would not be able to recreate it anyways but I have to be extra careful with you as you are a Runemaster" Roxy said and Hal frowned lightly but said nothing.

Eventually, the Runemastsr sighed, 

"Anyways. You should try your absolute best to not become engaged in conflict with the top echelons of the Kruger family, but should you face someone with stronger cultivation than yours, then charge this scroll with a lot of cosmic energy and when it is completely charged, the scroll will let you know.

Then it would have become a time-bomb of sorts in the sense that you only have a few seconds at best to get it on the body of your powerful opponent or else...well, let's just say it could be dangerous to you"

Hal took the scroll from him and eyed it for a while before asking, 

"What does it do exactly?" 

"Can't say. I don't want to ruin the surprise" Roxy said with a particularly nasty smile that put Hal ill at ease but oh well, might as well get this over with.


Kruger Estate...

Brian Kruger, Patriarch of the Kruger family was ecstatic. When he had gotten that map at some auction in a black market town, he had absolutely no idea it would bring him such good fortune.

The map had gone for one million blue gems because it was clear that it had value and was important but it was at the same, kind of useless as it made absolutely no sense and no one could read it or make sense of it.

At the time, Brian had mocked whoever was auctioning it out, as he felt they were just too simple-minded to understand it and was sure it would not be the same for someone of his intellect.

(For the Record, Brian is actually a complete idiot)

However, once he got the map and then spent months studying it, he found it truly made no sense and he began to ache at the million blue gems he had practically given away for something so useless to him.

He had begun to despair when he then received a message that someone wanted to acquire it from him. 

The map, useless as he thought it was, was still worth a million blue gems and so mostly out of spite for what he believed he had lost, he said he would not give the map up for less than 20 million blue gems.

He felt that should take care of that pestering annoyance so you can imagine his surprise, shock even when a message was returned to him that they were happy to pay the sum.

Brian had shaken with joy and at the same time, his greed swelled as he sent a message to this individual or group,

"Did I say 20 million? I meant to say 30 million. 30 million blue gems"

The reply came slower this time and Brian began to wonder if he had pushed them away with his greed but eventually, the message returned that they would be happy to pay the sum.

In fact, the tone of the reply did not make it sound like it would be a problem for this mysterious buyer and Brian began to wonder if this map was not more valuable than all these riches.

After all, if they were ready to fork out 30 million blue gems, and quite enthusiastically mind you, then surely the map must lead to something even more.

Could it be that it could lead to a wealth greater than the Antonovs or even greater than the Doxons?

Brian shook his head. 

He was getting ahead of himself.

It was better he let the map go and accept his 29 million profit.

Or maybe, he could have both.

He thought, why couldn't he keep tabs on them once the map was with them and have them lead him to the treasures?

Brian grinned and licked his lips in anticipation but one thing was for sure which was that for this greedy plan of his to even have a chance of success, this transaction needed to be successful.

And for that, his servants were working around the clock to prepare a wonderful meal for his customers and seal this with a wonderful dinner.

At that time someone ran into the lounging room he was in. He was one of the Kruger family servants and he clearly had news to deliver, 

"My lord, they're here" the servant said and Brian's eyes brightened, 

"Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry and invite them in" he commanded and the servant bowed out and returned a moment later followed by three.

To be honest, Brian felt a tad bit disappointed as they did not fit the bill at all.

The one in front and seemed to be leading the trio, was a man with multicolored hair and dark green eyes that seemed to have slits in them but that might nave very well being a trick of the light.

However, peculiar as he looked, the other two were far more eye-catching.

The one on the multi-colored man's right was shirtless and showcased his bulging muscles and even then he had a large Axe which he slung over his shoulder and eyed Brian with eyes filled with malice.

And last but not least was the young man with brown hair and golden eyes that even with Brian being born and bred in Doxon knew was a trait of the Dane family on the Silva Duchy.

What was a Dane doing in the Doxon Duchy and in the company of this bunch who did not look like they were on official business for the prestigious family?

The man with multicolored hair bowed slightly to Brian and the other two followed his example.

"Lord Kruger, I am glad we finally meet face to face. I am Pietro and I will be conducting the business to relieve you of the map."

At first, Brian was a little stunned and did not know what to say. The manner in which this multi-colored-haired man had spoken was like a nobleman.

Also, despite the honorifics to his name and the polite bow, there was no respect for him or his position whatsoever. This man was clearly setting a precedent.

A precedent that he was in charge here and this transaction was completely in his control.

Stupid as Brian Kruger was, he knew how best to at the very least regain a semblance of control and that was to try to regain his calm which he did by taking a sneaky deep breath and then he replied in a clear and level tone of voice,

"Welcome, Mister Pietro. I have prepared a nice spread just for you, my servant will lead the way" he said, and said servant who had been sweating bullets at the slight tension in the air, turned to lead the way to the dining hall.

Brian held himself in dignity as best he could and followed after his servant. After all, he was the man of his house and should walk ahead of his visitors.

At least that's what he thought.

Pietro and his fellows did not seem in a hurry to follow after and stayed back a while, 

"I still don't get why you insisted on coming personally. Me and pretty boy here could have handled the transactions ourselves." Said the man with the large Ax called Ergo.

Pietro looked back at him and smiled, 

"It's fine. Besides, my being here makes sure things go smoothly" he said and led the way after Brian Kruger and his servant.

"Okay then. But since we are both here, I feel it's unnecessary to have had pretty boy come with us"

"Shut up, Ergo" Cirk said with his eyes closed while the ax-wielding muscular man scoffed at how cool he was trying to act. 

"He could use the experience" Pietro said.

This only served to irritate Ergo all the more,

"What experience? We are exchanging money for something. How hard can that be...?"


At that time,

Hal arrived in front of the Kruger Estate and then put on a mask he had gotten from Roxy. The mark had no straps but had runes etched into it that would stick it to Hal's face.

The only opening on the mask were two slits through which the color of his eyes would be hard to detect and yet were quite easy to see through for the one wearing the mask.

"Just this once" Hal said and tied his long back-length hair into a ponytail.

He was never really a fan of this and always liked to let his hair be free but this was not time for fashion sense as his face wouldn't be seen anyway which was the whole point of the mask in the first place.

Then he activated his {Invisibility} and vanished from the senses of all those two realms above him before he dashed right through the front gate, past the guards, and into the Kruger Estate.

His excitement was palpable...

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